Brewing Beer, making Cider and more
This document continues to evolve. It's based my learnings over the short period of time I've been brewing.
Questions and feedback are welcome. If you find something new, new process, please share.
My initial plan is to use this document as a resource for Starting off Brewing
that is easy to share and update.
- Daily random brew stuff that's on sale
- HomeBrewTalk Forum < you can easily spend weeks just reading posts in the forums.
Brewing Equipment (Essentials):
- Burner
- Kettle (at least 10 Gallons)
- Fermentor (Glass or Plastic carboy 6 gallon size)
- 5 gallon Keg (Ball lock) or bottles - I'd recommend keg to start.
- Star Sans - Sanitation solution
- CO2 bottle and regulator
Nice to haves:
- Wort Chiller - if you are going to brew with others (us) we already have one and you can use it :)
As far as where to buy the equipment, especially the essentials, you can get a lot of them used off Craigslist or new from various places.
- The New Complete Joy of Home Brewing
- The Brew-Masters Bible
- - These guys have some pretty good videos on brewing
- BeerGeekNation - This guy is very easy to understand and has lots of useful videos. Like this one on Kegging and carbonation
Keg -
Wort Chiller - You can probably find a wort chiller cheaper elsewhere. The one thing you want is the garden hose attachment - which you can rig up together with supplies from a hardware store.
CO2 regulator - CO2 tank - CO2 line -
Keg beer line -
Siphon - You'll need a hose attached to the end of the siphon which you can also pick up at the hardware store or online.
Star Sans (Liquid sanitizer) -
PBW (for cleaning your keg) -