Regression Tables from 'GLM', 'GEE', 'GLMM', 'Cox' and 'survey' Results.
- 4
Error in `dplyr::bind_rows()` when there are three variables for subgroup analysis
#47 opened by zheng-gt - 0
Subgroup분석 시 3그룹 이상 적용 필요
#11 opened by jinseob2kim - 0
Competing risk 적용 필요
#10 opened by jinseob2kim - 4
#46 opened by Jone-wuy - 19
NA/NaN/INf in 'y'
#8 opened by pipi815 - 1
- 2
weights option for TableSubgroupMultiCox
#32 opened by youmingmeia - 13
how to deal with the error in using jstable::TableSubgroupMultiGLM( ) for subgroup analysis of multiple logistic regression
#6 opened by agnesisyss - 1
Variables not match
#39 opened by Frankxwx - 13
- 1
about TableSubgroupMultiGLM
#35 opened by Licun1 - 1
"P for interaction" value when analyzing survey data using the TableSubgroupMultiCox function
#34 opened by Ink-Mo - 8
- 0
AIC to cox2.display
#28 opened by jinseob2kim - 3
Cluster Option for TableSubgroupMultiCox
#27 opened by youmingmeia - 1
an element beyond its index range
#25 opened by ChileSummer - 2
sub-group analysis adjusted for other covariates
#21 opened by ayueme - 1
Table1 연속변수 정규성테스트 자동수행필요
#12 opened by jinseob2kim - 2
- 7
Error in UseMethod("svyglm", design) no applicable method for 'svyglm' applied to an object of class "function"
#17 opened by weisx2022 - 8
I'm wondering if the function(TableSubgroupMultiGLM) could support family = 'binomial( link = logit)".
#19 opened by chuckbyron - 0
feat: add html options (like `gt`, `flextable`)
#13 opened by jhk0530 - 24
p-value is not visible on jskm() plot...
#7 opened by IMCPatrick - 2
jskm issue
#5 opened by Eistein1989 - 2
- 1
Report bug in function: lmer.display()
#3 opened by Nesln - 1
label.R LabelepiDisplay function error : When using a dataset that contains a factor variable with "vs" in its name
#1 opened by thisis05