
python acync

Primary LanguagePython

Home Assessment

How to test

  1. git clone in your local
  2. install virtual env
    • python3 -m venv myvenv
  3. install requirements package
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. run this command
    • python3 main.js
  5. you will get this
    <Response [200]>
    {'success': True, 'message': 'Congratulations.', 'totalMilliseconds': 9159}
    >>> async time: 9.358373165130615


Using the provided API, create a program that retrieves a datasetID, retrieves all vehicles and dealers for that dataset, and successfully posts to the answer endpoint. Each vehicle and dealer should be requested only once. You will receive a response structure when you post to the answer endpoint that describes status and total ellapsed time; your program should output this response.

The server has a built in delay that varies between 1 and 4 seconds for each request for a vehicle or for a dealer. Focus on optimizing for low total elapsed time between retrieving the datasetid and posting the answer. A successful submission will complete in significantly less than 30 seconds.

Given API endpoint

The San Juan Mountains are beautiful!