very dumb, hacky, possibly flaky package to send emails from an Exchange server via EWS (in the event yours doesn't expose a SMTP server) usage: b, err := ews.BuildTextEmail( "", []string{"", ""}, "An email subject", []byte("The email body, as plain text")) if err != nil { // handle err } resp, err := ews.Issue( "", "domain", "username", "password", b) if err != nil { // handle err } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { // read body and figure out what happened } // read or ignore body; the email was sent the other exported types are just the raw data structures for the request XML; you can ignore them I'm not sure if I'll develop this further; feel free to (warning: here be SOAP) some resources I used are in comments in the code TODOs - figure out why UTF-8 isn't used for email bodies, or how to force the encoding
quick and dirty Go package to send emails via Exchange using EWS instead of SMTP