This repository contains code for the paper Curse of Dimensionality on Randomized Smoothing for Certifiable Robustness by Aounon Kumar, Alexander Levine, Tom Goldstein, and Soheil Feizi. The code is forked from the publicly-available code from the paper Certified Adversarial Robustness via Randomized Smoothing by (Cohen et al. 2019).
Given a generalized gaussian shape parameter q, we report both the generic IID distribution upper bound on the certified robustness, as well as Generalized Gaussian upper bound, for adversarial attacks with p-norm p = q. We also report the total count of base classifications for the top class.
Note that the Generalized Gaussian bounds reported are reported as scaled by the constant factor of c, defined in Lemma 3. As in Theorem 2, we use the upper bound that c < 2 when reporting final bounds in the paper's figures.
Example training for 16-by-16 cifar-10 with generalized Gaussian noise for shape parameter q=3 and noise standard deviation 0.5:
python code/ cifar10 cifar_resnet110 models/cifar10/resnet110/noise_0.50_p_3_scale_16 --batch 400 --noise 0.50 --p 3 --scale_down 2
Example certification:
mkdir data/certify/cifar10/resnet110/noise_0.50_p_3_scale_16
mkdir data/certify/cifar10/resnet110/noise_0.50_p_3_scale_16/test
python code/ cifar10 models/cifar10/resnet110/noise_0.50_p_3_scale_16/checkpoint.pth.tar 0.50 data/certify/cifar10/resnet110/noise_0.50_p_3_scale_16/test/sigma_0.50_p_3_scale_16 --skip 20 --p 3 --scale_down 2 --batch 400
Additionally, once all certificates are generated
compiles statistics used in our figures.