
This is a network transmission framework using c# as the main language of the server and client.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

PinionCore Remote

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PinionCore Remote is a powerful and flexible server-client communication framework developed in C#. Designed to work seamlessly with the Unity game engine and any other .NET Standard 2.0 compliant environments, it simplifies network communication by enabling servers and clients to interact through interfaces. This object-oriented approach reduces the maintenance cost of protocols and enhances code readability and maintainability.

Key features of PinionCore Remote include support for IL2CPP and AOT, making it compatible with various platforms, including Unity WebGL. It provides default TCP connection and serialization mechanisms but also allows for customization to suit specific project needs. The framework supports methods, events, properties, and notifiers, giving developers comprehensive tools to build robust networked applications.

With its stand-alone mode, developers can simulate server-client interactions without a network connection, facilitating development and debugging. PinionCore Remote aims to streamline network communication in game development and other applications, enabling developers to focus more on implementing business logic rather than dealing with the complexities of network protocols.


Server and client transfer through the interface, reducing the maintenance cost of the protocol.



  • Support IL2CPP & AOT.
  • Compatible with .Net Standard2.0 or above development environment.
  • Tcp connection is provided by default, and any connection can be customized according to your needs.
  • Serialization is provided by default, and can be customized.
  • Support Unity3D WebGL, provide server-side Websocket, client-side need to implement their own.


  1. Definition Interface IGreeter .
namespace Protocol
	public struct HelloRequest
		public string Name;
	public struct HelloReply
		public string Message;
	public interface IGreeter
		PinionCore.Remote.Value<HelloReply> SayHello(HelloRequest request);
  1. Server implemente IGreeter.
namespace Server
	class Greeter : IGreeter
		PinionCore.Remote.Value<HelloReply> SayHello(HelloRequest request)
			return new HelloReply() { Message = $"Hello {request.Name}." };
  1. Use IBinder.Bind to send the IGreeter to the client.
namespace Server
	public class Entry	
		readonly Greeter _Greeter;
		readonly PinionCore.Remote.IBinder _Binder;
		readonly PinionCore.Remote.ISoul _GreeterSoul;
		public Entry(PinionCore.Remote.IBinder binder)
			_Greeter = new Greeter();
			_Binder = binder;
			// bind to client.
			_GreeterSoul = binder.Bind<IGreeter>(_Greeter);
		public void Dispose()
  1. Client uses IAgent.QueryNotifier to obtain IGreeter.
namespace Client
	class Entry
		public Entry(PinionCore.Remote.IAgent agent)
			agent.QueryNotifier<IGreeter>().Supply += _AddGreeter;
			agent.QueryNotifier<IGreeter>().Unsupply += _RemoveGreeter;
		async void  _AddGreeter(IGreeter greeter)
			// Having received the greeter from the server, 			 
			// begin to implement the following code.
			var reply = await greeter.SayHello(new HelloRequest() {Name = "my"});
		void _RemoveGreeter(IGreeter greeter)
			// todo: The server has canceled the greeter.

After completing the above steps, the server and client can communicate through the interface to achieve object-oriented development as much as possible.


In addition to the above example IGreeter.SayHello, there are a total of four ways to ...

For the types that can be serialized, see PinionCore.Serialization instructions.

Getting Started

This is a server-client framework, so you need to create three projects : Protocol, Server and Client.


  • Visual Studio 2022 17.0.5 above.
  • .NET Sdk 5 above.

Protocol Project

Create common interface project Protocol.csproj.

Sample/Protocol>dotnet new classlib 
  1. Add References
	<PackageReference Include="PinionCore.Remote" Version="" />
	<PackageReference Include="PinionCore.Serialization" Version="" />
	<PackageReference Include="PinionCore.Remote.Tools.Protocol.Sources" Version="">
		<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
  1. Add interface, IGreeter.cs
namespace Protocol
	public interface IGreeter
		PinionCore.Remote.Value<string> SayHello(string request);
  1. Add ProtocolCreater.cs.
namespace Protocol
    public static partial class ProtocolCreater
        public static PinionCore.Remote.IProtocol Create()
            PinionCore.Remote.IProtocol protocol = null;
            _Create(ref protocol);
            return protocol;

			Create a partial method as follows.
        static partial void _Create(ref PinionCore.Remote.IProtocol protocol);

This step is to generate the generator for the IProtocol, which is an important component of the framework and is needed for communication between the server and the client.

As shown in the code above, Add PinionCore.Remote.Protocol attribute to the method you want to get IProtocol, the method specification must be static partial void Method(ref PinionCore.Remote.IProtocol), otherwise it will not pass compilation.

Server Project

Create the server. Server.csproj

Sample/Server>dotnet new console 
  1. Add References
	<PackageReference Include="PinionCore.Remote.Server" Version="" />
	<ProjectReference Include="..\Protocol\Protocol.csproj" />	
  1. Instantiate IGreeter
namespace Server
	public class Greeter : Protocol.IGreeter
		PinionCore.Remote.Value<string> SayHello(string request)
			// Return the received message
			return $"echo:{request}";
  1. The server needs an entry point to start the environment , creating an entry point that inherits from PinionCore.Remote.IEntry. Entry.cs
namespace Server
	public class Entry : PinionCore.Remote.IEntry
		void IBinderProvider.RegisterClientBinder(IBinder binder)
			binder.Binder<IGreeter>(new Greeter());
		void IBinderProvider.UnregisterClientBinder(IBinder binder)
			// when client disconnect.

		void IEntry.Update()
			// Update
  1. Create Tcp service
namespace Server
	static void Main(string[] args)
		// Get IProtocol with ProtocolCreater
		var protocol = Protocol.ProtocolCreater.Create();
		// Create Service
		var entry = new Entry();		
		var set = PinionCore.Remote.Server.Provider.CreateTcpService(entry, protocol);
		int yourPort = 0;
		//  Close service

Client Project

Create Client. Client.csproj.

