
Primary LanguagePython


This is a PyTorch implementation of Signed Diffusion Network.

  • Signed random walk diffusion for effective representation learning in signed graphs, Jinhong Jung, Jaemin Yoo, and U Kang, PLoS ONE 16(8): e0256187 [link]
  • Refer to [its arxiv version] for a better readability.


How can we model node representations to accurately infer the signs of missing edges in a signed social graph?

Signed social graphs have attracted considerable attention to model trust relationships between people. Various representation learning methods such as network embedding and graph convolutional network (GCN) have been proposed to analyze signed graphs. However, existing network embedding models are not end-to-end for a specific task, and GCN-based models exhibit a performance degradation issue when their depth increases.

In this paper, we propose Signed Diffusion Network (SidNet), a novel graph neural network that achieves end-to-end node representation learning for link sign prediction in signed social graphs. Our main contributions are summarized as follows:

  • Method. We design SidNet, an end-to-end representation learning method in a signed graph with multiple signed diffusion layers. Our signed diffusion layer exploits signed random walks to propagate node embeddings on signed edges, and injects local features. This enables SidNet to learn distinguishable node embeddings effectively considering multi-hop neighbors while preserving local information.
  • Analysis. We theoretically analyze the convergence property of our signed diffusion layer, showing how SidNet prevents the over-smoothing issue. We also provide the time complexity analysis of SidNet, showing SidNet is linearly scalable w.r.t. the numbers of edges.
  • Experiments. Extensive experiments show that SidNet effectively learns node representations of signed social graphs for link sign prediction, giving at least 3.3% higher accuracy than the state-of-the-art models in real datasets.


  • python 3.6+
  • torch 1.5.0
  • numpy 1.18.1
  • scipy 1.4.1
  • scikit_learn 0.23.1
  • tqdm 4.46.1
  • fire 0.3.1
  • pytictoc 1.5.0
  • dotmap 1.3.17
  • loguru 0.5.0

Datasets and Pre-trained SidNet

We provide the datasets used in the paper for reproducibility. You can find the datasets at ./data/${DATASET} folder where the file's name is data.tsv.


The file contains the list of signed edges where each line represents a tuple of (src, dst, sign) which is tab-separated. There are four real-world signed social networks:

  • BITCOIN_ALPHA: signed social network from the Bitcoin Alpha platform [link]
  • BITCOIN_OTC: signed social network from the Bitcoin OTC platform [link]
  • WIKIPEDIA: signed network representing the administrator election procedure in Wikipedia [link]
  • SLASHDOT: signed social network from the Slashdot online review site [link]
  • EPINIONS: signed social network from the Epinions online review site [link]

This repository also contains pre-trained SidNet models; you can find them in ./pretrained/${DATASET} folder where the file's name is model.pt. The hyperparameters used for training an SidNet model are saved at param.json.

Simple Demo

You can run the demo script by bash demo.sh. It trains SidNet on BITCOIN_ALPHA dataset with hyperparameters stored at ./pretrained/BITCOIN_ALPHA/param.json. This demo saves the trained model at ./output/BITCOIN_ALPHA/model.pt. Then, it evaluates the trained model in terms of AUC and F1-macro scores.

Results of Pre-trained SidNet

We provide pre-trained SidNet models which are stored at ./pretrained/${DATASET}/model.pt, respectively. The experimental results with the pre-trained models are as follows:

Dataset AUC F1-macro
Bitcoin-Alpha 0.9139 0.7428
Bitcoin-OTC 0.9227 0.8060
Wikipedia 0.9094 0.8011
Slashdot 0.8944 0.7792
Epinions 0.9397 0.8521

Note that we conducted the experiments on GTX 1080 Ti (CUDA version 10.1), and the above results were produced with random-seed=1.

Used Hyperparameters

We briefly summarize the hyperparameters used in the above results. The hyperparameters are stored at ./pretrained/${DATASET}/param.json.

