
Insta-Clone is a semi-clone of the popular social network application, Instagram.

Check out our semi-clone at our live site: Insta-Clone.

Getting Started

To view and use this application, you can either navigate to the live hosted site and login as a new or demo user, or download the project locally:

  1. Clone this repository git clone

  2. cd into /python-project and install dependencies pipenv install

  3. cd into /react-app and install dependencies npm install

  4. Create a .env file based on the .env.example given

  5. Setup a PostgresSQL user + database in /python-project

    psql -c "CREATE USER <username> PASSWORD '<password>' CREATEDB"
    psql -c "CREATE DATABASE <database name> WITH OWNER <username>"
  6. Start shell + migrate database + seed database + run flask /python-project

    pipenv shell
    flask db upgrade
    flask db migrate
    flask db seed all
    flask run
  7. Keeping flask running, start the app by running npm start in /react-app

  8. Enjoy!

Libraries Used


Login + Signup

login signup


Home feed: image

Single post: single post

Create post

create post

Profile Page

User profile: user profile Edit profile: edit profile

Future Features

  • Profile
    • Users will be able to add and remove a profile picture
  • Search
    • Users will be able to search for users and posts that include searched characters
  • Hashtags + tags
    • Users will be able to add # to text in posts and comments to add hashtags
    • Users will be able to add @ to text in posts and comments that will link to other users