
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Workshop with Yan Cui for Serverless


Extra steps

  • In step 4, to export the outputs:

     npx sls export-env --all
  • In step 6, to debug the search-restaurants page locally, install https://github.com/jeremydaly/serverless-cloudside-plugin

     npm i --save-dev serverless-cloudside-plugin
  • In step 12, how you might create the param:

    1. Create the SSM Parameters

       for x in get search; do
           aws ssm put-parameter --region $AWS_REGION --type String --tags Key=Owner,Value=$SLS_STAGE --name /mod03/$SLS_STAGE/$x-restaurants/config --value '{"defaultResults": 8}'
    2. If you need to update a key:

       aws ssm put-parameter --region $AWS_REGION --type String --name /mod03/$SLS_STAGE/search-restaurants/config --value '{"defaultResults": 8}' --overwrite
  • For step 13

    1. Create the KMS key

       aws kms create-key --description "$SLS_STAGE's key" --tags TagKey=Name,TagValue=$SLS_STAGE --region $AWS_REGION | tee KmsKey.json
    2. Put the Key ARN into param store

       aws ssm put-parameter --region $AWS_REGION --tags Key=Owner,Value=$SLS_STAGE --type String --name /mod03/$SLS_STAGE/kmsArn --value "$(jq -Mr '.KeyMetadata.Arn' KmsKey.json)"
    3. Then use the KeyId from above to set the value of the param:

       aws ssm put-parameter --region $AWS_REGION --type SecureString --tags Key=Owner,Value=$SLS_STAGE --key $(jq -Mr '.KeyMetadata.KeyId' KmsKey.json) --name /mod03/$SLS_STAGE/search-restaurants/secretString --value "this isn't really a secret"
    4. Delete the keys

      for x in get search; do
          aws ssm delete-parameter --region $AWS_REGION --name /mod03/$SLS_STAGE/$x-restaurants/config
    5. Delete KMS key

      aws kms disable-key --region $AWS_REGION --key-id $(jq -Mr '.KeyMetadata.KeyId' KmsKey.json)
      aws kms schedule-key-deletion --region $AWS_REGION --key-id $(jq -Mr '.KeyMetadata.KeyId' KmsKey.json) --pending-window-in-days 7