
A small Java Library to manipulate images. It relies on Apache Commons Imaging and javax.image.io

Primary LanguageJava

Commons Image IO

Commons-Image-IO is a simple library to manage image in Java.


The objective of this library is to reduce the boilerplate code required to manipulate images in Java. Despite image manipulation is supported by java using the image.io extension, the proposed API is quite cumbersome. On the other side, Apache Commons Sanselan already provides a library to manipulate images, but as for image io, the API is far from being easy and a lot of features such as rotation, scaling are missing. Moreover, Sanselan is a dead project.

So the goal os this library is to reduce the complexity of manipulating images in Java by providing a high level API on the top of image io and Apache Commons Imaging.


  • Loading images from file, inputstream, byte array
  • Writing and converting images
  • Support of PNG, GIF and JPG images
  • Allows scaling, rotations and flips
  • Support metadata extractions (also support EXIF, IPTC and XMP)
  • Can write IPTC and XMP metadata
  • Provide a complex metadata layer
  • Support the alpha layer (transparent and translucide).

Maven Dependency


Building the project

git clone git://edge.spree.de/ats-bilderverwaltung/commons-image-io.git
cd commons-image-io
mvn clean install


Loading Images

// From File
Image img = new Image(new File("my file.png"));

// From input stream
Image img2 = new Image(new FileInputStream("my file.png"));

// From byte[]
Image img3 = new Image(myBytes);

The library determined automatically the format of the image. It can also wraps a BufferedImage. However, the format must be specified:

Image img4 = new Image(myBufferedImage, Format.PNG)

Supported formats are:

public enum Format {

Getting a BufferedImage

Image img = new Image(new File("my file.png"));

The buffered image is cached. It also returns the same object.

Writing an image

To write a image using the same format as the original image:

Image img = new Image(new File("my file.png"));

// To file
img.write(new File("my new file.png"));

// To output stream
img.write(new FileOutputStream("my new file.png"));

You can also specified the output format:

Image img = new Image(new File("my file.png"));

// To file
img.write(new File("my new file.png"), Format.JPG);

// To output stream
img.write(new FileOutputStream("my new file.png"), Format.BMP);

It is also possible to get the byte array of the image:

Image img = new Image(new File("my file.png"));

// Use the original format
byte[] bytes = img.getBytes();

// Use a new format
byte[] bytes2 = img.getBytes(Format.GIF);

Get Metadata

Height and Width To get height and width of an Image, just call:

Image img = new Image(new File("my file.png"));
int width = img.getWidth();
int height = img.getHeight();

Advanced Metadata The library also support more advanced metadata:

Image img = new Image(new File("my file.png"));
ImageMetadata metadata = img.getMetadata(); // EXIT + Basic IPTC
Extended metadata = img.getMetadata().getExtendedMetadata(); // IPTC and XMP

The Image Metadata object contains the following methods:

  • getHeight() => Height in pixels
  • getWidth() => Width in pixels
  • getFormat() => Format of the image among PNG, JPG, BMP and GIF
  • getFormatName() => Gormat name
  • getFormatDetails() => Format details
  • getAlgorithm() => Compression algorithm among UNKNOWN, NONE, LZW, PACKBITS, JPEG, RLE, PSD, PNG, CCITT_GROUP_3, CCITT_GROUP_4, CCITT_1D
  • getBitsPerPixel() => Number of bits per pixel
  • getColorType() => Color Type among BLACK_WHITE, GRAYSCALE, RGB, CMYK, OTHER, UNKNOWN
  • getDpiHeight() => DPI for the height
  • getDpiWidth() => DPI for the width
  • isTransparent() => whether the image is transparent or translucide
  • isProgressive() => whether the image support progressive loading
  • getNumberOfImages() => the number of embedded images
  • usesPalette() => whether the image use a custom (embedded) palette

Exif If the Image is created from a File object, the library support EXIF metadata (only of JPEG images):

Image img = new Image(new File("my file.png"));
ImageMetadata metadata = img.getMetadata();
// Get camera maker:
String maker = metadata.getMake();
// Get camera model
String model = metadata.getModel();
// Get the date when the picture was taken
Date creation = getCreationDate();
// Get the orientation of the picture among: PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, UNKNOWN;
Orientation orientation = getOrientation();
// Get the EXIF Orientation (integer from 1 to 8)
int exifOrientation = getExifOrientation();

// Get all EXIF data
Map<String, String> exif = metadata.getExifMetadata();

Geolocalization If the picture contains EXIF metadata, the library can extract the geolocalization data if available (pictures taken with iPHONEs contains those metadata).

Image img = new Image(new File("my file.png"));
ImageMetadata metadata = img.getMetadata();
Localization localization = metadata.getLocalization();

Localization objects contains:

public final String latitudeRef;
public final String longitudeRef;

public final RationalNumber latitudeDegrees;
public final RationalNumber latitudeMinutes;
public final RationalNumber latitudeSeconds;
public final RationalNumber longitudeDegrees;
public final RationalNumber longitudeMinutes;
public final RationalNumber longitudeSeconds;

Manipulating images


There is two way to scale an image:

  • Using the Image object directly
  • Using the ScaleHelper

Using the Image allows to scale an image pretty easily. The scaling uses Bilinear algorithm:

Image img = new Image(...);

However, if you want more control over the scaling, use the Scale Helper:

ScaleHelper scaleHelper = new ScaleHelper();
Image img = new Image();
Image scaled = scaleHelper.scale(img, 0.5f);

Image scaledBicubic = scaleHelper.scaleImageBicubic(img, newWidth, newHeight);

BufferedImage img = scaleHelper.scale100To25(img.getBufferedImage());


There is two way to rotate an image:

Using the Image object directly

Using the ManipulationHelper

Using the Image allows to rotate an image pretty easily:

Image img = new Image(...);
img.rotate(angle); // Angle in degree

However, if you want more control over the rotation, use the Manipulation Helper providing:

  • rotate(BufferedImage, angle) => a rotated buffered image

  • rotate(Image, angle) => a rotated Image

    ManipulationHelper manipulationHelper = new ManipulationHelper(); Image img = new Image(); Image rotated = manipulationHelper.rotate(90);


The manipulation helper also allows to make an Image translucide or make a specific color transparent

Image image = new Image(PNG_BEASTIE);

Image image2 = ImageIOUtils.getManipulationHelper().makeColorTransparent(image, Color.WHITE);

Image image3 = ImageIOUtils.getManipulationHelper().makeTranslucent(image, 0.5f);


The manipulation helper class also provides methods to flip images:

  • horizontalflip(BufferedImage)
  • horizontalflip(Image)
  • verticalflip(BufferedImage)
  • verticalflip(Image)

Using Helper objects

If you don't want to use the Image class, you can use helper objects directly. The de.akquinet.commons.image.io.ImageIOUtils class allows getting helper objects:

  • getIOHelper()
  • getScaleHelper()
  • getConverterHelper()
  • getManipulationHelper()