
The small and convenient component-container for Dependency injection

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This plugin is the small, convenient dependency container.

You can save the components you want to manage as a global singleton into the container. To get and use those components, you only need to set the parameter name to the name of the saved component.

github npm package npm package


npm install fastify-di-container --save


with ESM syntax:

import Fastify from 'fastify';
import container from 'fastify-di-container';

// in user.repository.ts
function makeUserRepository() {
  return {
    findOneFromDB: async (userId) => (
      // ... return from db matched with userId

// in user.service.ts
function makeUserService(userRepository/*Parameter name matched with component name*/) {
  return {
    getUserById: async () => {
      const foundUser = await userRepository.findOneFromDB(); // The userRepository is automatically injected 
      return foundUser;

/* Accoding to the codes above, UserService component has dependency to userRepository */

async function startServer() {
  const app = Fastify();
  // Just register each module as component
  await app.register(container, {
    components: [
      // Describe 'Component Summaries' in this.
        name: 'userService',
        constructor: makeUserService,
        name: 'userRepository',
        constructor: makeUserRepository,
  // You can use the userService like this.
  const userService = app.container.get('userService')



Additional options example

  • Customize container name
  • onInitializedHook

with Typescript (It works well on javascript too)

import container from 'fastify-di-container';
import fastify from 'fastify';

const app = fastify();

app.register(container, {
  components: [
    /*... Component Summaries to register*/
  containerName: 'customContainer',
  onInitialized: <UserService>(componentName, initializedComponent) => {

const userService = app.customContainer.get<UserService>('userService');


// Only for typescript.
// If you don't use typescript, skip this.
// in type.d.ts
import { IncommingMessage, Server, ServerResponse } from 'http';
import type { Container } from 'fastify-di-container';
declare module 'fastify' {
  export interface FastifyInstance<
    HttpServer = Server,
    HttpRequest = IncommingMessage,
    HttpResponse = ServerResponse
  > {
    customContainer: Container;