
GoPay's .NET SDK for Payments REST API

Primary LanguageC#


Detailed guide: https://doc.gopay.com


  • .NET Standard 2.0


This library is avalaible from NuGet Package Manager

PM> Install-Package GOPAY.NET


  • Newtonsoft.Json
  • Restsharp
  • Restsharp.Newtonsoft.Json


  using GoPay.Common;
  using GoPay.Model;
  using GoPay.Payment;

Basic usage

Creating an instance of GPConnector

var connector = new GPConnector(<API_URL>,<USER_SECRET>, <USER_ID>);

The connector provides methods for interacting with our gateway.


To be able to communicate with our gateway it's required to create an auth token.

var connector = new GPConnector(<API_URL>,<USER_ID>, <USER_SECRET>);

The token gets cached in an instance of GPConnector and its lifetime is 30 minutes. The method GetAppToken() creates token in a scope "payment-create". If you would like to create a token in a different scope call method GetAppToken(<SCOPE>) Once the token expires its required to obtain a new one by calling the method getAppToken again.

Avalaible methods

Method API Action
CreatePayment https://doc.gopay.com/en/#standard-payment
PaymentStatus https://doc.gopay.com/en/#status-of-the-payment
RefundPayment https://doc.gopay.com/en/#refund-of-the-payment-(cancelation)
CreateRecurrentPayment https://doc.gopay.com/en/#recurring-payment
CreateRecurrentPayment https://doc.gopay.com/en/#recurring-payment-on-demand
VoidRecurrency https://doc.gopay.com/en/#cancellation-of-the-recurring-payment
VoidAuthorization https://doc.gopay.com/en/#cancellation-of-the-pre-authorized-payment
CapturePayment https://doc.gopay.com/en/#charge-of-pre-authorized-payment
Create a payment
 var payment = new BasePayment()
                Currency = <Currency>,
                Lang = "ENG",
                OrderNumber = "789456167879",
                Amount = 7500,
                Target = new Target()
                    GoId = <GOID>,
                    Type = Target.TargetType.ACCOUNT
                Callback = new Callback()
                    NotificationUrl = <NOTIFICATION_URL>,
                    ReturnUrl = <RETURN_URL>
                Payer = new Payer()
                    Contact = new PayerContact()
                        Email = "test@test.gopay.cz"
                    DefaultPaymentInstrument = PaymentInstrument.PAYMENT_CARD

try {
    var result = connector.CreatePayment(payment);
} catch (GPClientException e) {
Payment status
try {
    var payment = connector.PaymentStatus(<PAYMENT_ID>);
} catch (GPClientException e) {
Payment refund
try {
      var result = connector.RefundPayment(<PAYMENT_ID>, <AMOUNT>);
} catch (GPClientException e) {
Create preauthorized payment
var payment = new BasePayment() 
  PreAuthorize = true,
try {
} catch (GPClientException ex) {
Void authorization
try {
    var result = connector.VoidAuthorization(<ID>);
} catch (GPClientException ex) {
Recurrent payment on demand
var recurrence = new NextPayment() 
 Amount = <Amount>,
 Currency = <Currency>,
 OrderNumber = <OrderNumber>

try {
} catch {GPClientException e) {
Recurrent payment
var recurrence = new Recurrence() 
 Cycle = RecurrenceCycle.DAY,
 DateTo = new DateTime(2020, 12, 12),
 Period = 5
var payment = new BasePayment();
payment.Recurrence = recurrence;

try {
} catch {GPClientException e) {
Capture payment
try {
    var capture = connector.CapturePayment(<ID>);
} catch (GPClientException ex) {
Void recurrency
try {
   var voidRecurrency = connector.VoidRecurrency(<ID>);
} catch (GPClientException ex) {

All methods above throw checked exception GPClientException on a failure.

try {
} catch (GPClientException e) {
    var err = exception.Error;
    var date = err.DateIssued;
    foreach (var element in err.ErrorMessages)


Contributions from others would be very much appreciated! Send pull request/ issue. Thanks!


Copyright (c) 2016 GoPay.com. MIT Licensed, see LICENSE for details.