
Emacs ChucK mode

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Emacs ChucK mode


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Add to Emacs load-path
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/repo")

(require 'chuck-mode)
;;; or if you are using use-package
(use-package chuck-mode)


ChucK edit mode keybindings

C-c C-s – start ChucK process

C-c C-c – add current buffer to ChucK

C-c C-k – kill ChucK process

C-c C-r – replace shred associated with current buffer (or use prefix to specify shred)

C-c C-d – kill shred associated with current buffer (or use prefix)

C-c C-l – kill all shreds

ChucK console keybindings

x – kill selected shred

r – reload selected shred (from associated buffer)

R – refresh console

Q – kill console and ChucK process