Car Reservation API

This is a Car Reservation API that allows users to reserve cars for upcoming rides. The API is built using Python 3.6+ and the FastAPI framework. It utilizes JSON format for communication and stores data in memory. The application provides endpoints for adding, updating, removing, and retrieving cars, as well as reserving cars for rides and retrieving upcoming reservations. The API documentation is accessible at localhost:8000/doc.


To run this application, you need to have the following software installed:

Python 3.6+


Clone the repository:

$ git clone

$ cd api-exercise

Create a virtual environment and activate it:

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Install the dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the application:

$ python -m uvicorn main:app

The API will be accessible at http://localhost:8000.

Endpoints Add Car

URL: /car/add

Method: PUT

Request Body:

  "make": "Toyota",
  "model": "Camry",
  "uid": "C001"


  "message": "Car added successfully"

Update Car

URL: /car/update/{uid}

Method: POST

URL Parameters:
    identifier: The unique identifier of the car to update

Request Body:

  "make": "Toyota",
  "model": "Corolla"


  "message": "Car updated successfully"

Remove Car

URL: /car/rm/{uid}

Method: DELETE

URL Parameters:
    identifier: The unique identifier of the car to remove


  "message": "Car removed successfully"

Get All Cars

URL: /car/list

Method: GET


  "cars": [
      "make": "Toyota",
      "model": "Camry",
      "uid": "C001"
      "make": "Honda",
      "model": "Civic",
      "uid": "C002"

Reserve Random Car

URL: /car/reserve

Method: POST

Request Body:

  "reserved-since": "2023-06-22T10:00:00",
  "reserved-minutes: 1


  "message": "Car {UID} {Model} {Make} reserved successfully",
  "reservation": {
    "car": {
      "make": "Toyota",
      "model": "Camry",
      "uid": "C001"
    "reserved-since": "2023-06-22T10:00:00",
    "reserved-minutes: 1

Reserve Car

URL: /car/reserve/{uid}

Method: POST

Request Body:

  "reserved-since": "2023-06-22T10:00:00",
  "reserved-minutes: 1


  "message": "Car reserved successfully",
  "reservation": {
    "car": {
      "make": "Toyota",
      "model": "Camry",
      "uid": "C001"
    "reserved-since": "2023-06-22T10:00:00",
    "reserved-minutes: 1


To run the automated tests, execute the following command:

$ python -m unittest discover -s tests


You can also run the application using Docker. Make sure you have Docker installed and follow these steps:

Build the Docker image:

$ docker build -t car-reservation-api .

Run the Docker container:

$ docker run -d -p 8000:8000 car-reservation-api

The API will be accessible at http://localhost:8000.