Personal workbench for competitive programming. It is mainly consisted of 3 parts.
- Snippets: Predefined algorithms&data structures, which can be loaded through tab-completion in vim editor.
- Solutions: Solutions of problems.
- Scripts: Utilities to build&test solutions
Snippets are defined in UltiSnips format.
They are located under .misc/snippets/
Keyword | Description | Used in |
algconvexhull | convex hull algorithm | boj_1708 boj_3679 boj_3878 boj_4225 boj_7420 boj_9240 boj_10254 boj_19586 |
algrotatingcalipers | rotating calipers | boj_9240 boj_10254 |
algshoelace | the shoelace algorithm, that calculates area of the 2d polygon | boj_2166 |
Keyword | Description | Used in |
algdijkstra | Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm | boj_1753 boj_16958 |
algbellman | Bellman-Ford, shortest path algorithm. | boj_1865 boj_11657 |
algunionfind | Union Find Set data structure | boj_1043 boj_1197 boj_1647 boj_1774 boj_2109 boj_2162 boj_3108 boj_4195 boj_4386 boj_9372 boj_10216 boj_16724 boj_17472 boj_20040 |
algtoposort | Topological sort algorithm | boj_1766 boj_2252 boj_2623 |
algtarjanscc | Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm | boj_2150 boj_3648 boj_3977 boj_4013 boj_4196 boj_9466 boj_11280 boj_11281 boj_16367 |
algbipartite | Bipartite matching algorithm | boj_1014 boj_1017 boj_1671 boj_1867 boj_2188 boj_2191 boj_4376 boj_11014 boj_11375 boj_11376 boj_11377 boj_11378 boj_14750 |
algedmondskarp | Edmonds-Karp, max flow algorithm. | |
algdinic | Dinic's max flow algorithm. | boj_1420 boj_2365 boj_6086 boj_11495 boj_13161 |
Keyword | Description | Used in |
algsieve | Sieve of Eratosthenes, finds all prime numbers in given range | boj_17104 boj_17134 |
algmodpow | modulus pow | boj_5615 |
algxgcd | Extended euclidean algorithm | boj_3955 boj_9267 boj_14565 boj_20412 |
Keyword | Description | Used in |
algkmp | KMP, string search algorithm | boj_1305 boj_1786 boj_4354 boj_5525 |
algpalindrome | Manaker's longest palindromic substring algorithm | boj_13275 boj_16163 |
algzalgorithm | z algorithm | boj_13713 boj_16229 |
Keyword | Description | Used in |
alglis | LIS, longest incereasing subsequence algorithm | boj_2352 boj_2568 boj_14002 |
algfft | FFT, Fast Fourier Transform algorithm | boj_1067 boj_10531 boj_16287 boj_17104 boj_17134 boj_20176 |
algbigint | Big integer class | boj_15576 boj_15740 |
Keyword | Description | Used in |
clssegtree | Segment tree class | boj_2042 boj_2357 boj_11505 boj_14268 boj_14287 boj_14288 boj_16975 boj_16978 |
clsfenwicktree | Fenwick tree, binary indexed tree | boj_2042 |
Name | Tags |
BOJ1074 - Z | morton code, Z-order |
BOJ5977 - Mowing the Lawn | deque, deque dp, dp, ds |
BOJ11401 - 이항 계수 3 | combinatorics, exponentiation by squaring, fermat's little thm, math, modular multiplicative inverse, number theory |
BOJ15678 - 연세워터파크 | deque, deque dp, dp, ds, priority queue, segtree |
BOJ18614 - Cosmic Crossroads | 3d, d&c, geom, math |
Foobar - Power Hungry | dp |