- 10
"for" syntax is not work with dictionary
#178 opened by linuxpham - 0
- 1
Length filter does not work directly on strings
#273 opened by injeniero - 1
- 0
- 0
Fix "str|format" string formatting to match spec (%s formatting, not {} formatting), also support "str.format" syntax
#267 opened by tjsmith-meta - 0
- 0
Support 'is not _' expression syntax
#265 opened by tjsmith-meta - 0
Support 'None' literal syntax (example template crashes / segfault / stack-buffer-overflow on "Load" today)
#264 opened by tjsmith-meta - 0
Python parity bug(?): Comma-delimited expression
#263 opened by tjsmith-meta - 0
Fix dict/map literal expression parsing
#262 opened by tjsmith-meta - 2
- 0
Missing file error on 'make install'
#260 opened by sdegrande - 1
- 3
- 0
Python bindings
#256 opened by LecrisUT - 0
Support other Jinja workflows
#255 opened by LecrisUT - 3
Create Jinja2C++ package for vcpkg package manager
#194 opened by flexferrum - 1
- 2
Failure rendering a simple template
#252 opened by pavel-esir - 0
Missing debug info for MSVC static lib
#224 opened by al-martyn1 - 1
Bug in 'reverse' filter
#225 opened by al-martyn1 - 2
tpl.Load() very time consuming
#237 opened by qiqiso - 3
- 3
cmake file not properly nested
#238 opened by mberntsen - 3
- 2
Needs boost-1.80.0 to build on gcc12
#230 opened by sdegrande - 1
Add boost::json as an alternative to rapidjson
#223 opened by eklitzke - 1
Simple RapidJSON example?
#228 opened by sanderfoobar - 2
Can't open
#205 opened by WenJingGit - 0
is jinja2Cpp support custom filters?
#221 opened by cyqw - 20
Release 1.2.0
#215 opened by luismartingil - 5
Can't compile with Clang 12.0.1 and -std=c++20
#213 opened by eklitzke - 9
How to link against std libs?
#207 opened by vyivanov - 2
Question - No error when filter is unknown
#208 opened by danielmartinezruiz - 10
- 19
Current status of the project
#195 opened by zamazan4ik - 5
Trying to build Jinja2Cpp with latest version of CMake - Have errors about Nlohmann::JSON and RapidJSON
#202 opened by DragonOsman - 0
Requesting to have Nlohmann.JSON added as a possible external dependency alongside Boost
#203 opened by DragonOsman - 0
I tried to do `-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17` but I still get 14 - Why? (trying to regenerate and rebuild after `git pull`)
#196 opened by DragonOsman - 0
Support for common python dictionary function
#193 opened by flexferrum - 4
MakeCallable warnings
#188 opened by ludekvodicka - 14
- 7
Jinja2cpp with external-boost doesn't work on gcc
#189 opened by ludekvodicka - 7
- 16
Compilation in C++17 under MinGW on Windows 10
#185 opened by Alex-Tsvetanov - 3
Cannot loop some expressions in `for` that Jinja2 can
#180 opened by jpcima - 0
Implement 'striptags' filter
#175 opened by flexferrum - 0
Implement 'indent' filter
#174 opened by flexferrum - 2
jinja2::TemplateEnv is thread-safe ?
#176 opened by linuxpham