
This is a python TCP ReverseShell working on anything with python

Primary LanguagePython

Custom Python TCP reverse Shell

two main files

  1. ClientTCPreverseShell
  2. ServerTCPreverseShell

Edit the ip address and ports within the client and server before using.

I am currently adding modules but they are not being used yet.


command line run >>> python ServerTCPreverseShell.py

command line run >>> python ClientTCPreverseShell.py

From shell start the server first then start the client.

Shell> python ServerTCPReverseShell.py

Shell> python ClientTCPreverseShell.py

The server will have to be run from command line however the client can be run from Gui or commandline

The server shell on the linux side will start with a /bin/sh -i

I am currently working on changing shells and tab completing.

--help && --commands

TO Exfil data

Shell> grab*exfil_data.txt

This command will grab the file you want and save it to your local desktop as a .txt file

Step1 for grab command

You will have to rename the .txt file to whatever suffix you downloaded from the remote hose.

Example. The command below will grab the database and copy it to your local desktop as a .txt file


step2 for grab command

Just rename the .txt file to the proper suffix

Shell>> cp exfil_database.txt exfil_database.sdf

TO get the environment

Shel> getenv

This will print the platform details

TO get the User ID


Notes below are for use with PWK course

You can upload the client to the windows 7 workstation in order to convert to exe

Before you start you will want to zip up the client and move to your web folder.

step 1 move the client to your /var/www/html folder

step2 start the apache2 webserver

step3 remote desktop into the windows 7 box

step4 browse to your attacker machine through internet explorer


step5 upload the pyexe program to the windows 7 server in the same fashion.

You can convert Client to exe format.

Convert "ClientTCPrevshell" to EXE format.

Get py2exe for windows and make sure to get the correct python versian.


copy to your var/www/html folder and upload to your windows 7 machine.

Install py2exe and then move the py2exe program into the same folder as

ClientTCPreverseShell and setup.py

Edit setup.py with idle by right clicking and edit with idle.

then run module

then test your new custom python exe shell. Copy the exe from the "dist" folder

to the desktop and start the server on kali.

next you will want to bring your .exe file back to the local kali attacker workstation.

To do this you will just use the custom TCP Shell to grab your exe and move it back to the host.

Step one

zip up your new custom EXE python shell and from the python server on kali

Shell> grab*Clientshell.zip

now go to your desktop and rename test.txt to ClientShell.zip

Works for me and will work for you!!!

to help with the project fork project and add a new branch. I will merge the requests.
