
Reusable Material Design Lite components for Vue.js

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Reusable Vue components using Material Design Lite for Vue 2. If you're using Vue 1, make sure to install the version 0.x. From version 1.x onwards, vue-mdl is compatible with Vue 2.

‼️ vue-mdl relies on the last versions of vue and material design lite but does not include them. Make sure to have your modules up to date 😉 and installed (Specially for MDL). Remember to remove the defer attribute in case you copy pasted the lines from MDL Doc 😉. See #20.


import VueMdl from 'vue-mdl'
import Vue from 'vue'


new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    checked: false
<mdl-checkbox :checked.sync='checked'>Checkbox</mdl-checkbox>

For more detailed usage about non es6 environments, check the documentation.


The test/components directory has a lot of examples used for tests.

The documentation is available here Pull Requests and issues are welcome.


This will build a distributable version in the dist directory.

npm run build


You can run all the tests

npm test

Unit tests

npm run test:unit


Run npm run dev and visit http://localhost:8080.

Create tests pages inside test/components. Add unit tests to test/unit/specs and modify test/unit/main.js to load the test.

You can also serve the tests pages without running the unit tests by running npm run dev:integration. This makes easy to actually see and manually test components.


When contributing, make sure all tests pass. If you wrote a new feature or fixed a bug make sure to add the corresponding test.


Releasing is done using the git flow model

  • Start a new release git flow release start x.x.x
  • Run npm run build
  • Bump package.json version
  • Commit the version. No more info needed
  • Run git flow release finish
  • Write the changelog in the tag notes
  • Push master and develop branches git push --all --follow-tags
  • Publish it to npm: npm publish



Copyright (c) 2016 Eduardo San Martin Morote