
CodeIgniter Pushover Library

Primary LanguagePHP

CodeIgniter Pushover

CodeIgniter Pushover Library

Install this library with Sparks. http://getsparks.org/packages/Pushover/show

	'app_key'	=> '<Application Key Here>',
	'user_key'	=> '<User Key Here>',

 * Use a short hand method
 * $this->pushover->push(<message>, [title]);
 * Title is optional here

$this->pushover->push('Whoo! Test', 'The title');

 * Method that support any variable supported by Pushover
	'title'		=> 'This is the title',
	'message'	=> 'Some message here....',
	'device'	=> 'MyNexus',
	'timestamp'	=> time(),

You can predefined your keys in config/pushover.php