
An easy to use TagManageView and usagea bit like as UITableView

Primary LanguageObjective-C


An easy to use TagManageView and usagea bit like as UITableView. import the file folder "TagManageView", and implement some datasource.

#Intro This widget main contain two parts: [view] and [gestureHelper] #####1.TagManageView: Provide the view base behavior, main AIP and datasource:

- (void)reloadTagItems;

// insert a tag at index
- (void)insertItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index complete:(void (^) ())complete;

// delete a tag at index
- (void)deleteItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index complete:(void (^) ())complete;

// move a tag from fromIndex to toIndex * need call reloadTagItems: on completeBlock
- (void)moveItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)fromIndex toIndex:(NSInteger)toIndex complete:(void (^) ())complete;

- (NSInteger)activeItemIndex:(TagManageView *)tagManageView;

- (NSInteger)numberOfItems:(TagManageView *)tagManageView;

- (UIView *)tagManageView:(TagManageView *)tagManageView tagForItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;

#####2.TagManageViewGestureHelper: This class which extend the function of TagManageView by use TagManageView behavior(base API), the main operate delegate as follow:

//  select tagItem call-back
- (void)tagManageView:(TagManageView *)tagManageView didSelectTagItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;
//  move tagItem call-back
- (void)tagManageView:(TagManageView *)tagManageView didMoveItemFromIndex:(NSInteger)fromIndex toIndex:(NSInteger)toIndex;

#More If you just want show something by only use TagManageView, just TagManageView.supportGesture = NO;, it will close gestureoperate. Even you can custom gesture then add on TagManageView like TagManageViewGestureHelper to achieve you want.

I am a junior developer, so Welcome to pointed out problem, fork and push. Thanks. The next step, add reuseQueue to promote efficiency and save memory.