
XMLHttpRequest mock for testing

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XMLHttpRequest mock for testing that provides a simple interface to simulate interactions with XMLHttpRequest without any outside dependency or interaction with the browser. It is meant as a drop-in replacement for XMLHttpRequest when testing code that depends on it.

This library implements the XMLHttpRequest interface and handles requests and events as specified in the XMLHTTPRequest specification without actually sending anything over the network. Mock response methods and Hooks are provided to simulate responses, upload progress, etc. The mock response methods are higher level and automatically handle lower-level processing like emitting events and setting the readystate property.

Table of Contents


via npm (node package manager)

$ npm install mock-xmlhttprequest

Quick Start

const assert = require('assert');
const MockXMLHttpRequest = require('mock-xmlhttprequest');

// Install the server's XMLHttpRequest mock in the "global" context.
// "new XMLHttpRequest()" will then create a mock request to which the server will reply.
const server = MockXMLHttpRequest.newServer({
  get: ['/my/url', {
    // status: 200 is the default
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: '{ "message": "Success!" }',
}).install( /* optional context; defaults to global */ );

// Do something that send()s an XMLHttpRequest to '/my/url'
const result = MyModuleUsingXhr.someAjaxMethod();

// Assuming someAjaxMethod() returns the parsed JSON body
assert.equal(result.message, 'Success!');

// Restore the original XMLHttpRequest from the context given to install()

Low-Level Quick Start

An alternative usage pattern not using the mock server based only on the MockXhr class. Mostly here for historical reasons because it predates the mock server.

const assert = require('assert');
const MockXMLHttpRequest = require('mock-xmlhttprequest');
const MockXhr = MockXMLHttpRequest.newMockXhr();

// Mock JSON response
MockXhr.onSend = (xhr) => {
  const responseHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' };
  const response = '{ "message": "Success!" }';
  xhr.respond(200, responseHeaders, response);

// Install in the global context so "new XMLHttpRequest()" uses the XMLHttpRequest mock
global.XMLHttpRequest = MockXhr;

// Do something that send()s an XMLHttpRequest to '/my/url'
const result = MyModuleUsingXhr.someAjaxMethod();

// Assuming someAjaxMethod() returns the value of the 'result' property
assert.equal(result.message, 'Success!');

// Remove the mock class from the global context
delete global.XMLHttpRequest;


Based on the XMLHTTPRequest specification, version '28 November 2018'.


  • events and states
  • open(), setRequestHeader(), send() and abort()
  • upload and download progress events
  • response status, statusText, headers and body
  • the timeout attribute (can be disabled) (since v4.0.0)
  • simulating a network error
  • simulating a request timeout (see MockXhr.setRequestTimeout())

Partial support

  • overrideMimeType(): throws when required, but has no other effect.
  • responseType: '', 'text' and 'json' are fully supported. Other responseType values can also be used, but they will return the response body passed to setResponseBody() as-is in xhr.response.
  • responseXml: the response body is not converted to a document response. To get a document response, pass it directly as the response body in setResponseBody().

Not supported

  • synchronous requests (i.e. async == false)
  • parsing the URL and setting the username and password since there are no actual HTTP requests
  • responseUrl (i.e. the final request URL with redirects) is not automatically set. This can be emulated in a request handler.


Mock Server

The mock server is the easiest way to define responses for one or more requests. Handlers can be registered for any HTTP method and URL without having to dig in the lower-level hooks of this library.

Basic Setup

The basic structure of tests using the mock server is:

const server = require('mock-xmlhttprequest').newServer( /* routes */ );
try {
  server.install( /* optional context; defaults to global */ );
  // Test code that creates XMLHttpRequests
} finally {
  // Don't do this before the test code is done creating XMLHttpRequests!
  • install(context = global) installs the server's XMLHttpRequest mock in the given context (e.g. global in node or window in the browser).
  • remove() reverts what install() did.

