
jstable can't include subgroups(more than 3 levels)

XenonYang opened this issue · 13 comments


`rm(list = ls())


df <- colon %>%
mutate(rx=as.numeric(rx)) %>%
filter(etype == 1, !rx == 2) %>% #rx %in% c("Obs","Lev+5FU"),
select(time, status,rx, sex, age,obstruct,perfor,adhere,differ,extent,surg,node4) %>%
mutate(sex=factor(sex, levels=c(0,1),labels=c("female","male")),
age=ifelse(age >65,">65","<=65"),
age=factor(age, levels=c(">65","<=65")),
obstruct=factor(obstruct, levels=c(0,1),labels=c("No","Yes")),
perfor=factor(perfor, levels=c(0,1),labels=c("No","Yes")),
adhere=factor(adhere, levels=c(0,1),labels=c("No","Yes")),
differ=factor(differ, levels=c(1,2,3),labels=c("well","moderate","poor")),
extent=factor(extent, levels=c(1,2,3,4),
surg=factor(surg, levels=c(0,1),labels=c("short","long")),
node4=factor(node4, levels=c(0,1),labels=c("No","Yes")),



res <- TableSubgroupMultiCox(
formula = Surv(time, status) ~ rx,
var_subgroups = c("sex","age","obstruct","perfor","adhere",
data = df
The first line links to a person using the "jstable" for subgroup analysis, and its original code is under the link.
What I want to know is if I want to do a subgroup analysis, how to analyze the subgroup containing more than 2 categories. The above code runs in full. Sorry for the interruption.

I have the same problem:

res <- TableSubgroupMultiCox(formula = Surv(time, Status) ~ group,

  •                          var_subgroups = c("Age","Hist","Grade","Stage"),
  •                          data = df #指定你的数据
  •                          )

Error in purrr::map():
ℹ In index: 2.
Caused by error in if (is.na(pv_anova) & !is.null(cluster)) ...:
! the condition has length > 1
Run rlang::last_trace() to see where the error occurred.

I encountered the similar issue, solved it by downgrading the version of jstable to 1.1.9. Hope this information can help you.

I encountered the similar issue, solved it by downgrading the version of jstable to 1.1.9. Hope this information can help you.

Downgrading to 1.1.9 still doesn't fix it

I fix the issue. please install the latest version via remotes::install_github("jinseob2kim/jstable")

I fix the issue. please install the latest version via remotes::install_github("jinseob2kim/jstable")

I just downloaded the latest version and this problem has been solved, thank you very much!

I fix the issue. please install the latest version via remotes::install_github("jinseob2kim/jstable")

Yeah! It has been fixed. Thank you vary much!

Hi, I tried updating the latest version,
but it still prompts
Error in purrr::map(., ~survival::survfit(formula.km, data = .)) :
ℹ In index: 3.
ℹ With name: st.
Caused by error in survfit.formula():

I fix the issue. please install the latest version via remotes::install_github("jinseob2kim/jstable")我解决了这个问题。请通过以下方式 remotes::install_github("jinseob2kim/jstable") 安装最新版本

Hi, I tried updating the latest version, remotes::install_github(‘jinseob2kim/jstable’), but it still prompts Error in purrr::map(., ~survival::survfit(formula.km, data = .)) : ℹ In index: 3. ℹ With name: st. Caused by error in survfit.formula():

I fix the issue. please install the latest version via remotes::install_github("jinseob2kim/jstable")我解决了这个问题。请通过以下方式 remotes::install_github("jinseob2kim/jstable") 安装最新版本

Could you share the example data and code?

Hi, I tried updating the latest version, remotes::install_github(‘jinseob2kim/jstable’), but it still prompts Error in purrr::map(., ~survival::survfit(formula.km, data = .)) : ℹ In index: 3. ℹ With name: st. Caused by error in survfit.formula():

I fix the issue. please install the latest version via remotes::install_github("jinseob2kim/jstable")我解决了这个问题。请通过以下方式 remotes::install_github("jinseob2kim/jstable") 安装最新版本

Could you share the example data and code?

df <- aa %>%
select(time,status,group,age,BMI,hypertension,diabetes,ACS) %>%
mutate(status = as.integer(status == 1),
age = ifelse(age <65,"<65",">=65"),
age = factor(age, levels = c("<65",">=65")),
BMI = ifelse(BMI <28,"<28", ">= 28"),
BMI = factor(BMI, levels = c("<28", ">= 28")),
hypertension = factor(hypertension, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("No", "Yes")),
diabetes = factor(diabetes, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("No", "Yes")),
ACS=factor(ACS, levels=c(1,2,3,4),labels=c("non","ua","st","nst")))
res <- TableSubgroupMultiCox(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ group,
var_subgroups = c("age","BMI","ACS"),
var_cov = c("hypertension”,”diabetes"),
data = df)

Hi, I tried updating the latest version, remotes::install_github(‘jinseob2kim/jstable’), but it still prompts Error in purrr::map(., ~survival::survfit(formula.km, data = .)) : ℹ In index: 3. ℹ With name: st. Caused by error in survfit.formula():

I fix the issue. please install the latest version via remotes::install_github("jinseob2kim/jstable")我解决了这个问题。请通过以下方式 remotes::install_github("jinseob2kim/jstable") 安装最新版本

Could you share the example data and code?

Sure df <- aa %>% select(time,status,group,age,BMI,hypertension,diabetes,ACS) %>% mutate(status = as.integer(status == 1), age = ifelse(age <65,"<65",">=65"), age = factor(age, levels = c("<65",">=65")), BMI = ifelse(BMI <28,"<28", ">= 28"), BMI = factor(BMI, levels = c("<28", ">= 28")), hypertension = factor(hypertension, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("No", "Yes")), diabetes = factor(diabetes, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("No", "Yes")), ACS=factor(ACS, levels=c(1,2,3,4),labels=c("non","ua","st","nst"))) res <- TableSubgroupMultiCox(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ group, var_subgroups = c("age","BMI","ACS"), var_cov = c("hypertension”,”diabetes"), data = df)

Please share the example data for reproducibility. I think the problem is "N of 3rd level group variable"


The error was identified to occur while applying the subgroup option that some items in the subgroup did not exist in the data. The issue has been corrected. Please verify.


The error was identified to occur while applying the subgroup option that some items in the subgroup did not exist in the data. The issue has been corrected. Please verify.在应用子组选项时,发现数据中不存在子组中的某些项目时发生错误。此问题已得到纠正。请验证。

Thanks, I corrected my mistake and was able to complete it without any problems