Please fill out:
- Student name: James M. Irving
- Student pace: full time
- Scheduled project review date/time: 03/08/19 at 12pm
- Instructor name: Jeff Herman
- Blog post URL:
- Final Project Submission
- Outline of Data Processing and Analysis(using OSEMN model)
- Fill in null values and recast variables for EDA
- Question 1: Which predictors should be analyzed as continuous data, vs binned/categorical data?
- COARSE-BINNING Numerical Data
- Cross-Validation with K-Fold Test-Train Splits:
HOW TO: Tableau Maps were from final .csv loaded into Tableau Public and can be viewed and downloaded from!/
- Load in your .csv dataset from your project.
- Let it use data interpreter. It should identify zipcode as a location.
- On your worksheet page:
- For plotting each price for each house:
- Drag the Measures Lat and Long onto the rows and columns boxes (top of sheet)
- Drag the Measure price onto the Color Button under Marks.
It should now be listed at the bottom of the Marks panel. - Right-click and select "Dimension"
- For plotting median income by zipcode:
- Drag zipcode form the Dimensions panel onto the main graph window.
- It will automatically load in map of location.
- Drag price onto the color button (it will now appear in the Marks window)
- Rich click on Price. Select "Measure" > Median
- Drag zipcode form the Dimensions panel onto the main graph window.
- Customize map features by selecting "Map" > Map Layers on the Menu Bar.
- For plotting each price for each house:
OBTAIN: Import data, inspect, check for datatypes to convert and null values
- Display header and info
- Drop any unneeded columns (df.drop(['col1','col2'],axis=1)
SCRUB: cast data types, identify outliers, check for multicollinearity, normalize data
- Check and cast data types
- Check for #'s that are store as objects (
- when converting to #'s, look for odd values (like many 0's), or strings that can't be converted
- Decide how to deal weird/null values (df.unique(), df.isna().sum(), df.describe()-min/max, etc
- Check for categorical variables stored as integers
- Check for #'s that are store as objects (
- Check for missing values (df.isna().sum())
- Can drop rows or colums
- For missing numeric data with median or bin/convert to categorical
- For missing categorical data: make NaN own category OR replace with most common category
- Check for multicollinearity
- use seaborn to make correlation matrix plot Evernote Link
- Good rule of thumb is anything over 0.75 corr is high, remove the variable that has the most correl with the largest # of variables
- Normalize data (may want to do after some exploring)
- Most popular is Z-scoring (but won't fix skew)
- Can log-transform to fix skewed data
- Check and cast data types
EXPLORE:Check distributions, outliers, etc
- Check scales, ranges (df.describe())
- Check histograms to get an idea of distributions (df.hist()) and dat transformations to perform
- Can also do kernel density estimates
- Use scatterplots to check for linearity and possible categorical variables (df.plot(kind-'scatter')
- categoricals will look like vertical lines
- Use pd.plotting.scatter_matrix to visualize possible relationships
- Check for linearity
- Various forms, detail later...
- Assessing the model:
- Assess parameters (slope,intercept)
- Check if the model explains the variation in the data (RMSE, F, R_square)
- Are the coeffs, slopes, intercepts in appropriate units?
- Whats the impact of collinearity? Can we ignore?
Revise the fitted model
- Multicollinearity is big issue for lin regression and cannot fully remove it
- Use the predictive ability of model to test it (like R2 and RMSE)
- Check for missed non-linearity
Holdout validation / Train/test split
- use sklearn train_test_split
- Import required packages, read in dataframe, and definefunctions
from _functions_jirving import *
df = pd.read_csv('kc_house_data.csv')
# Set index, create dataframe for dropped variables with id as index for both
# df.set_index=('id')
drop_me =['id','lat','long','date']
df_dropped = df[drop_me].copy()
- The below cell determines the output filepaths and should not be altered unless you intend to change those locations
folder = %pwd
fig_filepath = folder+'/Figures/'
data_filepath = folder+'/Data/'
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=21597, step=1)
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
price | bedrooms | bathrooms | sqft_living | sqft_lot | floors | waterfront | view | condition | grade | sqft_above | sqft_basement | yr_built | yr_renovated | zipcode | sqft_living15 | sqft_lot15 | |
0 | 221900.0 | 3 | 1.00 | 1180 | 5650 | 1.0 | NaN | 0.0 | 3 | 7 | 1180 | 0.0 | 1955 | 0.0 | 98178 | 1340 | 5650 |
1 | 538000.0 | 3 | 2.25 | 2570 | 7242 | 2.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 3 | 7 | 2170 | 400.0 | 1951 | 1991.0 | 98125 | 1690 | 7639 |
2 | 180000.0 | 2 | 1.00 | 770 | 10000 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 3 | 6 | 770 | 0.0 | 1933 | NaN | 98028 | 2720 | 8062 |
3 | 604000.0 | 4 | 3.00 | 1960 | 5000 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 5 | 7 | 1050 | 910.0 | 1965 | 0.0 | 98136 | 1360 | 5000 |
4 | 510000.0 | 3 | 2.00 | 1680 | 8080 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 3 | 8 | 1680 | 0.0 | 1987 | 0.0 | 98074 | 1800 | 7503 |
# Display DataFrame Infro
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 21597 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 17 columns):
price 21597 non-null float64
bedrooms 21597 non-null int64
bathrooms 21597 non-null float64
sqft_living 21597 non-null int64
sqft_lot 21597 non-null int64
floors 21597 non-null float64
waterfront 19221 non-null float64
view 21534 non-null float64
condition 21597 non-null int64
grade 21597 non-null int64
sqft_above 21597 non-null int64
sqft_basement 21597 non-null object
yr_built 21597 non-null int64
yr_renovated 17755 non-null float64
zipcode 21597 non-null int64
sqft_living15 21597 non-null int64
sqft_lot15 21597 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(6), int64(10), object(1)
memory usage: 2.8+ MB
# Check for columns with null values (remember strings/objects are not counted here)
res = df.isna().sum()
# Waterfront, view, yr_renovated have missing values
waterfront 2376
view 63
yr_renovated 3842
dtype: int64
Total: 21597
- From examining the and df.isna().sum(), there is 1 numerical data column that is currently text/object data type.
- I will address these first since they would be excluded from preliminary visualizations.
- There are also null values to address in waterfront, view, and yr_renovated
- The Date column will be recast as datetime
# Recast zipcode as a category
df['zipcode'] = df['zipcode'].astype('category')
# Checking why sqft_basement might be an object:
# df['sqft_basement'].value_counts().nlargest(10)
Column: df['sqft_basement']':
dtype: object
isna: 0 out of 21597 - 0.0%
Unique non-na values:
0.0 12826
? 454
600.0 217
500.0 209
700.0 208
800.0 201
400.0 184
1000.0 148
900.0 142
300.0 142
Name: sqft_basement, dtype: int64
- sqft_basement is current an object, needs to be converted to int
- Need to
replacedrop the 454 '?' values - There are a lot of 0's, for sqft_basement. Not sure if I should keep them in the dataset. I am for now.
- Note: I originally replaced the ?'s with 0's, but am re-running the dataset with them dropped altogether.
- Need to
# Removing rows with ? for sqft_basement and converting to float
df['sqft_basement'].replace(to_replace = '?',value=np.nan,inplace=True) #,inplace=True)
df['sqft_basement'] = df['sqft_basement'].astype('float')
Column: df['sqft_basement']':
dtype: float64
isna: 0 out of 21143 - 0.0%
Unique non-na values:
0.0 12826
600.0 217
500.0 209
700.0 208
800.0 201
400.0 184
1000.0 148
900.0 142
300.0 142
200.0 105
Name: sqft_basement, dtype: int64
Replace the 61 null values with appropriate value for data type- Drop the 61 view null values
# Check for columns with null values (remember strings/objects are not counted here)
res = df.isna().sum()
# Waterfront, view, yr_renovated have missing values
waterfront 2339
view 61
yr_renovated 3754
dtype: int64
Column: df['view']':
dtype: float64
isna: 61 out of 21143 - 0.289%
Unique non-na values:
0.0 19018
2.0 930
3.0 496
1.0 327
4.0 311
Name: view, dtype: int64
# Drop null values from view and re-check column
Column: df['view']':
dtype: float64
isna: 0 out of 21082 - 0.0%
Unique non-na values:
0.0 19018
2.0 930
3.0 496
1.0 327
4.0 311
Name: view, dtype: int64
# Convert view to category and create a coded version called code_view
df['view'] = df['view'].astype('category')
df['code_view'] =
0 19018
2 930
3 496
1 327
4 311
Name: code_view, dtype: int64
# Drop drop_me variable from main df, save in df_dropped
drop_me = 'view'
df_dropped[drop_me] = df[drop_me].copy()
- Recast as
intstring - Waterfront has 2339 null values to
replace.make into unordered and coded into "NaN" category- Note this is string "NaN" not np.nan
Column: df['waterfront']':
dtype: float64
isna: 2333 out of 21082 - 11.066%
Unique non-na values:
0.0 18608
1.0 141
Name: waterfront, dtype: int64
# Convert waterfront to category, replace null values with "NaN"' string to make it a category
df['waterfront'] = df['waterfront'].astype('category')
df['waterfront'] = df['waterfront'].astype('category')
# df['waterfront'].value_counts()
Column: df['waterfront']':
dtype: category
isna: 0 out of 21082 - 0.0%
Unique non-na values:
0.0 18608
NaN 2333
1.0 141
Name: waterfront, dtype: int64
# Turn waterfront into coded column
df['code_waterfront'] =
Column: df['code_waterfront']':
dtype: int8
isna: 0 out of 21082 - 0.0%
Unique non-na values:
0 18608
2 2333
1 141
Name: code_waterfront, dtype: int64
# Drop drop_me variable from main df, save in df_dropped
drop_me = 'waterfront'
df_dropped[drop_me] = df[drop_me].copy()
- yr_renovated has 3754 null values
- Presumably this is because the homes were never renovated
Will replace with 0.0- Replace all 0.0's with NaN
- Replacing yr_renovated with binary category based on it if has been renovated or not
- Make new column 'is_reno'
Column: df['yr_renovated']':
dtype: float64
isna: 3742 out of 21082 - 17.75%
Unique non-na values:
0.0 16618
2014.0 69
2003.0 31
2013.0 31
2007.0 30
2000.0 29
2005.0 29
1990.0 22
2009.0 21
2004.0 21
Name: yr_renovated, dtype: int64
# Fill in 0.0 yr_renovated as np.nan temporarily
# Recheck for null values
check_column(df['yr_renovated'],10) #df.isna().sum()
Column: df['yr_renovated']':
dtype: float64
isna: 20360 out of 21082 - 96.575%
Unique non-na values:
2014.0 69
2013.0 31
2003.0 31
2007.0 30
2000.0 29
2005.0 29
1990.0 22
2009.0 21
2004.0 21
2006.0 20
Name: yr_renovated, dtype: int64
# Get indices of all np.nan values to be used for is_reno category below
idx_nan = df['yr_renovated'].loc[df['yr_renovated'].isna()].index
idx_notnan = df['yr_renovated'].loc[~df['yr_renovated'].isna()].index
# Make df['is_reno']
df['is_reno'] = df['yr_renovated'].copy
df['is_reno'][idx_nan] = 0
df['is_reno'][idx_notnan] = 1
Column: df['is_reno']':
dtype: int64
isna: 0 out of 21082 - 0.0%
Unique non-na values:
0 20360
1 722
Name: is_reno, dtype: int64
//anaconda3/envs/learn-env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame
See the caveats in the documentation:
import sys
//anaconda3/envs/learn-env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame
See the caveats in the documentation:
# Drop drop_me variable from main df, save in df_dropped
drop_me = 'yr_renovated'
df_dropped[drop_me] = df[drop_me].copy()
Removed null values by dropping na from sqft_basement and view.
Converted waterfront to category and made NaN its own separate category (since there were so many null vlaues)
Converted yr_renovated to is_reno simple 0 or 1 value
Recase zipcodes as category since there is no numerical relationship between zipcode values
Next to inspect distributions and scatterplots to identify which numerical columns may be better analyzed as categories
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 21082 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 17 columns):
price 21082 non-null float64
bedrooms 21082 non-null int64
bathrooms 21082 non-null float64
sqft_living 21082 non-null int64
sqft_lot 21082 non-null int64
floors 21082 non-null float64
condition 21082 non-null int64
grade 21082 non-null int64
sqft_above 21082 non-null int64
sqft_basement 21082 non-null float64
yr_built 21082 non-null int64
zipcode 21082 non-null category
sqft_living15 21082 non-null int64
sqft_lot15 21082 non-null int64
code_view 21082 non-null int8
code_waterfront 21082 non-null int8
is_reno 21082 non-null int64
dtypes: category(1), float64(4), int64(10), int8(2)
memory usage: 3.1 MB
- Will examine histogram distributions and scatter plots vs price for each variable in df.describe()
# Plot histograms and scatterplots vs target variable price for all numerical columns in df (show up in .describe())
fig = plot_hist_scat(df)
# fig = plot_hist_scat_sns(df)
- Notes on histograms and scatterplots
- Columns to be analyzed as categorical data: (cast as int for now, make sure its .
astype('category').cat.as_ordered()one-hot coded later before running regression- Waterfront
- View
- Zipcode
- Columns that are ordinal data. (e.g. 2 floors is indeed double 1 floor)
- Floors
- Bedrooms
- Bathrooms
- Condition
- Grade
- Columns that may be best analyzed by binning and casting as categorical data
- Yr_built
- is_reno
- classified as simply renovated or not.**
- sqft_basement
- sqft_above
- Numerical columns (that may be best analyzed as such)
- All sqft categories
- price
- Note: moved sqft_basement to binned category to deal with 0's, also added sqft_above to accompany it
- Numerical columns that were dropped
- id
- Lat
- Long
- Date
- yr_renovated -> is_reno
- The target variable, price, seems a bit skewed and may be better analyzed as log-transformed.
- Try both log-transformed and unaltered
- All sqft columns seem to be skewed and should be transformed. (log)
# Create tuples with columns names of categorical variables for easy extraction
cat_vars = ('waterfront','view','zipcode')
ord_vars = ('grade','condition','floors','bedrooms','bathrooms')
vars_to_bin = ('yr_built','yr_renovated','sqft_above','sqft_basement')
num_vars = ('sqft_living', 'sqft_lot','sqft_living15', 'sqft_lot15')
- yr_built, yr_renovated
- Added sqft_basement due to 0 values
- Added sqft_above to accompany basement
# Check the min and max of the yr variables for binning range
count 21082.00
mean 1971.02
std 29.32
min 1900.00
25% 1952.00
50% 1975.00
75% 1997.00
max 2015.00
Name: yr_built, dtype: float64
## Bin yr_built then make yr_built category
# yr_built min is 1900, max is 2015
bins = list(range(1900,2030,10))
bins_yrbuilt = pd.cut(df['yr_built'], bins,include_lowest=True) # Cut into bins
# check_column(bins_yrbuilt)
df['bins_yrbuilt'] = bins_yrbuilt.astype('category').cat.as_ordered()
# Inspecting the binned data counts
Column: df['bins_yrbuilt']':
dtype: category
isna: 0 out of 21082 - 0.0%
Unique non-na values:
(2000.0, 2010.0] 3354
(1960.0, 1970.0] 2484
(1950.0, 1960.0] 2411
(1970.0, 1980.0] 2351
(1980.0, 1990.0] 2297
(1990.0, 2000.0] 2085
(1940.0, 1950.0] 1806
(1920.0, 1930.0] 1142
(2010.0, 2020.0] 1066
(1899.999, 1910.0] 759
(1910.0, 1920.0] 747
(1930.0, 1940.0] 580
Name: bins_yrbuilt, dtype: int64
# Drop original
drop_me = 'yr_built'
df_dropped[drop_me] = df[drop_me].copy()
count 21082.000000
mean 291.359975
std 442.007858
min 0.000000
25% 0.000000
50% 0.000000
75% 560.000000
max 4820.000000
Name: sqft_basement, dtype: float64
Column: df['sqft_basement']':
dtype: float64
isna: 0 out of 21082 - 0.0%
Unique non-na values:
0.0 12798
600.0 216
500.0 209
700.0 207
800.0 201
400.0 184
1000.0 147
900.0 142
300.0 140
200.0 105
Name: sqft_basement, dtype: int64
# Definine bins where bins 0-1 is its own interval
[bins.append(x) for x in range(1,5500,500)]
# bins
# cut_basement = df['sqft_basement'].replace(0,np.nan)
cut_basement = df['sqft_basement'].replace(np.nan,0).copy()
# cut_basement = cut_basement.replace('NaN',0)
bins_sqftbase = pd.cut(cut_basement, bins=bins, include_lowest=True) # Cut into bins
df['bins_sqftbasement'] = bins_sqftbase.copy()
# Cast as ordered category
df['bins_sqftbasement'] = df['bins_sqftbasement'].astype('category').cat.as_ordered()
# Check result
Column: df['bins_sqftbasement']':
dtype: category
isna: 0 out of 21082 - 0.0%
Unique non-na values:
(-inf, 1.0] 12798
(501.0, 1001.0] 3849
(1.0, 501.0] 2617
(1001.0, 1501.0] 1476
(1501.0, 2001.0] 269
(2001.0, 2501.0] 57
(2501.0, 3001.0] 11
(3001.0, 3501.0] 3
(4501.0, 5001.0] 1
(4001.0, 4501.0] 1
(3501.0, 4001.0] 0
Name: bins_sqftbasement, dtype: int64
# Drop original
drop_me = 'sqft_basement'
df_dropped[drop_me] = df[drop_me].copy()
Column: df['sqft_above']':
dtype: int64
isna: 0 out of 21082 - 0.0%
Unique non-na values:
1300 208
1010 206
1200 197
1220 190
1140 181
1180 174
1400 174
1340 173
1060 173
1250 168
Name: sqft_above, dtype: int64
count 21082.000000
mean 1789.000000
std 828.369355
min 370.000000
25% 1200.000000
50% 1560.000000
75% 2210.000000
max 9410.000000
Name: sqft_above, dtype: float64
# sqft_above
# Bins to cover range seen above in .describe
bins = list(range(0,9501,500))
# cut_above = df['sqft_above'].replace(0,np.nan)
bins_sqftabove = pd.cut(df['sqft_above'], bins=bins, include_lowest=True) # Cut into bins, including left edge
Column: df['sqft_above']':
dtype: category
isna: 0 out of 21082 - 0.0%
Unique non-na values:
(1000.0, 1500.0] 7352
(1500.0, 2000.0] 4686
(2000.0, 2500.0] 2764
(500.0, 1000.0] 2488
(2500.0, 3000.0] 1815
(3000.0, 3500.0] 1088
(3500.0, 4000.0] 466
(4000.0, 4500.0] 239
(4500.0, 5000.0] 80
(5000.0, 5500.0] 42
(-0.001, 500.0] 19
(6000.0, 6500.0] 16
(5500.0, 6000.0] 14
(6500.0, 7000.0] 4
(7500.0, 8000.0] 3
(8500.0, 9000.0] 2
(7000.0, 7500.0] 2
(8000.0, 8500.0] 1
(9000.0, 9500.0] 1
Name: sqft_above, dtype: int64
Column: df['bins_sqftabove']':
dtype: category
isna: 0 out of 21082 - 0.0%
Unique non-na values:
(1000.0, 1500.0] 7352
(1500.0, 2000.0] 4686
(2000.0, 2500.0] 2764
(500.0, 1000.0] 2488
(2500.0, 3000.0] 1815
(3000.0, 3500.0] 1088
(3500.0, 4000.0] 466
(4000.0, 4500.0] 239
(4500.0, 5000.0] 80
(5000.0, 5500.0] 42
(-0.001, 500.0] 19
(6000.0, 6500.0] 16
(5500.0, 6000.0] 14
(6500.0, 7000.0] 4
(7500.0, 8000.0] 3
(8500.0, 9000.0] 2
(7000.0, 7500.0] 2
(8000.0, 8500.0] 1
(9000.0, 9500.0] 1
Name: bins_sqftabove, dtype: int64
# Drop original
drop_me = 'sqft_above'
df_dropped[drop_me] = df[drop_me].copy()
# Plot correlation heatmaps for all data
# pause
to_drop = ['price']
- Sqft_living is highly correlated with sqft_living15 and grade,
- These correlations make sense sense since neighborhoods probably have similar construction.
- The r values are ~0.75 (threshold) and have sufficient intuitive rationale to keep.
- Re-examining the basic stats and distributions of the data.
- Decide on transformations to perform
- Normalize afterwards.
- Visually examine for possible relationships
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
price | bedrooms | bathrooms | sqft_living | sqft_lot | floors | condition | grade | zipcode | sqft_living15 | sqft_lot15 | code_view | code_waterfront | is_reno | bins_yrbuilt | bins_sqftbasement | bins_sqftabove | |
0 | 221900.0 | 3 | 1.00 | 1180 | 5650 | 1.0 | 3 | 7 | 98178 | 1340 | 5650 | 0 | 2 | 0 | (1950.0, 1960.0] | (-inf, 1.0] | (1000.0, 1500.0] |
1 | 538000.0 | 3 | 2.25 | 2570 | 7242 | 2.0 | 3 | 7 | 98125 | 1690 | 7639 | 0 | 0 | 1 | (1950.0, 1960.0] | (1.0, 501.0] | (2000.0, 2500.0] |
2 | 180000.0 | 2 | 1.00 | 770 | 10000 | 1.0 | 3 | 6 | 98028 | 2720 | 8062 | 0 | 0 | 0 | (1930.0, 1940.0] | (-inf, 1.0] | (500.0, 1000.0] |
3 | 604000.0 | 4 | 3.00 | 1960 | 5000 | 1.0 | 5 | 7 | 98136 | 1360 | 5000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | (1960.0, 1970.0] | (501.0, 1001.0] | (1000.0, 1500.0] |
4 | 510000.0 | 3 | 2.00 | 1680 | 8080 | 1.0 | 3 | 8 | 98074 | 1800 | 7503 | 0 | 0 | 0 | (1980.0, 1990.0] | (-inf, 1.0] | (1500.0, 2000.0] |
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
price | bedrooms | bathrooms | sqft_living | sqft_lot | floors | condition | grade | sqft_living15 | sqft_lot15 | code_view | code_waterfront | is_reno | |
count | 2.108200e+04 | 21082.000000 | 21082.000000 | 21082.000000 | 2.108200e+04 | 21082.00000 | 21082.000000 | 21082.000000 | 21082.000000 | 21082.000000 | 21082.000000 | 21082.000000 | 21082.000000 |
mean | 5.402469e+05 | 3.372403 | 2.115916 | 2080.359975 | 1.507759e+04 | 1.49362 | 3.409828 | 7.657717 | 1986.917418 | 12732.514135 | 0.233327 | 0.228014 | 0.034247 |
std | 3.667323e+05 | 0.924996 | 0.768142 | 917.856396 | 4.117338e+04 | 0.53937 | 0.650597 | 1.173690 | 685.544250 | 27148.781580 | 0.765066 | 0.630372 | 0.181868 |
min | 7.800000e+04 | 1.000000 | 0.500000 | 370.000000 | 5.200000e+02 | 1.00000 | 1.000000 | 3.000000 | 399.000000 | 651.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
25% | 3.220000e+05 | 3.000000 | 1.750000 | 1430.000000 | 5.040000e+03 | 1.00000 | 3.000000 | 7.000000 | 1490.000000 | 5100.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
50% | 4.500000e+05 | 3.000000 | 2.250000 | 1910.000000 | 7.620000e+03 | 1.50000 | 3.000000 | 7.000000 | 1840.000000 | 7626.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
75% | 6.450000e+05 | 4.000000 | 2.500000 | 2550.000000 | 1.069775e+04 | 2.00000 | 4.000000 | 8.000000 | 2360.000000 | 10088.750000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
max | 7.700000e+06 | 33.000000 | 8.000000 | 13540.000000 | 1.651359e+06 | 3.50000 | 5.000000 | 13.000000 | 6210.000000 | 871200.000000 | 4.000000 | 2.000000 | 1.000000 |
- Bedrooms has some very clear outliers (max is 33, but 75% quartile is only 4)
- May want to remove outliers after Z-scoring (Absolute Z-score > 3)
- Same with bathrooms (8 is max, 75% quartile is only 2.5)
- Same with sqft_living (max 13540, 75% quartile = 2550)
- Also same with sqft_lot15, sqftliving15
- Distributions and scatterplots
- Note: May want to cast all categoricals as strings/categories for visualization
- Keeping as is for now
from fsds_100719.imports import *
import warnings
fsds_1007219 v0.4.8 loaded. Read the docs:
> For convenient loading of standard modules use: `>> from fsds_100719.imports import *`
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row0_col0" class="data row0 col0" >IPython.display</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row0_col1" class="data row0 col1" >dp</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row0_col2" class="data row0 col2" >Display modules with helpful display and clearing commands.</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row1_col0" class="data row1 col0" >fsds_100719</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row1_col1" class="data row1 col1" >fs</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row1_col2" class="data row1 col2" >Custom data science bootcamp student package</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row2_col0" class="data row2 col0" >matplotlib</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row2_col1" class="data row2 col1" >mpl</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row2_col2" class="data row2 col2" >Matplotlib's base OOP module with formatting artists</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row3_col0" class="data row3 col0" >matplotlib.pyplot</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row3_col1" class="data row3 col1" >plt</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row3_col2" class="data row3 col2" >Matplotlib's matlab-like plotting module</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row4_col0" class="data row4 col0" >numpy</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row4_col1" class="data row4 col1" >np</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row4_col2" class="data row4 col2" >scientific computing with Python</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row5_col0" class="data row5 col0" >pandas</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row5_col1" class="data row5 col1" >pd</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row5_col2" class="data row5 col2" >High performance data structures and tools</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row6_col0" class="data row6 col0" >seaborn</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row6_col1" class="data row6 col1" >sns</td>
<td id="T_b5405dd4_f853_11e9_9656_acde48001122row6_col2" class="data row6 col2" >High-level data visualization library based on matplotlib</td>
# fs.ds.reload()
# stop
------ HELP ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Help on function plot_hist_scat_sns in module _functions_jirving:
plot_hist_scat_sns(df, target='price', style='seaborn-talk', stats=False, hist_kwds={}, scatter_kwds={}, figsize=(8, 3), fig_filepath=None)
Plots 2 subplots: a seaborn distplot of each column, and a regplot of each column vs target.
df (df): Dataframe of data
target (str, optional): Name of target column. Defaults to 'price'.
style (str, optional): Matplotlib style to use. Defaults to 'seaborn-talk'.
stats (bool, optional): Show normality test. Defaults to False.
hist_kwds (dict, optional): Plotting **kwargs for seaborn hist. Defaults to {}.
scatter_kwds (dict, optional): Plotting **kwargs for seaborn scatter. Defaults to {}.
figsize (tuple, optional): Figure size Defaults to (8,3).
fig_filepath ([type], optional): To save, give filename to saveas. Defaults to None.
------ SOURCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def plot_hist_scat_sns(df,target='price',style='seaborn-talk',stats=False,
Plots 2 subplots: a seaborn distplot of each column, and a regplot of each column vs target.
df (df): Dataframe of data
target (str, optional): Name of target column. Defaults to 'price'.
style (str, optional): Matplotlib style to use. Defaults to 'seaborn-talk'.
stats (bool, optional): Show normality test. Defaults to False.
hist_kwds (dict, optional): Plotting **kwargs for seaborn hist. Defaults to {}.
scatter_kwds (dict, optional): Plotting **kwargs for seaborn scatter. Defaults to {}.
figsize (tuple, optional): Figure size Defaults to (8,3).
fig_filepath ([type], optional): To save, give filename to saveas. Defaults to None.
## ----------- DEFINE AESTHETIC CUSTOMIZATIONS ----------- ##
# Axis Label fonts
fontTitle = {'fontsize': 16,
'fontweight': 'bold',
fontAxis = {'fontsize': 14,
'fontweight': 'bold',
fontTicks = {'fontsize': 12,
# Formatting dollar sign labels
fmtPrice = '${x:,.0f}'
tickPrice = mtick.StrMethodFormatter(fmtPrice)
## ----------- PLOTTING ----------- ##
## Loop through dataframe to plot
for column in df.describe():
# Create figure with subplots for current column
# Note: in order to use identical syntax for large # of subplots (ax[i,j]),
# declare an extra row of subplots to be removed later
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, ncols=2, nrows=2)
## ----- SUBPLOT 1 -----##
i,j = 0,0
# Define graphing keyword dictionaries for distplot (Subplot 1)
hist_kws = {"linewidth": 1, "alpha": 1, "color": 'blue','edgecolor':'w'}
kde_kws = {"color": "white", "linewidth": 1, "label": "KDE"}
# Plot distplot on ax[i,j] using hist_kws and kde_kws
sns.distplot(df[column], norm_hist=True, kde=True,
hist_kws = hist_kws, kde_kws = kde_kws,
label=column+' histogram', ax=ax[i,j])
# Set x axis label
# Get x-ticks, rotate labels, and return
xticklab1 = ax[i,j].get_xticklabels(which = 'both')
ax[i,j].set_xticklabels(labels=xticklab1, fontdict=fontTicks, rotation=45)
# Set y-label
# Set y-grid
ax[i, j].set_axisbelow(True)
ax[i, j].grid(axis='y',ls='--')
## ----- SUBPLOT 2----- ##
i,j = 0,1
# Define the ketword dictionaries for scatter plot and regression line (subplot 2)
scatter_kws={'s': 2, 'alpha': 0.5,'marker':'.','color':'blue'}
# Plot regplot on ax[i,j] using line_kws and scatter_kws
sns.regplot(df[column], df[target],
line_kws = line_kws,
scatter_kws = scatter_kws,
# Set x-axis label
# Get x ticks, rotate labels, and return
ax[i,j].set_xticklabels(labels=xticklab2,fontdict=fontTicks, rotation=45)
# Set y-axis label
# Get, set, and format y-axis Price labels
yticklab = ax[i,j].get_yticklabels()
# Set y-grid
ax[i, j].set_axisbelow(True)
ax[i, j].grid(axis='y',ls='--')
## ---------- Final layout adjustments ----------- ##
# Deleted unused subplots
# Optimizing spatial layout
if fig_filepath is not None:
- Essentialy all numerical data seems to be at least slightly skewed.
- Do not think it is sufficient to log-transform the data and lose model interpretability
# Define list of all categorical variables
list_cat_vars = ['zipcode', 'bins_yrbuilt', 'bins_sqftbasement', 'bins_sqftabove','condition','grade','code_view','code_waterfront']
# # Plotting scatterplots and boxplots for categorical data
# #'seaborn')
# list_cat_vars = ['zipcode', 'bins_yrbuilt', 'bins_sqftbasement', 'bins_sqftabove','condition','grade','code_view','code_waterfront']
# def plot_cat_box_sns(df,target='price',figsize=(12,6)):
# for column in list_cat_vars:
# ## Create figure and axes
# fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2,figsize=figsize)
# # ax1.set_title('Price vs ',column,' scatter plot')
# title1=column+' scatter'
# ax1.set_title(title1.title())
# ax1.set_xlabel(column)
# ax1.set_ylabel(target)
# sns.stripplot(x=df[column],y=df[target],marker='.',ax=ax1)
# sns.boxplot(x=df[column],y=df[target],ax=ax2)
# ## Create keywords for .set_xticklabels()
# tick_kwds = dict(horizontalalignment='right',
# fontweight='light',
# fontsize='x-large',
# rotation=45)
# ax1.set_xticklabels(ax1.get_xticklabels(),**tick_kwds)
# ax2.set_xticklabels(ax1.get_xticklabels(),**tick_kwds)
# title2=column+' boxplot'
# ax2.set_title(title2.title())
# ax2.set_xlabel(column)
# ax2.set_ylabel(target)
# fig.tight_layout()
Notes on categorical scatter plots
- grade seems to be strongly related to price (notice how the whole range of values seems to increase in price at higher grades.
- Zipcodes look to differ quite a bit in terms of price.
- Condition looks to be highly related to price (at least above condition level 2)
- View does not look as strongly related to price as I expected.
- Floors do not seem as related as expected
- yr_built may have some relationship with price
- yr_renovated has somewhat of a trend, but recent renovations buck this trend
# plot_vars=df.describe().columns
# for column in plot_vars:
# # df_plot=df[column]
# # df_plot = df.loc[df[column]>0]
# plot= sns.regplot(df[column], df['price'],robust=False,marker='.') #kde=True,label = column+' histogram')
# # plot = sns.boxplot(df[column],df['price'])
# title = column+' linear regression'
# plt.title(title.title())
# # plt.legend()
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
Package | Handle | Description |
price | bedrooms | bathrooms | sqft_living | sqft_lot | floors | condition | grade | sqft_living15 | sqft_lot15 | code_view | code_waterfront | is_reno | |
count | 21082.00 | 21082.00 | 21082.00 | 21082.00 | 21082.00 | 21082.00 | 21082.00 | 21082.00 | 21082.00 | 21082.00 | 21082.00 | 21082.00 | 21082.00 |
mean | 540246.89 | 3.37 | 2.12 | 2080.36 | 15077.59 | 1.49 | 3.41 | 7.66 | 1986.92 | 12732.51 | 0.23 | 0.23 | 0.03 |
std | 366732.34 | 0.92 | 0.77 | 917.86 | 41173.38 | 0.54 | 0.65 | 1.17 | 685.54 | 27148.78 | 0.77 | 0.63 | 0.18 |
min | 78000.00 | 1.00 | 0.50 | 370.00 | 520.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 3.00 | 399.00 | 651.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
25% | 322000.00 | 3.00 | 1.75 | 1430.00 | 5040.00 | 1.00 | 3.00 | 7.00 | 1490.00 | 5100.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
50% | 450000.00 | 3.00 | 2.25 | 1910.00 | 7620.00 | 1.50 | 3.00 | 7.00 | 1840.00 | 7626.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
75% | 645000.00 | 4.00 | 2.50 | 2550.00 | 10697.75 | 2.00 | 4.00 | 8.00 | 2360.00 | 10088.75 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
max | 7700000.00 | 33.00 | 8.00 | 13540.00 | 1651359.00 | 3.50 | 5.00 | 13.00 | 6210.00 | 871200.00 | 4.00 | 2.00 | 1.00 |
Graphing raw vs normalized results to decide if dataset should be normalized
log-transform and z-score numerical data.- Am using detect_outlier function to apply Tukey's method for outlier remnoval based on IQR
- Will be using pre-defined function detect_outliers(df,n,var_name)
- Returns index of rows containing outliers based in IQR
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 21082 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 17 columns):
price 21082 non-null float64
bedrooms 21082 non-null int64
bathrooms 21082 non-null float64
sqft_living 21082 non-null int64
sqft_lot 21082 non-null int64
floors 21082 non-null float64
condition 21082 non-null int64
grade 21082 non-null int64
zipcode 21082 non-null category
sqft_living15 21082 non-null int64
sqft_lot15 21082 non-null int64
code_view 21082 non-null int8
code_waterfront 21082 non-null int8
is_reno 21082 non-null int64
bins_yrbuilt 21082 non-null category
bins_sqftbasement 21082 non-null category
bins_sqftabove 21082 non-null category
dtypes: category(4), float64(3), int64(8), int8(2)
memory usage: 2.7 MB
# Define variables to plot vs tukey-cleaned outliers
vars_to_norm = ['sqft_living','sqft_lot','sqft_living15','sqft_lot15','bedrooms','bathrooms']
Index(['price', 'bedrooms', 'bathrooms', 'sqft_living', 'sqft_lot', 'floors',
'condition', 'grade', 'sqft_living15', 'sqft_lot15', 'code_view',
'code_waterfront', 'is_reno'],
from collections import Counter
from sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScaler
robscaler = RobustScaler()
# vars_to_norm = ['sqft_living','sqft_lot','sqft_living15','sqft_lot15','bedrooms','bathrooms']
norm_results = [['column','K_square','p-val']]
# Graph all potential normalizedvariables
for var_name in df.describe():
var = df[var_name]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,4))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax1 = sns.distplot(var, norm_hist=True)
ax1.set_title('Raw '+var_name)
outliers_to_drop = detect_outliers(df,0,[var_name])
var_clean =df[var_name].drop(outliers_to_drop)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax2 = sns.distplot(var_clean,norm_hist=True)
# ax2 = sns.distplot(robscaler.fit_transform(np.array(var_clean).reshape(-1,1)),norm_hist=True)
ax2.set_title('Tukey Outliers Removed '+var_name) #+var)
stat, p = normtest(var_clean)
# norm_results.append([var_clean,stat, p])
# norm_results = pd.DataFrame(norm_results[2:],columns=norm_results[0])#,index='columns')
# norm_results
- The data is skewed by outliers.
- Comparing it to IQR-method outlier elimination reveals much improved results
- The distributions look much more reasonabile with outliers removed.
- Bedrooms has some very clear outliers (max is 33, but 75% quartile is only 4)
- May want to remove outliers after Z-scoring (Absolute Z-score > 3)
- Same with bathrooms (8 is max, 75% quartile is only 2.5)
- Same with sqft_living (max 13540, 75% quartile = 2550)
- Also same with sqft_lot15, sqftliving15
# vars_to_norm = ['price','bedrooms''sqft_living','sqft_lot','sqft_living15','sqft_lot15','bedrooms','bathrooms'
vars_to_clean = ['price','bedrooms','sqft_living','bathrooms','sqft_living15']
outliers_to_drop = {}
for col in vars_to_clean:
outliers_to_drop[col] = detect_outliers(df,0,[col])
# outliers_to_drop.keys()
# outliers_to_drop.values()
# Print out # of outliers
for k, v in outliers_to_drop.items():
print(f'col: {k} has {len(v)} outliers. ({round(len(v)/len(df),2)*100}%)' )
col: price has 1131 outliers. (5.0%)
col: bedrooms has 511 outliers. (2.0%)
col: sqft_living has 557 outliers. (3.0%)
col: bathrooms has 546 outliers. (3.0%)
col: sqft_living15 has 532 outliers. (3.0%)
# Intialize df_norm with df's values
# Iterate throught outliers_to_drop dictionary to replace outliers with np.nan
for k, v in outliers_to_drop.items():
df_norm.loc[v,k] = np.nan # axis=0,inplace=True)
# Display null values
price 1131
bedrooms 511
bathrooms 546
sqft_living 557
sqft_lot 0
floors 0
condition 0
grade 0
zipcode 0
sqft_living15 532
sqft_lot15 0
code_view 0
code_waterfront 0
is_reno 0
bins_yrbuilt 0
bins_sqftbasement 0
bins_sqftabove 0
dtype: int64
drop_col = 'price'
print(f'for {drop_col}:')
print(f'# of intial rows: {len(df_norm)}')
print(f'# after dropping rows: {len(df_norm)}')
print(f'\nOutliers remaining: \n{df_norm.isna().sum()}')
for price:
# of intial rows: 21082
# after dropping rows: 19951
Outliers remaining:
price 0
bedrooms 449
bathrooms 253
sqft_living 169
sqft_lot 0
floors 0
condition 0
grade 0
zipcode 0
sqft_living15 231
sqft_lot15 0
code_view 0
code_waterfront 0
is_reno 0
bins_yrbuilt 0
bins_sqftbasement 0
bins_sqftabove 0
dtype: int64
drop_col = 'bedrooms'
print(f'for {drop_col}:')
print(f'# of intial rows: {len(df_norm)}')
print(f'# after dropping rows: {len(df_norm)}')
print(f'\nOutliers remaining: \n{df_norm.isna().sum()}')
for bedrooms:
# of intial rows: 19951
# after dropping rows: 19502
Outliers remaining:
price 0
bedrooms 0
bathrooms 196
sqft_living 150
sqft_lot 0
floors 0
condition 0
grade 0
zipcode 0
sqft_living15 228
sqft_lot15 0
code_view 0
code_waterfront 0
is_reno 0
bins_yrbuilt 0
bins_sqftbasement 0
bins_sqftabove 0
dtype: int64
drop_col = 'sqft_living'
print(f'for {drop_col}:')
print(f'# of intial rows: {len(df_norm)}')
print(f'# after dropping rows: {len(df_norm)}')
print(f'\nOutliers remaining: \n{df_norm.isna().sum()}')
for sqft_living:
# of intial rows: 19502
# after dropping rows: 19352
Outliers remaining:
price 0
bedrooms 0
bathrooms 147
sqft_living 0
sqft_lot 0
floors 0
condition 0
grade 0
zipcode 0
sqft_living15 176
sqft_lot15 0
code_view 0
code_waterfront 0
is_reno 0
bins_yrbuilt 0
bins_sqftbasement 0
bins_sqftabove 0
dtype: int64
drop_col = 'bathrooms'
print(f'for {drop_col}:')
print(f'# of intial rows: {len(df_norm)}')
print(f'# after dropping rows: {len(df_norm)}')
print(f'\nOutliers remaining: \n{df_norm.isna().sum()}')
for bathrooms:
# of intial rows: 19352
# after dropping rows: 19205
Outliers remaining:
price 0
bedrooms 0
bathrooms 0
sqft_living 0
sqft_lot 0
floors 0
condition 0
grade 0
zipcode 0
sqft_living15 152
sqft_lot15 0
code_view 0
code_waterfront 0
is_reno 0
bins_yrbuilt 0
bins_sqftbasement 0
bins_sqftabove 0
dtype: int64
drop_col = 'sqft_living15'
print(f'for {drop_col}:')
print(f'# of intial rows: {len(df_norm)}')
print(f'# after dropping rows: {len(df_norm)}')
print(f'\nOutliers remaining: \n{df_norm.isna().sum()}')
for sqft_living15:
# of intial rows: 19205
# after dropping rows: 19053
Outliers remaining:
price 0
bedrooms 0
bathrooms 0
sqft_living 0
sqft_lot 0
floors 0
condition 0
grade 0
zipcode 0
sqft_living15 0
sqft_lot15 0
code_view 0
code_waterfront 0
is_reno 0
bins_yrbuilt 0
bins_sqftbasement 0
bins_sqftabove 0
dtype: int64
# ADDING OUTLIER REMOVAL FROM preprocessing.RobuseScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScaler
robscaler = RobustScaler()
RobustScaler(copy=True, quantile_range=(25.0, 75.0), with_centering=True,
vars_to_scale = ['sqft_living','sqft_lot','sqft_living15','sqft_lot15','bedrooms','bathrooms']
for col in vars_to_scale:
col_data = np.array(np.array(df_norm[col]))
res = robscaler.fit_transform(col_data.reshape(-1,1)) #,df['price'])
df_norm['sca_'+col] = res.flatten()
# df_norm.drop(vars_to_scale,axis=1,inplace=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 19053 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 23 columns):
price 19053 non-null float64
bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot 19053 non-null int64
floors 19053 non-null float64
condition 19053 non-null int64
grade 19053 non-null int64
zipcode 19053 non-null category
sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot15 19053 non-null int64
code_view 19053 non-null int8
code_waterfront 19053 non-null int8
is_reno 19053 non-null int64
bins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftabove 19053 non-null category
sca_sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot15 19053 non-null float64
sca_bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
sca_bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
dtypes: category(4), float64(12), int64(5), int8(2)
memory usage: 2.7 MB
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
price | bedrooms | bathrooms | sqft_living | sqft_lot | floors | condition | grade | zipcode | sqft_living15 | ... | is_reno | bins_yrbuilt | bins_sqftbasement | bins_sqftabove | sca_sqft_living | sca_sqft_lot | sca_sqft_living15 | sca_sqft_lot15 | sca_bedrooms | sca_bathrooms | |
0 | 221900.0 | 3.0 | 1.00 | 1180.0 | 5650 | 1.0 | 3 | 7 | 98178 | 1340.0 | ... | 0 | (1950.0, 1960.0] | (-inf, 1.0] | (1000.0, 1500.0] | -0.663265 | -0.355075 | -0.569620 | -0.391872 | 0.0 | -1.00 |
1 | 538000.0 | 3.0 | 2.25 | 2570.0 | 7242 | 2.0 | 3 | 7 | 98125 | 1690.0 | ... | 1 | (1950.0, 1960.0] | (1.0, 501.0] | (2000.0, 2500.0] | 0.755102 | -0.047858 | -0.126582 | 0.026953 | 0.0 | 0.25 |
2 | 180000.0 | 2.0 | 1.00 | 770.0 | 10000 | 1.0 | 3 | 6 | 98028 | 2720.0 | ... | 0 | (1930.0, 1940.0] | (-inf, 1.0] | (500.0, 1000.0] | -1.081633 | 0.484369 | 1.177215 | 0.116024 | -1.0 | -1.00 |
3 | 604000.0 | 4.0 | 3.00 | 1960.0 | 5000 | 1.0 | 5 | 7 | 98136 | 1360.0 | ... | 0 | (1960.0, 1970.0] | (501.0, 1001.0] | (1000.0, 1500.0] | 0.132653 | -0.480509 | -0.544304 | -0.528743 | 1.0 | 1.00 |
4 | 510000.0 | 3.0 | 2.00 | 1680.0 | 8080 | 1.0 | 3 | 8 | 98074 | 1800.0 | ... | 0 | (1980.0, 1990.0] | (-inf, 1.0] | (1500.0, 2000.0] | -0.153061 | 0.113856 | 0.012658 | -0.001685 | 0.0 | 0.00 |
5 rows Ă— 23 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 19053 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 23 columns):
price 19053 non-null float64
bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot 19053 non-null int64
floors 19053 non-null float64
condition 19053 non-null int64
grade 19053 non-null int64
zipcode 19053 non-null category
sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot15 19053 non-null int64
code_view 19053 non-null int8
code_waterfront 19053 non-null int8
is_reno 19053 non-null int64
bins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftabove 19053 non-null category
sca_sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot15 19053 non-null float64
sca_bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
sca_bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
dtypes: category(4), float64(12), int64(5), int8(2)
memory usage: 2.7 MB
plt.title('Scaled Data only')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Scaled Data only')
X =df_norm.loc[:,~(df_norm.columns.str.startswith('sca'))]
plt.title('Un-scaled Data')
df_run = df_norm.copy()
# df_run.to_csv(data_filepath+'df_run_pre_codes.csv')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 19053 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 23 columns):
price 19053 non-null float64
bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot 19053 non-null int64
floors 19053 non-null float64
condition 19053 non-null int64
grade 19053 non-null int64
zipcode 19053 non-null category
sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot15 19053 non-null int64
code_view 19053 non-null int8
code_waterfront 19053 non-null int8
is_reno 19053 non-null int64
bins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftabove 19053 non-null category
sca_sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot15 19053 non-null float64
sca_bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
sca_bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
dtypes: category(4), float64(12), int64(5), int8(2)
memory usage: 2.7 MB
df_filt = pd.DataFrame({})
df_filt = df_run.filter(regex=('bins_'),axis =1).copy()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 19053 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 4 columns):
bins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftabove 19053 non-null category
zipcode 19053 non-null category
dtypes: category(4)
memory usage: 228.2 KB
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
price | bedrooms | bathrooms | sqft_living | sqft_lot | floors | condition | grade | zipcode | sqft_living15 | ... | is_reno | bins_yrbuilt | bins_sqftbasement | bins_sqftabove | sca_sqft_living | sca_sqft_lot | sca_sqft_living15 | sca_sqft_lot15 | sca_bedrooms | sca_bathrooms | |
0 | 221900.0 | 3.0 | 1.00 | 1180.0 | 5650 | 1.0 | 3 | 7 | 98178 | 1340.0 | ... | 0 | (1950.0, 1960.0] | (-inf, 1.0] | (1000.0, 1500.0] | -0.663265 | -0.355075 | -0.569620 | -0.391872 | 0.0 | -1.00 |
1 | 538000.0 | 3.0 | 2.25 | 2570.0 | 7242 | 2.0 | 3 | 7 | 98125 | 1690.0 | ... | 1 | (1950.0, 1960.0] | (1.0, 501.0] | (2000.0, 2500.0] | 0.755102 | -0.047858 | -0.126582 | 0.026953 | 0.0 | 0.25 |
2 | 180000.0 | 2.0 | 1.00 | 770.0 | 10000 | 1.0 | 3 | 6 | 98028 | 2720.0 | ... | 0 | (1930.0, 1940.0] | (-inf, 1.0] | (500.0, 1000.0] | -1.081633 | 0.484369 | 1.177215 | 0.116024 | -1.0 | -1.00 |
3 | 604000.0 | 4.0 | 3.00 | 1960.0 | 5000 | 1.0 | 5 | 7 | 98136 | 1360.0 | ... | 0 | (1960.0, 1970.0] | (501.0, 1001.0] | (1000.0, 1500.0] | 0.132653 | -0.480509 | -0.544304 | -0.528743 | 1.0 | 1.00 |
4 | 510000.0 | 3.0 | 2.00 | 1680.0 | 8080 | 1.0 | 3 | 8 | 98074 | 1800.0 | ... | 0 | (1980.0, 1990.0] | (-inf, 1.0] | (1500.0, 2000.0] | -0.153061 | 0.113856 | 0.012658 | -0.001685 | 0.0 | 0.00 |
5 rows Ă— 23 columns
# Creating binned vars cat codes
for col in df_filt:
df_filt['code'+col] = df_filt[col]
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 19053 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 4 columns):
codebins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null int8
codebins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null int8
codebins_sqftabove 19053 non-null int8
codezipcode 19053 non-null int8
dtypes: int8(4)
memory usage: 223.3 KB
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
codebins_yrbuilt | codebins_sqftbasement | codebins_sqftabove | codezipcode | |
0 | 5 | 0 | 2 | 66 |
1 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 55 |
2 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 16 |
3 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 58 |
4 | 8 | 0 | 3 | 37 |
# Concatenate codebins from df_filt + df_run
df_run = pd.concat([df_run, df_filt],axis=1) #).filter(regex=('code'))],axis=1)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 19053 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 27 columns):
price 19053 non-null float64
bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot 19053 non-null int64
floors 19053 non-null float64
condition 19053 non-null int64
grade 19053 non-null int64
zipcode 19053 non-null category
sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot15 19053 non-null int64
code_view 19053 non-null int8
code_waterfront 19053 non-null int8
is_reno 19053 non-null int64
bins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftabove 19053 non-null category
sca_sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot15 19053 non-null float64
sca_bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
sca_bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
codebins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null int8
codebins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null int8
codebins_sqftabove 19053 non-null int8
codezipcode 19053 non-null int8
dtypes: category(4), float64(12), int64(5), int8(6)
memory usage: 2.8 MB
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
price | bedrooms | bathrooms | sqft_living | sqft_lot | floors | condition | grade | zipcode | sqft_living15 | ... | sca_sqft_living | sca_sqft_lot | sca_sqft_living15 | sca_sqft_lot15 | sca_bedrooms | sca_bathrooms | codebins_yrbuilt | codebins_sqftbasement | codebins_sqftabove | codezipcode | |
0 | 221900.0 | 3.0 | 1.00 | 1180.0 | 5650 | 1.0 | 3 | 7 | 98178 | 1340.0 | ... | -0.663265 | -0.355075 | -0.569620 | -0.391872 | 0.0 | -1.00 | 5 | 0 | 2 | 66 |
1 | 538000.0 | 3.0 | 2.25 | 2570.0 | 7242 | 2.0 | 3 | 7 | 98125 | 1690.0 | ... | 0.755102 | -0.047858 | -0.126582 | 0.026953 | 0.0 | 0.25 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 55 |
2 rows Ă— 27 columns
# Select columns that do not contain the string 'logZ'
df_run =df_run.loc[:,~(df_run.columns.str.startswith('logZ'))]
- Use MinMaxScaler to get on same scale
- Use RFE to find the best features
- Get ranking of feature importance (from both scaled and unscaled data)
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
import sklearn.metrics as metrics
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 19053 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 27 columns):
price 19053 non-null float64
bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot 19053 non-null int64
floors 19053 non-null float64
condition 19053 non-null int64
grade 19053 non-null int64
zipcode 19053 non-null category
sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot15 19053 non-null int64
code_view 19053 non-null int8
code_waterfront 19053 non-null int8
is_reno 19053 non-null int64
bins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftabove 19053 non-null category
sca_sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot15 19053 non-null float64
sca_bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
sca_bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
codebins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null int8
codebins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null int8
codebins_sqftabove 19053 non-null int8
codezipcode 19053 non-null int8
dtypes: category(4), float64(12), int64(5), int8(6)
memory usage: 2.8 MB
df.columns = [col.lower().replace(' ','_') for col in df.columns]
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
price | bedrooms | bathrooms | sqft_living | sqft_lot | floors | condition | grade | zipcode | sqft_living15 | sqft_lot15 | code_view | code_waterfront | is_reno | bins_yrbuilt | bins_sqftbasement | bins_sqftabove | |
0 | 221900.0 | 3 | 1.00 | 1180 | 5650 | 1.0 | 3 | 7 | 98178 | 1340 | 5650 | 0 | 2 | 0 | (1950.0, 1960.0] | (-inf, 1.0] | (1000.0, 1500.0] |
1 | 538000.0 | 3 | 2.25 | 2570 | 7242 | 2.0 | 3 | 7 | 98125 | 1690 | 7639 | 0 | 0 | 1 | (1950.0, 1960.0] | (1.0, 501.0] | (2000.0, 2500.0] |
2 | 180000.0 | 2 | 1.00 | 770 | 10000 | 1.0 | 3 | 6 | 98028 | 2720 | 8062 | 0 | 0 | 0 | (1930.0, 1940.0] | (-inf, 1.0] | (500.0, 1000.0] |
3 | 604000.0 | 4 | 3.00 | 1960 | 5000 | 1.0 | 5 | 7 | 98136 | 1360 | 5000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | (1960.0, 1970.0] | (501.0, 1001.0] | (1000.0, 1500.0] |
4 | 510000.0 | 3 | 2.00 | 1680 | 8080 | 1.0 | 3 | 8 | 98074 | 1800 | 7503 | 0 | 0 | 0 | (1980.0, 1990.0] | (-inf, 1.0] | (1500.0, 2000.0] |
# Define selector function combining RFE and linear regression
linreg = LinearRegression()
selector = RFE(linreg, n_features_to_select=1)
# Drop already scaled variables for this feature testing
X =df_run.loc[:,~(df_run.columns.str.startswith(('bins','zip')))]
X = X.drop('price',axis=1)
Y = df_run['price']
# Y = df_run['logz_price']
# X = df_run.drop(['price'],axis=1)
# Checking X
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 19053 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 22 columns):
bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot 19053 non-null int64
floors 19053 non-null float64
condition 19053 non-null int64
grade 19053 non-null int64
sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot15 19053 non-null int64
code_view 19053 non-null int8
code_waterfront 19053 non-null int8
is_reno 19053 non-null int64
sca_sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot15 19053 non-null float64
sca_bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
sca_bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
codebins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null int8
codebins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null int8
codebins_sqftabove 19053 non-null int8
codezipcode 19053 non-null int8
dtypes: float64(11), int64(5), int8(6)
memory usage: 2.6 MB
# Run regressions on X,Y
selector =,Y)
# Saving unscaled rankings for demo purposes
no_scale = selector.ranking_
# Scale all variables to value between 0-1 to use RFE to determine which features are the most important for determining price?
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
# Scale the data before running RFE
print('Consider revisiting this step and dummy-coding zipcode.')
scaled_data = scaler.transform(X)
Consider revisiting this step and dummy-coding zipcode.
(19053, 22)
# Running RFE with scaled data
selector =, Y)
scaled = selector.ranking_
# Create a dataframe with the ranked values of each feature for both scaled and unscaled data
best_features = pd.DataFrame({'columns':X.columns, 'scaled_rank' : scaled,'unscaled_rank':no_scale})
# Display dataframe (sorted based on unscaled rank)
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
scaled_rank | unscaled_rank | |
columns | ||
grade | 1 | 1 |
code_view | 8 | 2 |
codebins_sqftbasement | 11 | 3 |
codebins_sqftabove | 21 | 4 |
floors | 9 | 5 |
codebins_yrbuilt | 3 | 6 |
sca_bathrooms | 15 | 7 |
is_reno | 20 | 8 |
condition | 13 | 9 |
sca_bedrooms | 16 | 10 |
bathrooms | 18 | 11 |
bedrooms | 19 | 12 |
code_waterfront | 22 | 13 |
codezipcode | 17 | 14 |
sqft_living | 2 | 15 |
sqft_living15 | 7 | 16 |
sqft_lot15 | 14 | 17 |
sqft_lot | 10 | 18 |
sca_sqft_living15 | 12 | 19 |
sca_sqft_living | 4 | 20 |
sca_sqft_lot15 | 6 | 21 |
sca_sqft_lot | 5 | 22 |
# Plot the difference in feature importance between analyzing scaled and unscaled data.
# For demonstration purposes.
features = pd.DataFrame({'Columns':X.columns, 'Not_Scaled':no_scale, 'Scaled':scaled})
# PLot the difference between
ax = features.set_index('Columns').plot(kind = 'bar',figsize=(12,8))
ax.set_title('Feature Importance Scaled vs. Not Scaled')
ax.set_ylabel('Features Importance')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Features Importance')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 19053 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 22 columns):
bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot 19053 non-null int64
floors 19053 non-null float64
condition 19053 non-null int64
grade 19053 non-null int64
sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot15 19053 non-null int64
code_view 19053 non-null int8
code_waterfront 19053 non-null int8
is_reno 19053 non-null int64
sca_sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot15 19053 non-null float64
sca_bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
sca_bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
codebins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null int8
codebins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null int8
codebins_sqftabove 19053 non-null int8
codezipcode 19053 non-null int8
dtypes: float64(11), int64(5), int8(6)
memory usage: 2.6 MB
r_squared = []
for x in range(1, len(X.columns)):
selector = RFE(linreg, n_features_to_select=x), Y)[X.columns[selector.support_]], Y)
r_sq = linreg.score(X[X.columns[selector.support_]], Y)
# r_squared
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
for x in range(1, len(X.columns)):
selector = RFE(linreg, n_features_to_select=x), Y)[X.columns[selector.support_]], Y)
y_pred = linreg.predict(X[X.columns[selector.support_]])
mse.append(mean_squared_error(Y, y_pred))
# mse
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12 ,6))
ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
ax1.plot(range(1, len(X.columns)), r_squared)
ax1.set_xlabel('Number of Features')
ax2 = plt.subplot(122)
ax2.plot(range(1,len(mse)+1), mse )
ax2.set_xlabel('Number of Features',fontsize=20)
r_squared = []
for x in range(1, len(X.columns)):
selector = RFE(linreg, n_features_to_select=x), Y)[X.columns[selector.support_]], Y)
r_sq = linreg.score(X[X.columns[selector.support_]], Y)
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
for x in range(1, len(X.columns)):
selector = RFE(linreg, n_features_to_select=x), Y)[X.columns[selector.support_]], Y)
y_pred = linreg.predict(X[X.columns[selector.support_]])
mse.append(mean_squared_error(Y, y_pred))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12 ,6))
ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
ax1.plot(range(1, len(X.columns)), r_squared)
ax1.set_xlabel('Number of Features')
ax2 = plt.subplot(122)
ax2.plot(range(1,len(mse)+1), mse )
ax2.set_xlabel('Number of Features')
- The above figure is indicating that right now my best possible R2 with the lowest # of features would be with 6 predictors (judging unscaled data).
- Now examine the sorted best_features dataframe to see which 6 to use
cat_cols = ['bedrooms','bathrooms']
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
encoder = LabelEncoder()
new_df = pd.DataFrame()
for col in cat_cols:
new_df[col] = encoder.fit_transform(df[col])
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
bedrooms | bathrooms | |
0 | 2 | 2 |
1 | 2 | 7 |
2 | 1 | 2 |
3 | 3 | 10 |
4 | 2 | 6 |
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
scaled_rank | unscaled_rank | |
columns | ||
grade | 1 | 1 |
sqft_living | 2 | 15 |
codebins_yrbuilt | 3 | 6 |
sca_sqft_living | 4 | 20 |
sca_sqft_lot | 5 | 22 |
sca_sqft_lot15 | 6 | 21 |
sqft_living15 | 7 | 16 |
code_view | 8 | 2 |
floors | 9 | 5 |
sqft_lot | 10 | 18 |
codebins_sqftbasement | 11 | 3 |
sca_sqft_living15 | 12 | 19 |
condition | 13 | 9 |
sqft_lot15 | 14 | 17 |
sca_bathrooms | 15 | 7 |
sca_bedrooms | 16 | 10 |
codezipcode | 17 | 14 |
bathrooms | 18 | 11 |
bedrooms | 19 | 12 |
is_reno | 20 | 8 |
codebins_sqftabove | 21 | 4 |
code_waterfront | 22 | 13 |
# Pull out the 6 best features via ranking
best_num_feat = 6
selected_features = best_features.sort_values('unscaled_rank')[0:best_num_feat]
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
scaled_rank | unscaled_rank | |
columns | ||
grade | 1 | 1 |
code_view | 8 | 2 |
codebins_sqftbasement | 11 | 3 |
codebins_sqftabove | 21 | 4 |
floors | 9 | 5 |
codebins_yrbuilt | 3 | 6 |
Index(['grade', 'code_view', 'codebins_sqftbasement', 'codebins_sqftabove',
'floors', 'codebins_yrbuilt'],
dtype='object', name='columns')
# Check the columns of X
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
grade | code_view | codebins_sqftbasement | codebins_sqftabove | floors | codebins_yrbuilt | |
0 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1.0 | 5 |
1 | 7 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 2.0 | 5 |
2 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1.0 | 3 |
3 | 7 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1.0 | 6 |
4 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 1.0 | 8 |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 19053 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 27 columns):
price 19053 non-null float64
bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot 19053 non-null int64
floors 19053 non-null float64
condition 19053 non-null int64
grade 19053 non-null int64
zipcode 19053 non-null category
sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot15 19053 non-null int64
code_view 19053 non-null int8
code_waterfront 19053 non-null int8
is_reno 19053 non-null int64
bins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftabove 19053 non-null category
sca_sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot15 19053 non-null float64
sca_bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
sca_bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
codebins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null int8
codebins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null int8
codebins_sqftabove 19053 non-null int8
codezipcode 19053 non-null int8
dtypes: category(4), float64(12), int64(5), int8(6)
memory usage: 2.8 MB
# Running simple linear regression for each predictor on its own
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import scipy.stats as stats
import statsmodels.stats.api as sms
# log_price = np.log(df['price'])
# df['log_price'] = log_price
target_var = 'price'
col_names = df_run.drop(['price'],axis=1).columns
# Create results list for saving the output statstics for each predictor
results = [['ind_var', 'r_squared', 'intercept', 'slope', 'p-value' ]]
for idx, val in enumerate(col_names):
# Use the names of the columns to determine format of forumla
if val.startswith('code'):
df_run[val] = df_run[val].astype('category').cat.as_ordered()
f =f'{str(target_var)}~C({val})'
elif val.startswith('bin'):
df_run[val] = df_run[val].cat.as_ordered()
f =f'{str(target_var)}~C({val})'
f =f'{str(target_var)}~{val}'
# Run the ols models
model = smf.ols(formula=f, data=df_run).fit()
# Append results
results.append([val, model.rsquared, model.params[0], model.params[1], model.pvalues[1] ])
# Turn results into dataframe with correct index and columns
res_df = pd.DataFrame(results)
res_df.columns = res_df.iloc[0]
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
r_squared | intercept | slope | p-value | |
ind_var | ||||
codezipcode | 0.498102 | 280365 | -47520.3 | 0.0002275 |
zipcode | 0.498102 | 280365 | -47520.3 | 0.0002275 |
grade | 0.362959 | -454845 | 123114 | 0 |
sqft_living | 0.347657 | 142997 | 168.572 | 0 |
sca_sqft_living | 0.347657 | 451484 | 165200 | 0 |
sca_sqft_living15 | 0.27516 | 449258 | 145953 | 0 |
sqft_living15 | 0.27516 | 118553 | 184.751 | 0 |
codebins_sqftabove | 0.225333 | 210050 | 141861 | 0.107357 |
bins_sqftabove | 0.225333 | 210050 | 141861 | 0.107357 |
bathrooms | 0.169802 | 215907 | 125027 | 0 |
sca_bathrooms | 0.169802 | 465961 | 125027 | 0 |
sca_bedrooms | 0.0717169 | 447998 | 68611.9 | 0 |
bedrooms | 0.0717169 | 242163 | 68611.9 | 0 |
floors | 0.0629911 | 330868 | 93475.5 | 1.61001e-271 |
code_view | 0.0563913 | 455177 | 168640 | 1.60061e-43 |
bins_sqftbasement | 0.0492165 | 442306 | 19843.1 | 3.81601e-06 |
codebins_sqftbasement | 0.0492165 | 442306 | 19843.1 | 3.81601e-06 |
codebins_yrbuilt | 0.0482952 | 543106 | -35754.2 | 0.000899441 |
bins_yrbuilt | 0.0482952 | 543106 | -35754.2 | 0.000899441 |
is_reno | 0.00765121 | 465065 | 103741 | 1.10517e-33 |
sca_sqft_lot | 0.00581721 | 465533 | 2035.97 | 5.50156e-26 |
sqft_lot | 0.00581721 | 462590 | 0.392892 | 5.50156e-26 |
sqft_lot15 | 0.00411256 | 461884 | 0.518291 | 7.96816e-19 |
sca_sqft_lot15 | 0.00411256 | 465777 | 2461.37 | 7.96816e-19 |
code_waterfront | 0.00239512 | 467280 | 203173 | 1.64907e-11 |
condition | 0.00235454 | 416978 | 14985.1 | 2.065e-11 |
# Initial variables for modeling
try_modeling = ['codezipcode', 'grade','sca_sqft_living', 'sca_sqft_living15']
