
2023 Fall erdos project: classify cats' sounds

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


An app to understand why your cat is yelling at you.

More Information

This project was created during the Fall 2023 Session of the Erdos Institute by

A presentation providing an overview is found here.

Repository Structure

|   # The analysis code.
├── src
|   ├── data_handling
|   ├── modeling
|   └── user_interface
|   # Supporting modules.
├── meowlib
│   ├── data_handling.py
│   └── utils.py
|   # Data employed.
├── data
|   ├── raw_data
│   ├── processed_data
│   └── trained_models
|   # Installation requirements.
├── packages.txt
├── requirements.txt
└── setup.py