Sample/Client>dotnet new console 
  1. Add References
	<PackageReference Include="PinionCore.Remote.Client" Version="" />
	<ProjectReference Include="..\Protocol\Protocol.csproj" />
  1. Create Tcp client
namespace Client
	static async Task Main(string[] args)
		// Get IProtocol with ProtocolCreater
		var protocol = Protocol.ProtocolCreater.Create();
		var set = PinionCore.Remote.Client.Provider.CreateTcpAgent(protocol);
		bool stop = false;
		var task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => 
			while (!stop)
		// Start Connecting
		EndPoint yourEndPoint = null;
		var peer = await set.Connector.Connect(yourEndPoint );


		// SupplyEvent ,Receive add IGreeter.
		set.Agent.QueryNotifier<Protocol.IGreeter>().Supply += greeter => 

		// SupplyEvent ,Receive remove IGreeter.
		set.Agent.QueryNotifier<Protocol.IGreeter>().Unsupply += greeter => 

		// Close
		stop = true;


Standalone mode

In order to facilitate development and debugging, a standalone mode is provided to run the system without a connection.

Sample/Standalone>dotnet new console 
  1. Add References
	<PackageReference Include="PinionCore.Remote.Standalone" Version="" />
	<ProjectReference Include="..\Protocol\Protocol.csproj" />
	<ProjectReference Include="..\Server\Server.csproj" />
  1. Create standlone service
namespace Standalone
	static void Main(string[] args)
		// Get IProtocol with ProtocolCreater
		var protocol = Protocol.ProtocolCreater.Create();
		// Create service
		var entry = new Entry();
		var service = PinionCore.Remote.Standalone.Provider.CreateService(entry , protocol);
		var agent = service.Create();
		bool stop = false;
		var task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => 
			while (!stop)

		agent.QueryNotifier<Protocol.IGreeter>().Supply += greeter => 
		agent.QueryNotifier<Protocol.IGreeter>().Unsupply += greeter => 

		// Close
		stop = true;


Custom Connection

If you want to customize the connection system you can do so in the following way.


Create a connection use CreateAgent and implement the interface IStreamable.

var protocol = Protocol.ProtocolCreater.Create();
IStreamable stream = null ;// todo: Implementation Interface IStreamable
var service = PinionCore.Remote.Client.CreateAgent(protocol , stream) ;

implement IStreamable.

using PinionCore.Remote;
namespace PinionCore.Network
    public interface IStreamable
        /// <summary>
        ///     Receive data streams.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Stream instance.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Start receiving position.</param>
        /// <param name="count">Count of byte received.</param>
        /// <returns>Actual count of byte received.</returns>
        IWaitableValue<int> Receive(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Send data streams.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Stream instance.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Start send position.</param>
        /// <param name="count">Count of byte send.</param>
        /// <returns>Actual count of byte send.</returns>
        IWaitableValue<int> Send(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count);


Create a service use CreateService and implement the interface IListenable.

var protocol = Protocol.ProtocolCreater.Create();
var entry = new Entry();
IListenable listener = null; // todo: Implementation Interface IListenable
var service = PinionCore.Remote.Server.CreateService(entry , protocol , listener) ;

implement IListenable.

namespace PinionCore.Remote.Soul
    public interface IListenable
		// When connected
        event System.Action<Network.IStreamable> StreamableEnterEvent;
		// When disconnected
        event System.Action<Network.IStreamable> StreamableLeaveEvent;

Custom Serialization

implement ISerializable.

namespace PinionCore.Remote
    public interface ISerializable
        PinionCore.Memorys.Buffer Serialize(System.Type type, object instance);
        object Deserialize(System.Type type, PinionCore.Memorys.Buffer buffer);

and bring it to the server CreateTcpService.

var protocol = Protocol.ProtocolCreater.Create();
var entry = new Entry();
ISerializable yourSerializer = null; 
var service = PinionCore.Remote.Server.CreateTcpService(entry , protocol , yourSerializer) ;

and bring it to the client CreateTcpAgent.

var protocol = Protocol.ProtocolCreater.Create();
ISerializable yourSerializer = null ;
var service = PinionCore.Remote.Client.CreateTcpAgent(protocol , yourSerializer) ;

If need to know what types need to be serialized can refer PinionCore.Remote.IProtocol.SerializeTypes.

namespace PinionCore.Remote
	public interface IProtocol
		// What types need to be serialized.
		System.Type[] SerializeTypes { get; }
		System.Reflection.Assembly Base { get; }
		EventProvider GetEventProvider();
		InterfaceProvider GetInterfaceProvider();
		MemberMap GetMemberMap();
		byte[] VersionCode { get; }