Speedtest Server Finder

For use with Speedtest Tracker - https://github.com/alexjustesen/speedtest-tracker or where the need to find the server id of a speedtest server is required.

Easier approach then using speedtest-cli to find recommended servers or the server id of a speedtest server.

Working Example


Recommend Servers

Provides a top 10 list of servers as recommended by Oooka based on your IP address and provider.

Server Search

Allows searching based on a keyword and provides a list of the top 10 results.

  • keyword - can include a provider or city or country.
  • minimum 3 letters or more required for a search.


Not associated with Ookla

Built for educational purposes as part of learning the Bootstrap framework - https://getbootstrap.com/ and Cloudflare Pages - https://pages.cloudflare.com/.