
es-next client boilerplate for rapid prototyping

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ES6 Prototyping Boilerplate

A client-side boilerplate for rapid prototyping with latest EcmaScript features (using babel-latest preset)

Available Commands

npm run [command]
  • transpile
    • transpile all files from src folder to dist folder
  • bundle
    • run transpile command
    • create the browserified bundle
  • watch
    • create a static file server
    • transpile files in src folder when changed
    • rebundle application on page load
  • serve
    • run the static file server only (presentation mode)


git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/Ircam-RnD/es6-prototyping-boilerplate.git dest_directory
cd dest_directory
rm -rf .git  # remove git history
npm install

This boilerplate uses https://babeljs.io/ and http://browserify.org/.