For more control, you can also access the server's XMLHttpRequest mock class. This allows injecting it somewhere with custom code instead of using install():

  • server.xhrFactory is a factory method to create XMLHttpRequest mock instances.
  • server.MockXhr is the server's XMLHttpRequest mock class.

Usage example:

const server = require('mock-xmlhttprequest').newServer( /* routes */ );
const savedFactory = MyClass.xhrFactory;
try {
  MyClass.xhrFactory = server.xhrFactory;
  // Test code that creates XMLHttpRequests through MyClass.xhrFactory()
} finally {
  // Don't do this before the test code is done using the factory!
  MyClass.xhrFactory = savedFactory;


Routes are defined by these 3 elements:

When an XMLHttpRequest is sent, the server responds with the request handler of the first route matching the request method and URL. Note that route insertion order is important here. If no route is found for a request, no action is taken.

The route concept is loosely based on the Express framework.

HTTP Request Method

Any string with a valid HTTP request method is allowed. This includes standard methods like GET, POST, PUT and DELETE, but also other method names as well.

Request URL Matcher

This can be:

  • A string (e.g. '/get') in which case it must match exactly the request URL.
  • A RegExp against which the request URL is tested.
  • A Function (signature matches(url)) which must return true if the request URL matches.
Request Handler

This can be:

  • An object with the response properties. The default values are: { status: 200, headers: {}, body: null, statusText: 'OK' }. An empty object is also allowed here to accept all default values.
  • A Function (signature handler(xhr)) that calls the mock response methods directly.
  • An array of object and Function request handlers. In this case, the first matching request gets the first handler, the second gets the second handler and so on. The last handler is reused if the number of matching requests exceeds the number of handlers in the array.

These handlers are equivalent:

const handlerObj = {};
const handlerFn = (xhr) => { xhr.respond(); };
const handlerArray = [{}];

Request handlers are invoked in a different call stack (using setTimeout()) than the one that called send() on the XMLHttpRequest. Therefore you will probably need to use your test framework's asynchronous test support (e.g. for Mocha: https://mochajs.org/#asynchronous-code) to complete the unit test.

MockXMLHttpRequest.newServer(routes = {})

Factory method to create a new server. The optional routes parameter allows defining routes directly at construction. Each property name in routes corresponds to an HTTP method and its value must be an array containing [url_matcher, request_handler].


const handlerFn = (xhr) => { xhr.respond(); };
  get: ['/get', { status: 200 }],
  'my-method': ['/my-method', { status: 201 }],
  post: ['/post', [handlerFn, { status: 404 }]],

get(matcher, handler)

Add a route for the GET HTTP method.

post(matcher, handler)

Add a route for the POST HTTP method.

put(matcher, handler)

Add a route for the PUT HTTP method.

delete(matcher, handler)

Add a route for the DELETE HTTP method.

addHandler(method, matcher, handler)

Add a route for the method HTTP method.


Set a default request handler for requests that don't match any route.


Return 404 responses for requests that don't match any route.


Returns the list of all requests received by the server. Each entry has { method, url, body, headers }. Can be useful for debugging or asserting the order and contents of the sent mock requests.

disableTimeout() and enableTimeout()

Controls whether setting the timeout attribute of a mocked XMLHttpRequest actually triggers timeout events that cancel requests. This is enabled by default. See "The timeout Attribute and Request Timeouts".

Mock response methods

These methods can be called on MockXhr (i.e. the XMLHttpRequest mock) instances.


Fires a request upload progress event where transmitted is the number of bytes transmitted.

May only be called when the request body is not null and the upload is not complete. Can be followed by any other mock response method.

respond(status = 200, headers = {}, body = null, statusText = 'OK')

Complete response method which sets the response headers and body. Will fire the appropriate readystatechange, progress, load, etc. (upload) events. The state of the request will be set to DONE.

