- ssh-keygen
- gcc
- g++
- make
- python
- easy_install
- ruby
- gem
- java
- javac
- git
- md5
- base64
brew install curl --with-nghttp2; brew link curl --force
TO SUPPORT openssl - screen
- awk
brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names
- grep
- tar # BSD NOT GNU
- unzip
- vim
- rsync
- script
- Xcode
- Evernote
- Line
- Dr. Cleaner # 沒有 App Cleaner 好用,好用的功能都在付費版
- pyenv
- pyenv-virtualenv
- Homebrew-Cask
- jmeter
- OpenCV
- gnu command line tools
- allegro
- tree
- tmux
- wget
- htop
- jq
- unrar
- maven
- azure-cli
- asciinema
- qemu
- libvirt
- virt-manager
- virt-viewer
- direnv
- draft
- rrdtool
- gnu-tar
- macdown
- xquartz
- minikube
- bosh
- bosh-init
- fly
- skaffold
- helm
- iTerm 2 # Download -> Unzip -> Open -> Move to Applications -> Remove
- google-cloud-sdk
- AppCleaner
- Visual Studio Code
- Chrome # Download -> Open -> Drop into Applications -> Eject -> Remove
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant # Download -> Open -> Open .pkg file -> Move to trash -> Eject -> Remove
- Docker
- PyCharm # Download -> Open -> Drop into Applications -> Eject -> Remove
- Wireshark # Download -> Open -> Open .pkg file -> Move to trash -> Eject -> Remove
- Zoom
- TeamViewer
- Android File Transfer
- Golang # Download -> Open -> Move to trash -> Remove
- virtualenv
- jupyter
- tensorflow
- openstackclient
- awscli
- aliyuncli
- ansible
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- bento/ubuntu-16.04 --box-version 2.3.8
- bento/centos-7.2 --box-version 2.3.1
- bento/centos-7.4 --box-version 201801.02.0
- concourse/lite --box-version 2.7.0
- busybox
- nginx
- httpd
- stephenhsu/keystone
- quay.io/coreos/etcd:v2.3.8
By default there are no ~/{.profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc}
- /private/etc/profile
- /private/etc/bashrc
- /etc/profile # 開機後被 /private/etc/profile 覆蓋
- /etc/bashrc # 開機後被 /private/etc/bashrc 覆蓋
- ~/.profile # 開機不執行 ; 開終端機會執行 (如果檔案 ~/.bash_profile 存在 , 就僅執行 ~/.bash_profile , 不執行 ~/.profile)
- ~/.bashrc # 開機不執行 ; 開終端機不執行
Addtional Resources
- https://scriptingosx.com/2017/04/about-bash_profile-and-bashrc-on-macos/
- https://github.com/jinsenglin/rc/blob/master/OSX.bash_profile
- npm # 使用 nvm 安裝 node 時也會同時安裝 npm
when exit
Terminal will not close the current tab automatically. iTerms will.
when command + t
to open a new tab
Terminal will use the current working directory. iTerms wont.
設定中英輸入法切換快速鍵 caps lock
Spotlight Search -> Keyboard -> Input Sources -> Use th Caps Lock key ...
Spotlight Search -> Keyboard -> Text -> Capitalize words automatically
Spotlight Search -> Keyboard -> Text -> Correct spelling automatically
Spotlight Search -> Keyboard -> Text -> Use smart quotes and dashes
Spotlight Search -> Trackpad -> Tap to click