
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Query language for JSON


$ npm install artista-jql


<script src="..../jql/dist/jql.js"></script>


const JQL = require('..../jql/dist/jql.js').JQL;

Quick Start

Filter following JSON data.

const items = [
    id: 1,
    kb: true,
    foo: {
        bar: "FOO"
    id: 2,
    kb: false,
    foo: {
        bar: "FOO"
    id: 3,
    kb: false,
    foo: {
        bar: "BAR"

Query sample 1

const query = "kb = false";
const filteredItems = JQL.filter(query, items);

Return filtered items.

    id: 2,
    kb: false
    id: 3,
    kb: false

Query sample 2

const query = 'foo.bar = "BAR"';
const filteredItems = JQL.filter(query, items);

Return filtered items.

    id: 3,
    kb: false


Supported data types for right value

type example
String "foo", "bar", ...
Number 1, 200, -15, 14.5, ...
Boolean true false

Logical Operators (case insensitive)

operator description
AND logical conjunction
OR logical sum
! logical negation

Comparison Operators (case insensitive)

operator description
= equal
!= not equal
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to
> greater than
< less than
CONTAINS Check if right value contains left value when right value is String
Or check if right value is in left array when left value is Array

Query examples

sample queries description
Good name = "hoge" compare String
Good name contains "eorg" partial match with String
Good age = 37, age < 30, age >= 3 compare Number
Good flag = true compare Boolean
Good name != "George" not equal
Good person.age > 40 JSON dot notation
Good k1 = "v1" AND k2 = "v2" AND operator
Good k1 = "v1" OR k2 = "v2" OR operator
Good k1 = "v1" AND k2 = "v2" ... AND kx= "vx" multiple AND/OR operator
BAD k1 = "v1" AND k2 = "v2" OR k3 = "v3" mixed logical operators
Good ! (name contains "eorg") ! operator
Good (a = 1 AND b = 'foo') OR c = false with brackets
Good (a = 1 OR b = 'foo') AND c = false with brackets
Good (a = 1 OR b = 'foo') AND (c = false AND d CONTAINS 'bar') with brackets
BAD ((a = 1 AND b = 'foo') OR c = false) AND d CONTAINS 'bar' nested brackets