This is a shorthand for calling setResponseHeaders() and setResponseBody() in sequence.

No other mock response methods may be called after this one until open() is called.

setResponseHeaders(status = 200, headers = {}, statusText = 'OK')

Sets the response headers only. Will fire the appropriate readystatechange, progress, load, etc. (upload) events. Will set the request state to HEADERS_RECEIVED.

Should be followed by either downloadProgress(), setResponseBody(), setNetworkError() or setRequestTimeout().

downloadProgress(transmitted, length)

Fires a response progress event. Will set the request state to LOADING.

Must be preceded by setResponseHeaders().

setResponseBody(body = null)

Sets the response body. Calls [setResponseHeaders()](#setresponseheadersstatus--200-headers---statustext--ok if not already called. Will fire the appropriate readystatechange, progress, load, etc. (upload) events. The state of the request will be set to DONE.

No other mock response methods may be called after this one until open() is called.


Simulates a network error. Will set the request state to DONE and fire an error event (amongst other events).

No other mock response methods may be called after this one until open() is called.


Simulates a request timeout. Will set the request state to DONE and fire a timeout event (amongst other events).

No other mock response methods may be called after this one until open() is called.


The hooks defined in this library can be set at these locations:

  • On an instance of MockXhr (i.e. of the XMLHttpRequest mock class).
  • On a "local" MockXhr mock subclass returned by require('mock-xmlhttprequest').newMockXhr().
  • Globally, directly on the MockXhr class (from require('mock-xmlhttprequest').MockXhr). Note that each call to require('mock-xmlhttprequest') in a node process will return the same instance of MockXMLHttpRequest. This means that hooks set directly on MockXMLHttpRequest.MockXhr need to be removed manually when no longer needed. This method is therefore not recommended.


Called when an instance of MockXhr is created. This makes it possible to capture instances of XMLHttpRequest when they are constructed.

This hook is called inside the MockXhr constructor.

const MockXMLHttpRequest = require('mock-xmlhttprequest');
const MockXhr = MockXMLHttpRequest.newMockXhr();

// Hook for all requests using the local mock subclass
MockXhr.onCreate = (xhr) => { /*...*/ };

// Global hook for all requests from all mocks
MockXMLHttpRequest.MockXhr.onCreate = (xhr) => { /*...*/ };


Called when XMLHttpRequest.send() has done its processing and the test case should start using the mock reponse methods. In a real XMLHttpRequest, this would be where the actual http request takes place.

This callback is invoked in an empty call stack (using setTimeout()). Therefore you will probably need to use your test framework's asynchronous test support (e.g. for Mocha: https://mochajs.org/#asynchronous-code) to complete the unit test when using this.

const MockXMLHttpRequest = require('mock-xmlhttprequest');
const MockXhr = MockXMLHttpRequest.newMockXhr();

// Hook for all requests using the local mock subclass
MockXhr.onSend = (xhr) => { /*...*/ };

// Global hook for all requests from all mocks
MockXMLHttpRequest.MockXhr.onSend = (xhr) => { /*...*/ };

// Hook local to an instance of MockXhr
const xhr = new MockXhr();
xhr.onSend = (xhr) => { /*...*/ };

The timeout Attribute and Request Timeouts

(since v4.0.0)

By default, setting the timeout attribute of a MockXhr instance triggers timeout events that cancel requests as described in the specification. This can be problematic in some tests and when debugging interactively since request timeouts are then not explicitly triggered by the test code. There are multiple ways to disable this behavior:

  • Set xhr.timeoutEnabled = false on an MockXhr instance to disable for that instance only.
  • Set MockXhr.timeoutEnabled = false directly on the MockXhr class to disable for all its instances.
  • Call server.disableTimeout() on a mock server to disable for all its MockXhr instances.

When the timeout attribute is disabled (and also when it's enabled), timeouts can be triggered programmatically using setRequestTimeout().

Run Unit Tests

$ npm test


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