

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



CSE 6242 Team Aha Project

To run our project locally:

(1)First, follow the README_BackEnd to run the backend server, remember to unzip crime.db.zip first.

(2)Second, follow the README_FrontEnd to run the front end server, remember to unzip node_modules.zip first.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure that the local host and port number of backend server is correctly added to line 25 and line 27 in app.js in FrontEnd directory. (i.e. Postname: Port: 3000)

(3)Third, open your web browser and visit our website via the host and port number of your frontend program. (i.e.


  • This is the Readme for Fall 2018 CSE6242 Team Aha backend files

NOTICE*** This project does contain scraping programs that do not respect some websites' /robots.txt We are aware that this is not a good manner and we are not using and will never use those code other than this class project.

*IMPORTANT INFORMATION Execute the programs on large searching range or large number of searches in a short period of time CAN AND WILL RESULT IP BANNED from some websites!

There are 11 python files: connectsql.py: For querying the sqlite storing crime data; flaskhelper_revised.py: Helper functions for main flask app; google_Distance.py: For getting distance between locations using Google Map API; [fill in your API key at '# fill in your API key' before running] google_Score.py: For getting place's rating on Google Map using Google Places API; [fill in your API key at '# fill in your API key' before running] google_Stores.py: For getting nearby store information using Google Places API; [fill in your API key at '# fill in your API key' before running] price_as_feature.py: For handling special price information format for apartments on Zillow; project_v2.py: Main flask app; scrape_zips.py: For scraping zip codes within distance from a website; yelp_scrape_real_time.py For scraping real time yelp data; zillow_scrape_real_time.py For scraping real time zillow data; crime_data_cleaning.py For cleaning the crime dataset;

There is also a folder 'crime_data' containing sqlite dataset storing crime data, original dataset and python file for cleaning the dataset.

There is also a file 'test.json' containing a example/testing json file returned by backend.

Main scraping python files have their own testing code for testing/debugging (IP banned issue or other cases). To get specific run instruction, execute:

$ python yelp_scrape_real_time.py -help
$ python zillow_scrape_real_time.py -help
$ python price_as_feature.py -help

To run the main flask app 'project_v2.py' on server for public IP address visiting, please uncomment the line 215 and comment line 216. List for flask reroutings: '/test': return the testing test.json file; '/': return index.html for server debugging purpose only (note that the index.html file is not included, it can be any file ONLY for debugging purpose); '/apartmentprice' return formatted prices for apartments on zillow; '/filters' return list of found apartments satisfy the given filters; [example: /filters?address='address'&type=h&beds=1&baths=1&pets=1&parking=1&laundry=1&price=500-1000&rate=3.5&review_count=10&places=xxx,yyy,zzz&travelling=driving&time_limit=20]

The backend files should be in below folder structure for successful running without modifying the code:

|__ connectsql.py
|__ flaskhelper_revised.py
|__ google_Distance.py
|__ google_Score.py
|__ price_as_feature.py
|__ project_v2.py
|__ scrape_zips.py
|__ test.json
|__ yelp_scrape_real_time.py
|__ zillow_scrape_real_time.py
|__ crime_data/
	|__ crime.db
	|__ crime_data_cleaning.py
	|__ crime_data.csv.zip
	|__ COBRA-2009-2017.csv.zip
	|__ cobra-2018.csv.zip

Before execute the backend, ensure you have installed following library in Python3: Flask, unicodecsv, requests, lxml, numpy

To execute the project's backend, first fill in your Google API key in line 5 of file google_Distance.py. Then execute:

$ sudo python project_v2.py


  • This is the Readme for Fall 2018 CSE6242 Team Aha frontend files

Live Demo

To see the app, go to https://cse6242-224423.appspot.com/


  • Responsive web design
  • Customized Marker Icon in Leaflet.js map

Getting Started

Clone or download this repository

git clone https://github.gatech.edu/bjian3/CSE6242-Front-End.git

Install dependencies

npm install


yarn install

Start Application

npm start


node app.js

Built with



Home page's fixed/scrolling background(home.css) is based on this tutorial, which is oepn sourced on Github.