  • Hyperparameters of SidNet
    • num-layers (L): number of layers
    • c: ratio of local feature injection
    • num-diff-layers (K): number of diffusion steps
    • hid-dim (d): hidden feature dimension
Hyperparameter Bitcoin-Alpha Bitcoin-OTC Wikipedia Slashdot Epinions
num-layers (L) 2 2 2 2 2
c 0.35 0.25 0.45 0.55 0.55
num-diff-layers (K) 10 10 10 10 10
hid-dim (d) 32 32 32 32 32
  • Hyperparameters of optimizer

    • optimizer: Adam
    • L2 regularizer (weight-decay, λ): 1e-3
    • learning-rate: 0.01
    • epochs: 100
  • Input feature dimension (reduction-dimension): 128

How to Reproduce the Above Results with the Pre-trained Models

You can reproduce the results with the following command which evaluates a test dataset using a pre-trained model.

python3 -m run_eval --input-home ../pretrained --dataset ${DATASET} --gpu-id ${GPU_ID}
  • ${GPU_ID} is -1 or your gpu id (maybe, non-negative integer) where -1 indicates it runs on CPU.

The pre-trained models were generated by the following command:

python3 -m run_train --output-home ../output --dataset ${DATASET} --gpu-id ${GPU_ID}

Note that those scripts automatically find the file param.json for the above hyperparameters. To tune the hyperparameters, modify the json file, or use the below commands.

Detailed Usage

You can train and evaluate your own datasets using trainer.py and evaluator.py, respectively. To use those scripts properly, move your working directory to ./src.


The following command performs the training process of SidNet on a given dataset. This automatically splits the dataset by heldout-ratio, e.g., if it is 0.2, training:test=0.8:0.2. Note that the split data are guaranteed to be the same if the same random-seed is given. After the training is completed, it generates two files called model.pt and param.json at the ${output-home}/${dataset} folder where model.pt conatins parameters of the trained model, and param.json has hyperparameters used for the model.

python3 -m trainer \
    --data-home ../data \
    --output-home ../output \
    --dataset BITCOIN_ALPHA \
    --heldout-ratio 0.2 \
    --radnom-seed 1 \
    --reduction-dimension 128 \
    --reduction-iterations 30 \
    --gpu-id 0 \
    --c 0.15 \
    --weight-decay 1e-3 \
    --learning-rate 0.01 \
    --num-layers 1 \
    --hid-dim 32 \
    --num-diff-layers 10 \
    --epochs 100
Option Description Default
data-home data directory path ../data
output-home output directory path ../output
dataset dataset name BITCOIN_ALPHA
heldout-ratio heldout ratio between training and test 0.2
radnom-seed random seed used for dataset split and torch 1
use-torch-random-seed whether torch uses the above random seed True
reduction-dimension input feature dimension (SVD) 128
reduction-iterations number of iterations required by SVD computation 30
gpu-id gpu id 0
c ratio of local feature injection 0.15
weight-decay weight decay (L2 regularizer) for optimizer 1e-3
learning-rate learning rate for optimizer 0.01
num-layers number of layers (L) 1
hid-dim hidden feature dimension (d) 32
num-diff-layers number of diffusion steps (K) 10
epochs target number of epochs 100


This performs the evaluation process of SidNet, and reports AUC and F1-macro scores on the test dataset. This uses model.pt and param.json; thus, you need to check if they are properly generated by trainer.py before this evaluation. Note that it uses the same random seed used by trainer.py so that the test dataset is valid for this evaluation.

python3 -m evaluator \
    --input-home ../output \
    --dataset BITCOIN_ALPHA \
    --gpu-id 0
Option Description Default
input-home directory where a trained model is stored ../output
dataset dataset name BITCOIN_ALPHA
gpu-id gpu id 0

Information on Competitors

We used and referred to the codes of competitors, which are downloadable at the following links: