- 4
New supported fork
#57 opened by nstdio - 1
- 0
How to use for Abstract Class ?
#59 opened by vedant280 - 0
- 4
- 4
Is it possible to filter by the json fields?
#53 opened by AdrianC2000 - 0
Having problems compiling the project
#38 opened by valentinmihaylov - 1
- 2
Is RSQLParser.parse() thread-safe?
#34 opened by gevaerts - 2
How to represent an empty filter in rsql
#50 opened by therohk - 1
Is there a similar library in Python?
#56 opened by stephen-lazarionok - 0
Could we use this to create FIQL expressions?
#54 opened by prasannjeet - 3
- 0
- 15
Unable to use single quotes in the value
#10 opened by vvkkganta - 1
Closing ByteArrayInputStream in cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.RSQLParser.class
#51 opened by Rumpelshtinskiy - 1
- 1
support for sorting
#49 opened by bartekkocik - 12
Nested jpa object search
#29 opened by FloresStefano - 1
Support enumeration fields
#39 opened by drenda - 2
Is that possible to check on null?
#24 opened by ziziermao - 2
- 10
Support for 'isnull' operator
#21 opened by aklish - 3
- 4
Case insensitive like
#25 opened by DennisMcWherter - 0
#44 opened by NameAlex - 1
RSQLParserException from Parse method
#43 opened by shadha1215 - 2
Is there a special way to deal with timestamps?
#11 opened by siasia - 0
Need RSQL query format for $MOD
#42 opened by RamJunglee - 4
Provide an escape character so that single and double quotes can exist in a value simultaneously.
#7 opened by RutledgePaulV - 4
How to add orderBy
#9 opened by rgururaj - 3
Is the project actively supported
#35 opened by mkargar - 1
Allowing reserved character in selector ?
#32 opened by ajitnain - 3
~ reserved word
#20 opened by kamaydeo - 3
- 1
Map fields support
#30 opened by sshcherbakov - 2
=q= operator and handling nested attributes
#27 opened by mlarsson - 3
Working combination of packages?
#26 opened by schatzmanj - 3
Semicolon as “AND”?
#18 opened by tYYGH - 0
Add Aggregate of Max, Sum operator support
#23 opened by dddu88 - 4
support for NOT operator
#19 opened by kamaydeo - 0
Support for suggest next token
#22 opened by michahirsch - 1
- 3
ability to pass nulls in rsql grammer
#16 opened by gauravbrills - 3
Spliting in modules
#3 opened by diorcety - 1
How to use limit and offset
#14 opened by t2349 - 2
Empty Query
#15 opened by nitinja - 2
request to support things like
#12 opened by berlinguyinca - 2
Java 1.6 Compatability
#5 opened by Lobanz - 1
Missing RSQLOperators in 2.0.M1
#4 opened by elysch