This is very experimental. Use at your own risk!
- Vector graphics are not supported
- PowerPoint for Mac does not yet support converting emf images into shapes
- See
- Supported PowerPoint versions:
- PowerPoint 2016 (Version 16.16.7 190210 or later)
- PowerPoint 2019
- MacTeX
There are 3 files to install (Dowload here):
- an AppleScript file for bypassing the sandbox introduced in Office 2016
- See
- library for creating native text views
- the main plugin file
- install AppleScript (IguanaTex.scpt)
mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Scripts/
cp ./IguanaTex.scpt ~/Library/Application\ Scripts/
- install IguanaTexHelper (libIguanaTexHelper.dylib)
sudo mkdir -p '/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office365/User Content.localized/Add-Ins.localized'
sudo cp ./libIguanaTexHelper.dylib '/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office365/User Content.localized/Add-Ins.localized/libIguanaTexHelper.dylib'
- start PowerPoint, Tools > PowerPoint Add-ins... > '+' , select IguanaTexMac.ppam
(C) Jonathan Le Roux and Zvika Ben-Haim Website:
IguanaTex is a PowerPoint add-in which allows you to insert LaTeX equations into your PowerPoint presentation on Windows. It is distributed completely for free, along with its source code.
This repository hosts the source code in a form that can be easily tracked, shared and discussed.
For those interested in using IguanaTex, please download the add-in as a .ppam or .pptm file from