DESCRIPTION This package contains the final report, poster in DOC folder, and a web application under CODE/Map-Visualization. The application achieves visualization for the accident information across the U.S. and prediction for the accident handling time based on time, location, weather and road conditions. The rpart regression tree model script is also included under CODE/Model with the final modeling dataset in this package. (The script will generate two outcome files: 1. the best tree model rules and 2. prediction vs actual values). Please follow the instructions inside each script to run and test data manipulation and data modeling if interested in. To test the web application, please follow the instruction below to set up the environment and install Flask. Any combination of user inputs is acceptable for the web tool, but to get different prediction results, here are some examples provided: Date: 3/1/2020, Temperature: 30, Junction: Yes, Zip code: 29009 Date: 5/1/2020, Temperature: 50, Junction: No, Zip code: 21014 Date: 2/5/2020, Temperature: 90, Junction: Yes, Zip code: 94303 INSTALLATION I. Prerequisite. Python 3. Please download and install it from: II. Setup the environment and install Flask. Create a virtual environment. Create a 'venv' folder within the 'Map-Visualization' folder: $ cd Map-Visualization $ python3 -m venv venv On Windows: > cd Map-Visualization > py -3 -m venv venv OR: > python -m venv venv Activate the environment. $ . venv/bin/activate On Windows: > venv\Scripts\activate Install Flask. $ pip install Flask On Windows: > pip install Flask EXECUTION Run the application using the following commands under the root folder 'Map-Visualization': $ export $ flask run On Windows: > set > flask run Wait several seconds until following information shown up: * Running on Now the application is running on the localhost, and please head over to and check the application UI (Please use FireFox or Chrome for the best performance. It may run into issues if Safari or IE is used).
Interactive Web Application with D3 and Python Flask