SubQuery Common API for Kusama

We believe that the DApps ecosystem will benefit from a common core API that each parachain can integrate (and extend) to index and expose their chain data for future consumer facing applications (e.g. a wallet, explorer, or other dApp).

We are aiming to create an open-source SubQuery Project for common app and network data. This will be accompanied by documentation and learning materials


  1. Improve the Interoperability of DApps and Parachains: Defined and maintained common core data API interface for Polkadot, Kusama, and other parachains. Just like Substrate defines a standard interface API that parachain developers can adopt, extend, and modify - decentralised application developers would benefit from a standard API for common use cases that they can also adopt, extend, and modify.
  2. Attract and Support More Developers in Kusama: Provide a starting point for consumer facing dApp developers to get started with Polkadot and Kusama

Running this Project

In the SubQuery Explorer

This project will soon be uploaded to the SubQuery Explorer for you to play around with

Run a local version


  • Typescript are required to compile project and define types.
  • Both SubQuery CLI and the generated Project have dependencies that require Node.

Install SubQuery CLI globally on your terminal by using Yarn or NPM:

# Yarn
yarn global add @subql/cli

npm install -g @subql/cli

Under the project directory, run the following command to install the project's dependencies.

# Yarn
yarn install

npm install

Generate the required GraphQL models

# Yarn
yarn codegen

npm run-script codegen

Build the project locally

# Yarn
yarn build

npm run-script build

Run following command to run using docker or read more about different ways to run a SubQuery project

docker-compose pull && docker-compose up

Open your browser and head to http://localhost:3000.

You should see a GraphQL playground is showing in the explorer and the schemas that ready to query. On the top right of the playground, you'll find a Docs button that will open a documentation draw. This documentation is automatically generated and helps you find what entities and methods you can query.

Design Decision Log

Custom Chain Extrinsic Handling

We want to record extrinsics and their data from the chain, so we need to determine a fixed entity structure. However, the extrinsics structure may change significantly between each parachain and versions within that parachain.


We have versioned the Extrinsic entity, current latest is ExtrinsicV4. A new versioned entity may be needed for new versions of extrinsic.

Pros: The structure of different versions will be fixed, and there is no need to update the table structure when there is a new version.

Cons: When the query needs to traverse all extrinsics, or when aggregate data is needed, this design will not be particularly friendly.

Historic v Latest Balances

Calculating and maintaing the current balance of an account is hard, especially when supporting balances of accounts with multiple assets on a custom chain. We already know balance can be obtained through api.query.system.account, but it is not certain in what scenario and when to trigger this update. We cannot be sure that we will monitor all events/extrinsic that may affect the account balance.


When indexing each block, we extract all the accountIds and assetIds involved in all events and extrinsics. We then make queries for each accountId/assetId pair for latest balances and update the AccountBalance on any change.

If a chain supports multiple assets, AccountBalance id which is formed by account_id - assert_id, which represent balance for this account in this asset. Else only account_id will be stored.

Pros: Will not miss any update for the account.

Cons: Not the most efficient way to check for updated account balances. For example, a block contains a large number of different accountId, only one or two account balances actually changed, and we will query all of them one by one anyway.

Future Improvements

  • Create an entity to record the change of account balance and record the type of transaction as detailed as possible.