# Hmm...realized there are redundant versions of variables and am just selecting the correct versions to use.
- Variables that had high R_square with logz_price:
- New results = ['codezipcode', 'grade','sca_sqft_living', 'sca_sqft_living15']
try_modeling = try_modeling = ['codezipcode', 'grade','sca_sqft_living', 'sca_sqft_living16']
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import scipy.stats as stats
import statsmodels.stats.api as sms
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
# ## Last min dummy vars []'cat_grade','cat_zipcode','cat_view','cat_bins_sqft_above','cat_bins_sqft_basement']
# dum_grades = pd.get_dummies(df_run['cat_grade'],prefix='gr').iloc[:,:-1]
# dum_view = pd.get_dummies(df_run['cat_view'], prefix='view').iloc[:,:-1]
# dum_sqft_above = pd.get_dummies(df_run['cat_bins_sqftabove'],prefix='sqftAb').iloc[:,:-1]
# dum_sqft_base = pd.get_dummies(df_run['cat_bins_sqftbasement'],prefix='sqftBa').iloc[:,:-1]
# X = df_run.drop(['price','logZ_price'],axis=1)
# list_predictors = ['logZ_sqft_living','logZ_sqft_living15','bedrooms','bathrooms','floors']
# scaler = MinMaxScaler()
# sel_columns = selected_features.index
# Define X, Y
X = df_run[try_modeling]
# X.columns
Y = df_run['price']
# y = df_run['logZ_price']
# Get a list of predictor names string
list_predictors = [str(x) for x in X.columns]
['codezipcode', 'grade', 'sca_sqft_living', 'sca_sqft_living15', 'intercept']
# Comcatenate X,Y for OLS
df_run_ols = pd.concat([Y,X],axis=1)
# Import packages
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.stats.api as sms
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import scipy.stats as stats
# Enter equation for selected predictors: (use C to run as categorical)
# f1 = 'price~C(codezipcode)+C(grade)+sca_sqft_living+sca_sqft_living15' # 0.8 r1 Adjusted
f1 = 'price~C(codezipcode)+grade+sca_sqft_living+sca_sqft_living15'
# Run model and report sumamry
model = smf.ols(formula=f1, data=df_run_ols).fit()
Dep. Variable: | price | R-squared: | 0.797 |
Model: | OLS | Adj. R-squared: | 0.796 |
Method: | Least Squares | F-statistic: | 1035. |
Date: | Sat, 26 Oct 2019 | Prob (F-statistic): | 0.00 |
Time: | 20:53:03 | Log-Likelihood: | -2.4441e+05 |
No. Observations: | 19053 | AIC: | 4.890e+05 |
Df Residuals: | 18980 | BIC: | 4.895e+05 |
Df Model: | 72 | ||
Covariance Type: | nonrobust |
coef | std err | t | P>|t| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
Intercept | 5152.6368 | 8731.030 | 0.590 | 0.555 | -1.2e+04 | 2.23e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.1] | 2.361e+04 | 8215.662 | 2.873 | 0.004 | 7503.139 | 3.97e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.2] | 2341.0236 | 7378.061 | 0.317 | 0.751 | -1.21e+04 | 1.68e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.3] | 5.114e+05 | 8885.250 | 57.560 | 0.000 | 4.94e+05 | 5.29e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.4] | 3.405e+05 | 9150.155 | 37.213 | 0.000 | 3.23e+05 | 3.58e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.5] | 2.802e+05 | 6825.525 | 41.045 | 0.000 | 2.67e+05 | 2.94e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.6] | 2.573e+05 | 9464.329 | 27.187 | 0.000 | 2.39e+05 | 2.76e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.7] | 2.557e+05 | 7457.922 | 34.291 | 0.000 | 2.41e+05 | 2.7e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.8] | 1.054e+05 | 1.05e+04 | 10.074 | 0.000 | 8.49e+04 | 1.26e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.9] | 1.348e+05 | 8258.863 | 16.319 | 0.000 | 1.19e+05 | 1.51e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.10] | 1.282e+05 | 9852.210 | 13.014 | 0.000 | 1.09e+05 | 1.48e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.11] | 8.965e+04 | 8371.036 | 10.710 | 0.000 | 7.32e+04 | 1.06e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.12] | 4.869e+04 | 7811.281 | 6.234 | 0.000 | 3.34e+04 | 6.4e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.13] | -2.103e+04 | 6398.367 | -3.287 | 0.001 | -3.36e+04 | -8487.932 |
C(codezipcode)[T.14] | 1.723e+05 | 1.21e+04 | 14.294 | 0.000 | 1.49e+05 | 1.96e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.15] | 1.893e+05 | 6900.034 | 27.438 | 0.000 | 1.76e+05 | 2.03e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.16] | 1.282e+05 | 7366.804 | 17.401 | 0.000 | 1.14e+05 | 1.43e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.17] | 2.198e+05 | 7223.982 | 30.430 | 0.000 | 2.06e+05 | 2.34e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.18] | 907.7456 | 7534.878 | 0.120 | 0.904 | -1.39e+04 | 1.57e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.19] | 1.147e+04 | 7391.085 | 1.552 | 0.121 | -3015.547 | 2.6e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.20] | 3234.7083 | 9600.539 | 0.337 | 0.736 | -1.56e+04 | 2.21e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.21] | 3.27e+05 | 6873.901 | 47.578 | 0.000 | 3.14e+05 | 3.41e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.22] | 1.858e+05 | 6322.193 | 29.392 | 0.000 | 1.73e+05 | 1.98e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.23] | 3.341e+04 | 6189.647 | 5.398 | 0.000 | 2.13e+04 | 4.55e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.24] | 6.446e+05 | 3.72e+04 | 17.333 | 0.000 | 5.72e+05 | 7.17e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.25] | 4.396e+05 | 8998.802 | 48.846 | 0.000 | 4.22e+05 | 4.57e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.26] | 1.342e+04 | 6249.489 | 2.147 | 0.032 | 1166.174 | 2.57e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.27] | 1.194e+05 | 7939.547 | 15.036 | 0.000 | 1.04e+05 | 1.35e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.28] | 2.492e+05 | 6292.625 | 39.602 | 0.000 | 2.37e+05 | 2.62e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.29] | 2.347e+05 | 6937.430 | 33.827 | 0.000 | 2.21e+05 | 2.48e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.30] | 4.06e+04 | 7516.748 | 5.402 | 0.000 | 2.59e+04 | 5.53e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.31] | 1.093e+05 | 6693.020 | 16.330 | 0.000 | 9.62e+04 | 1.22e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.32] | 3.932e+04 | 6534.860 | 6.018 | 0.000 | 2.65e+04 | 5.21e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.33] | 9.51e+04 | 6589.751 | 14.431 | 0.000 | 8.22e+04 | 1.08e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.34] | 1.201e+05 | 7412.001 | 16.199 | 0.000 | 1.06e+05 | 1.35e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.35] | 1.975e+05 | 9885.649 | 19.982 | 0.000 | 1.78e+05 | 2.17e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.36] | 1.742e+05 | 7612.251 | 22.880 | 0.000 | 1.59e+05 | 1.89e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.37] | 2.137e+05 | 6770.358 | 31.559 | 0.000 | 2e+05 | 2.27e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.38] | 2.286e+05 | 7438.126 | 30.732 | 0.000 | 2.14e+05 | 2.43e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.39] | 1.781e+05 | 8684.281 | 20.503 | 0.000 | 1.61e+05 | 1.95e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.40] | -1.148e+04 | 6965.141 | -1.648 | 0.099 | -2.51e+04 | 2173.340 |
C(codezipcode)[T.41] | 4.05e+05 | 1.11e+04 | 36.408 | 0.000 | 3.83e+05 | 4.27e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.42] | 3.297e+05 | 6239.985 | 52.830 | 0.000 | 3.17e+05 | 3.42e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.43] | 3.908e+05 | 8585.748 | 45.522 | 0.000 | 3.74e+05 | 4.08e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.44] | 1.203e+05 | 7095.802 | 16.956 | 0.000 | 1.06e+05 | 1.34e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.45] | 3.252e+05 | 7546.464 | 43.096 | 0.000 | 3.1e+05 | 3.4e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.46] | 1.193e+05 | 8417.753 | 14.169 | 0.000 | 1.03e+05 | 1.36e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.47] | 4.236e+05 | 1.13e+04 | 37.566 | 0.000 | 4.01e+05 | 4.46e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.48] | 4.364e+05 | 8724.465 | 50.019 | 0.000 | 4.19e+05 | 4.53e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.49] | 3.271e+05 | 6266.348 | 52.207 | 0.000 | 3.15e+05 | 3.39e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.50] | 3.16e+05 | 7192.406 | 43.936 | 0.000 | 3.02e+05 | 3.3e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.51] | 3.237e+05 | 6318.347 | 51.230 | 0.000 | 3.11e+05 | 3.36e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.52] | 1.744e+05 | 6436.099 | 27.102 | 0.000 | 1.62e+05 | 1.87e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.53] | 4.177e+05 | 9094.361 | 45.931 | 0.000 | 4e+05 | 4.36e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.54] | 3.163e+05 | 7509.896 | 42.116 | 0.000 | 3.02e+05 | 3.31e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.55] | 2.019e+05 | 6737.030 | 29.975 | 0.000 | 1.89e+05 | 2.15e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.56] | 2.127e+05 | 6999.314 | 30.390 | 0.000 | 1.99e+05 | 2.26e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.57] | 1.563e+05 | 6413.853 | 24.371 | 0.000 | 1.44e+05 | 1.69e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.58] | 2.722e+05 | 7617.985 | 35.728 | 0.000 | 2.57e+05 | 2.87e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.59] | 2.5e+05 | 7152.431 | 34.956 | 0.000 | 2.36e+05 | 2.64e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.60] | 1.264e+05 | 7419.402 | 17.037 | 0.000 | 1.12e+05 | 1.41e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.61] | 5.933e+04 | 1.32e+04 | 4.489 | 0.000 | 3.34e+04 | 8.52e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.62] | 1.486e+05 | 6562.321 | 22.643 | 0.000 | 1.36e+05 | 1.61e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.63] | 1.299e+05 | 7685.234 | 16.905 | 0.000 | 1.15e+05 | 1.45e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.64] | 5.063e+04 | 7497.228 | 6.753 | 0.000 | 3.59e+04 | 6.53e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.65] | 2.276e+05 | 7840.903 | 29.027 | 0.000 | 2.12e+05 | 2.43e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.66] | 7.063e+04 | 7516.470 | 9.396 | 0.000 | 5.59e+04 | 8.54e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.67] | 3.793e+04 | 9456.808 | 4.011 | 0.000 | 1.94e+04 | 5.65e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.68] | 4.591e+04 | 7416.408 | 6.191 | 0.000 | 3.14e+04 | 6.05e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.69] | 3.666e+05 | 7441.021 | 49.269 | 0.000 | 3.52e+05 | 3.81e+05 |
grade | 3.645e+04 | 1004.395 | 36.289 | 0.000 | 3.45e+04 | 3.84e+04 |
sca_sqft_living | 1.058e+05 | 1483.602 | 71.280 | 0.000 | 1.03e+05 | 1.09e+05 |
sca_sqft_living15 | 3.646e+04 | 1505.741 | 24.213 | 0.000 | 3.35e+04 | 3.94e+04 |
Omnibus: | 2745.646 | Durbin-Watson: | 2.000 |
Prob(Omnibus): | 0.000 | Jarque-Bera (JB): | 8873.079 |
Skew: | 0.739 | Prob(JB): | 0.00 |
Kurtosis: | 5.998 | Cond. No. | 491. |
[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
- f1 = 'price ~ C(codezipcode) + grade + sca_sqft_living + sca_sqft_living15'
- price ~ zipcode(category), grade~~(category)~~, sqft_living(scaled to median, RobustScaler) + sqft_living15 (scaled to median, RobustScaler)
# df_run_ols.to_csv(data_filepath+'df_run_ols_model.csv')
# Visualize Q-Q Plots
fig =, dist=stats.norm, line='45', fit=True,marker='.')
