
Project 3 Group Information

Georgia Tech Coding Bootcamp

Project 3 Group List

Please pull this repository, update the list in teams.txt with your team information in the format provided, and push it back to this repository on a separate branch. I will merge the file.

The structure is defined at the top of the file -- DO NOT REMOVE THIS!


You can edit a text file directly on GitHub!

GitHub will actually fork the repository to your account, and open a Pull Request with your changes, which I will review and merge accordingly.


  • Deliverable 1 (Due July 3, 2018)
    • Create a file called index.md in your docs folder at the root of your project.
    • Using markup, write to your index.md file the following:
      • Overview of the intended application, and why you feel it's valuable.
      • A breakdown of roles by group member.
      • A schedule for completion of various tasks.
      • A screenshot of your Jira, Trello, or Project Management Board that shows breakdown of tasks assigned to group members with a schedule.
      • A set of DETAILED screen-by-screen design layouts with annotations describing all UI/UX components and all data relevant to the screen.
    • Add the docs folder and file(s) to your repo, and push it to the GitHub repository you will use for your final project.
    • Set up GitHub pages to publish this documentation like this

More useful information here on how to make your markdown awesome (include images, typography, etc).

You may also put these requirements in separate markdown files and link to them, if you so choose.

  • Deliverable 2 (Due July 10, 2018)

    • Add another screenshot of your Jira, Trello, or Project Management Board that shows breakdown of tasks assigned to group members with a schedule to your docs markdown file. This should be updated to reflect remaining priorities and completed tasks.
    • You should also have a link to your MVP project on Heroku listed somewhere in your repository. Probably best if you add it to the Description at the top of the repo page on GitHub.
  • Deliverable 3 (Due July 17, 2018)

    • Add the following to your docs folder (either in the same index.md file, or a separate markdown file):
      • A summary of significant issues faced to date and their resolution.
      • A detailed description of each person's contributions.
      • A detailed plan that describes remaining efforts. This should describe remaining issues like:
        • Stretch Features
        • Bugs
        • Enhancements
        • UI Polishing
  • Deliverable 4 (Due July 24, 2018)

    • Update your README.md to describe your project, how to run it, protocol for making changes, deployment links, etc, prior to presentation day.

Good luck!