
let love grow is a MERN stack application that allows couples to have a social media exclusively for themselves

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Final Project

Name TBD The goal of our app is to strengthen relationships between couples.


This is how it works:

The app will have a few features that will keep couples in perfect harmony:

  • Messaging - where couples can stay in constant contact with each other throughout the day and send emojis/giphys
  • To-do list - where couples can track tasks
  • Calendar - where couples mark important days (and will receive system notifications, i.e., anniversaries, etc.)
  • Photo album - where couples can upload images (and will receive system notifications of images for certain dates)
  • Wallet - where couples can add money to shared piggybank and to budget
  • Ads - (add-on) coupons for events in the area


  • React.js
  • HTML
  • CSS- Bootstrap
  • MongoDB
  • Node and Express Web Server
  • Additionally technologies to be listed


Debbie Leiva, Marika Manuud, Jin Kim

Debbie - UI, Login, Photo album Jin - Calendar, To-Do List Marika - Messaging, Wallet, Ads


This project is licensed under the MIT License