
Visual Studio Code extension, code snippets for React Hooks

MIT LicenseMIT

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React Hooks Snippets

React Hooks Snippets is a Visual Studio Code extension to make writing ReactJS Hooks easier and faster!

Supported Snippets

Prefix Snippet
ush useState
ueh useEffect
uch useContext
ucbh useCallback
umh useMemo
irh import React (and common hooks)
urh useRef
urdh useReducer
irrh import react redux hooks
uss useSelector
usdf useDispatch
usd then use your dispatch

Add to your project

There are 2 ways you can add React Hooks Snippets to your project:

By command

Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste ext install AlDuncanson.react-hooks-snippets, and press enter.

By the Extension Marketplace

Launch VS Code Extension Marketplace (Ctrl+Shift+X), search for React Hooks Snippets, and look for my logo!


There are two ways to contribute:


Submit a pull request with your proposed fixes, changes, and/or improvements. All are welcome!


Buy Me A Coffee


Usage is provided under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for the full details.