Artifact for submission 12

This is an artifact created for our VMCAI submission: Linus Heck, Jip Spel, Sebastian Junges, Joost-Pieter Katoen and Joshua Moerman. Gradient-Descent for Randomized Controllers under Partial Observability

What is inside

The artifact contains:

  • Storm,
  • Stormpy,
  • Prophesy (to reproduce the results of QCQP/PSO),
  • folder with the Benchmarks,
  • scripts to run the Benchmarks,
  • scripts to create the plots, and
  • paper.

VM Requirements

We recommend allocating at least 8GB RAM for the VM if possible, and a decent amount of time for you. In our experiments, we set a time-out of two hours and used machines with an Intel Xeon Platinum 8160 CPU and 32GB of RAM.

How to use the artifact

The best starting point is the file in this folder.

Replicating results

Before you can replicate the results, you should activate the python environment. To do so, use the terminal to go to the tools folder on the Desktop.

cd ~/Desktop/Tools

Now activate the environment

source env/bin/activate

Next go to the Benchmarks folder and follow one of the next sections.

cd ~/Desktop/Benchmarks

Replicating results of all benchmarks/one benchmark

Creating benchmarks

One can generate benchmarks with the generate_commands script. The benchmarks are in testcases-paper, or testcases-paper-twentypercent and need to be passed to --folder. For example:

python3 --folder testcases-paper

This will generate DTMCs from the POMDP files using storm-pomdp. You can look inside these folders, they are made of models and JSON configs for the benchmarks and should be relatively readable. All test-cases are written to the ./build/testcases-paper, or ./build/testcases-paper-twentypercent folder.

Creating test scenarios

To invoke the test scenarios from the paper, you need to use global-override with the supplied json files. Furthermore, you can set the timeout (default is 1800s) with --timeout

python3 --folder testcases-paper --global-override all_gd_methods.json --timeout 100

Invoking this script creates a file. To run all commands: run the entire manual command file. This is not recommended, as it will take a lot of time To run one command: pick your favorite command from the manual command file.

Replicating subset of results.

This part describes how to generate the benchmarks for a subset of the benchmarks. For all subsets, we consider a learning rate of 0.1. Furthermore, we consider the following benchmarks: 4x4 grid-avoid, maze2, n2_ps_sent, sample_rocks.

Figure 5

The following GD methods are considered: Adam, Momentum-Sign. All region restriction methods are considered.

Figure 6

All GD methods are considered. The following region restriction method is considered: projection.

Figure 7

The following GD methods is considered: Momentum-Sign. The following regeion restriction method is considered: projection. For the twenty-percent bound, please use testcases-paper-twentypercent.

Creating benchmarks

One can generate benchmarks with the generate_[fig5/fig6/fig7] script. The benchmarks are in testcases-paper or testcases-paper-twenteypercent and need to be passed to --folder. For example:

python3 --folder testcases-paper

This will generate DTMCs from the POMDP files using storm-pomdp. You can look inside these folders, they are made of models and JSON configs for the benchmarks and should be relatively readable. All test-cases are written to the .build/[fig5/fig6/fig7]-testcases-paper folder.

Creating test scenarios

To invoke the test scenarios from the paper, you need to use global-override with the supplied json files. Furthermore, you can set the timeout (default is 1800s) with --timeout

python3 --folder testcases-paper --global-override gd_methods_fig5.json

Invoking this script creates a file. You could either run the entire manual command file or pick a subset of the commands.

Command structure gradient descent

The structure of the command looks as follows:

[path to storm-pars] --gradient-descent [--explicit-drn or --prism] [path to model] --prop [path to property] --core:eqsolver gmm++ --learning-rate [learning-rate] --descent-method [descent-method] --constraint-method [constraint-method]
Path to storm-pars

The executable storm-pars can be found in the ~Desktop/Tools/storm/build/bin folder in storm.

Model type (drn or prism)

The extension of the model (.drn or .prism) tells you whether you need to use --explicit-drn or --prism.

Path to model/property

The model and property can be found in the ~Desktop/Tools/Benchmarks/.build/* folder.


The learning-rate can be set to any strict-positive value smaller than one. Experiments show that 0.1 is the most suited learning-rate for our benchmarks.


The descent-method can be set to one of the following:

  • adam
  • radam
  • rmsprop
  • plain
  • plain-sign
  • momentum
  • momentum-sign
  • nesterov
  • nesterov-sign

Where the first three are adaptive gradient-descent method, and the others classical ones.


The constraint method (region restricition method) can be set to one of the following:

  • barrier-logarithmic
  • project-gradient
  • logistic-sigmoid
Other options

Note that all possible options Storm provides can be found with the --help flag.

Command structure QCQP

python [path to prophesy]/scripts/ load-problem [path to model] [path to property] set-threshold [threshold for property] find-feasible-instantiation --qcqp-handle-violation minimisation --qcqp-mc full --precheck-welldefinedness above qcqp 

Command structure PSO

python [path to prophesy]/scripts/ load-problem [path to model] [path to property] set-threshold [threshold for property] find-feasible-instantiation --qcqp-handle-violation minimisation --qcqp-mc full --precheck-welldefinedness above pso

Analyzing results

Now, you probably have some ouput files. From this, you can generate a CSV file that contains the performance statistics using Just put the outputs into the arguments:

python3 *.out

This will create an out_*.csv* file. The data csvs from the paper are in the vmcai-paper-bench/ folder. From this, you can generate scatter plots using E.g. for figure 5a use:

python vmcai-paper-bench/method_comparison.csv "momentum-sign" "momentum" "Momentum-Sign" "Momentum" --comp-field "Method" --filter "Add. Settings:Project with gradient" --output-pdf vmcai-paper-bench/pdfs/momentum-sign-vs-momentum.pdf --seperate-legend True

Look into vmcai-paper-bench/ for the commands that are used to generate the plots from the paper.