
IAM Service is used for the management of user, role, permission, organization, project, password policy, fast code, client, menu, icon, multi-language , and supports for importing third-party users through LDAP.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

IAM Service

This service includes management functions of user, role, permission, organization, project, password policy, fast code, client, menu, icon, multi-language , and supports for importing third-party users through ldap.

  • Role

There are three built-in roles in iam-service:

  1. Platform administrator (having all privileges of platform global layout).

  2. Organization administrator (having all privileges of a single organization's organizational layout).

  3. Project administrator (having all privileges of a single project's project layout).

    When assigning a role to a user, the role-associated labels are sent to the devops for processing, and the corresponding roles are assigned to gitlab.

  • User

    After the service is initialized, a user admin is built in. Which has all the platform-wide privileges, including all permissions for all organizations and all projects.

    Creating, modifying, and deleting users lead to send events, gitlab synchronization to do the appropriate operation

  • Privilege

    All interfaces of the service define permissions through the @Permission annotation. All interfaces of this service define permissions through the @Permission annotation. With the register server and manager service, the privileges information of all services will be automatically entered into the database to make it effective through the service. The @Permission annotation sets the interface as a public interface (accessible without login), login access, global layer interfaces, organization layer interfaces, and project level interfaces.

  • Organization

    After the service is initialized, an organization "operational organization" is built in. At the same time, the admin user has all the privileges of the organization.

  • Client

    The addition, deletion, and modification of the built-in client is a interface of organizational layer, which corresponds to the "client" needed to log in via oauth-server.

  • Directory

    Corresponding to the front page display directory, including add, delete, change check, is the global layer interface.

  • Password policy


  • Currently only Chinese and English are supported. Will support more languages later.
  • Refactor the code and optimize the domain model in DDD.


  • The project is an eureka client project, which local operation needs to cooperate with register-server, and the online operation needs to cooperate with go-register-server.

Installation and Getting Started

  1. Start up register-server
  2. In the local mysql, create the iam_service database.
CREATE USER 'choerodon'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY "123456";
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON iam_service.* TO choerodon@'%';

New file of "init-local-database.sh" in the root directory of the manager-service project:

mkdir -p target
if [ ! -f target/choerodon-tool-liquibase.jar ]
    curl http://nexus.choerodon.com.cn/repository/choerodon-release/io/choerodon/choerodon-tool-liquibase/0.5.2.RELEASE/choerodon-tool-liquibase-0.5.2.RELEASE.jar -o target/choerodon-tool-liquibase.jar
java -Dspring.datasource.url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/iam_service?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false" \
 -Dspring.datasource.username=choerodon \
 -Dspring.datasource.password=123456 \
 -Ddata.drop=false -Ddata.init=true \
 -Ddata.dir=src/main/resources \
 -jar target/choerodon-tool-liquibase.jar

And executed in the root directory of the manager-service project:

sh init-local-database.sh
  1. Start up kafka
  2. Go to the project directory and run mvn spring-boot:run or run IAMServiceApplication in idea.


  • go-register-server
  • config-server
  • kafka


Reporting Issues

If you find any shortcomings or bugs, please describe them in the issue.

How to Contribute

Pull requests are welcome! Follow to know for more information on how to contribute.