
Collection of custom scripts that I use in my Arch Linux work environment.

Primary LanguagePython

Table of Contents


  • Uses feh to change desktop wallpaper to a randomly chosen image


  • Meant to be run as a daemon
  • Uses the aforementioned ranwall script to automatically change desktop wallpaper at a given interval (minutes)
  • Outputs any given errors to notification center


  • Uses openconnect to connect to the University of Chicago VPN network with the given username and password
  • Sends success/failure messages to notification center


  • unzip to directory of same name as archive
  • Really just a convenience script; no unique/complicated logic


  • Library of Python functions focused around automating:
    • The compilation of C source code and
    • The collection of a large sample size of execution times of the resulting executable
  • Was written to facilitate data collection for my final project for CMSC 22200 Computer Architecture
  • When executed by itself, returns mean and standard deviation information regarding execution time sampling of the program


  • Python script that:
    • Compiles C source code,
    • Executes the resulting executable a user-specified number of times, recording the execution time of each trial,
    • Outputs relevant metrics (mean, standard deviation, and a fancy Normal plot of the resulting distribution), and finally
    • "Garbage collects" (by which I really mean it just deletes the executable)
  • Was written to facilitate data collection for my final project for CMSC 22200 Computer Architecture
  • Uses the functions from timec
  • Work in progress. The implementation is still very hacky and tied into the specific needs of my project at the time; it uses a multitude of hard-coded values that probably would render this script unuseable outside of my directory tree. As such, I would not recommend using this right now. Of course, feel free to take it and modify it to suit your needs; sharing is caring.