- Interpreting the Q-Q plot:
- The Q-Q plot looks a bit crazy and may indicate... outliers?
- The only thing I did not check for outliers in final model was zipcode.
- Will run cross-validation with test-train-split to help decide
# Visualizing final dataset again.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Re-inspecting XY
# plot_hist_scat(df_run_ols)
# k_fold_val_ols(X,y,k=10):
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn import metrics
y = df_run['price']
# Run 10-fold cross validation
results = [['set#','R_square_train','MSE_train','R_square_test','MSE_test']]
num_coeff = X.shape[1]
list_predictors = [str(x) for x in X.columns]
reg_params = [list_predictors]
while i <(k+1):
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,y) #,stratify=[cat_col_names])
data = pd.concat([X_train,y_train],axis=1)
f1 = 'price~C(codezipcode)+grade+sca_sqft_living+sca_sqft_living15'
model = smf.ols(formula=f1, data=data).fit()
y_hat_train = model.predict(X_train)
y_hat_test = model.predict(X_test)
train_residuals = y_hat_train - y_train
test_residuals = y_hat_test - y_test
train_mse = metrics.mean_squared_error(y_train, y_hat_train)
test_mse = metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_hat_test)
R_sqare_train = metrics.r2_score(y_train,y_hat_train)
R_square_test = metrics.r2_score(y_test,y_hat_test)
results = pd.DataFrame(results[1:],columns=results[0])
Dep. Variable: | price | R-squared: | 0.797 |
Model: | OLS | Adj. R-squared: | 0.796 |
Method: | Least Squares | F-statistic: | 777.3 |
Date: | Sat, 26 Oct 2019 | Prob (F-statistic): | 0.00 |
Time: | 20:53:05 | Log-Likelihood: | -1.8327e+05 |
No. Observations: | 14289 | AIC: | 3.667e+05 |
Df Residuals: | 14216 | BIC: | 3.672e+05 |
Df Model: | 72 | ||
Covariance Type: | nonrobust |
coef | std err | t | P>|t| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
Intercept | 1.335e+04 | 1e+04 | 1.332 | 0.183 | -6299.539 | 3.3e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.1] | 1.987e+04 | 9592.174 | 2.071 | 0.038 | 1064.021 | 3.87e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.2] | -63.1415 | 8455.546 | -0.007 | 0.994 | -1.66e+04 | 1.65e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.3] | 5.148e+05 | 1.02e+04 | 50.375 | 0.000 | 4.95e+05 | 5.35e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.4] | 3.408e+05 | 1.06e+04 | 32.259 | 0.000 | 3.2e+05 | 3.62e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.5] | 2.775e+05 | 7826.332 | 35.454 | 0.000 | 2.62e+05 | 2.93e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.6] | 2.624e+05 | 1.09e+04 | 24.078 | 0.000 | 2.41e+05 | 2.84e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.7] | 2.517e+05 | 8442.654 | 29.818 | 0.000 | 2.35e+05 | 2.68e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.8] | 1.013e+05 | 1.15e+04 | 8.835 | 0.000 | 7.88e+04 | 1.24e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.9] | 1.335e+05 | 9530.979 | 14.007 | 0.000 | 1.15e+05 | 1.52e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.10] | 1.242e+05 | 1.14e+04 | 10.938 | 0.000 | 1.02e+05 | 1.46e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.11] | 8.817e+04 | 9492.392 | 9.288 | 0.000 | 6.96e+04 | 1.07e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.12] | 5.173e+04 | 9098.797 | 5.685 | 0.000 | 3.39e+04 | 6.96e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.13] | -2.24e+04 | 7313.708 | -3.063 | 0.002 | -3.67e+04 | -8062.868 |
C(codezipcode)[T.14] | 1.73e+05 | 1.4e+04 | 12.328 | 0.000 | 1.46e+05 | 2.01e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.15] | 1.859e+05 | 7937.395 | 23.417 | 0.000 | 1.7e+05 | 2.01e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.16] | 1.267e+05 | 8378.602 | 15.125 | 0.000 | 1.1e+05 | 1.43e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.17] | 2.178e+05 | 8326.775 | 26.160 | 0.000 | 2.02e+05 | 2.34e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.18] | -249.4411 | 8757.410 | -0.028 | 0.977 | -1.74e+04 | 1.69e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.19] | 8651.0139 | 8538.847 | 1.013 | 0.311 | -8086.244 | 2.54e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.20] | 5118.0937 | 1.08e+04 | 0.472 | 0.637 | -1.61e+04 | 2.64e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.21] | 3.285e+05 | 7910.146 | 41.525 | 0.000 | 3.13e+05 | 3.44e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.22] | 1.811e+05 | 7233.153 | 25.031 | 0.000 | 1.67e+05 | 1.95e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.23] | 3.053e+04 | 7088.513 | 4.307 | 0.000 | 1.66e+04 | 4.44e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.24] | 6.532e+05 | 4.07e+04 | 16.035 | 0.000 | 5.73e+05 | 7.33e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.25] | 4.461e+05 | 1.06e+04 | 42.253 | 0.000 | 4.25e+05 | 4.67e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.26] | 1.361e+04 | 7178.523 | 1.897 | 0.058 | -456.173 | 2.77e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.27] | 1.115e+05 | 9231.085 | 12.077 | 0.000 | 9.34e+04 | 1.3e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.28] | 2.457e+05 | 7277.677 | 33.757 | 0.000 | 2.31e+05 | 2.6e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.29] | 2.308e+05 | 8008.266 | 28.825 | 0.000 | 2.15e+05 | 2.47e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.30] | 4.328e+04 | 8550.840 | 5.062 | 0.000 | 2.65e+04 | 6e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.31] | 1.08e+05 | 7674.700 | 14.067 | 0.000 | 9.29e+04 | 1.23e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.32] | 3.627e+04 | 7549.579 | 4.804 | 0.000 | 2.15e+04 | 5.11e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.33] | 9.348e+04 | 7609.749 | 12.284 | 0.000 | 7.86e+04 | 1.08e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.34] | 1.181e+05 | 8367.718 | 14.112 | 0.000 | 1.02e+05 | 1.34e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.35] | 2.061e+05 | 1.15e+04 | 17.898 | 0.000 | 1.84e+05 | 2.29e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.36] | 1.686e+05 | 8844.479 | 19.068 | 0.000 | 1.51e+05 | 1.86e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.37] | 2.147e+05 | 7847.667 | 27.357 | 0.000 | 1.99e+05 | 2.3e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.38] | 2.273e+05 | 8579.895 | 26.487 | 0.000 | 2.1e+05 | 2.44e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.39] | 1.782e+05 | 9930.805 | 17.946 | 0.000 | 1.59e+05 | 1.98e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.40] | -1.318e+04 | 8051.617 | -1.637 | 0.102 | -2.9e+04 | 2603.935 |
C(codezipcode)[T.41] | 4.051e+05 | 1.26e+04 | 32.131 | 0.000 | 3.8e+05 | 4.3e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.42] | 3.313e+05 | 7139.097 | 46.400 | 0.000 | 3.17e+05 | 3.45e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.43] | 3.892e+05 | 1e+04 | 38.916 | 0.000 | 3.7e+05 | 4.09e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.44] | 1.131e+05 | 8205.214 | 13.786 | 0.000 | 9.7e+04 | 1.29e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.45] | 3.282e+05 | 8609.280 | 38.122 | 0.000 | 3.11e+05 | 3.45e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.46] | 1.146e+05 | 9650.985 | 11.872 | 0.000 | 9.57e+04 | 1.33e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.47] | 4.354e+05 | 1.31e+04 | 33.220 | 0.000 | 4.1e+05 | 4.61e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.48] | 4.36e+05 | 9737.926 | 44.778 | 0.000 | 4.17e+05 | 4.55e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.49] | 3.28e+05 | 7141.058 | 45.933 | 0.000 | 3.14e+05 | 3.42e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.50] | 3.131e+05 | 8298.811 | 37.725 | 0.000 | 2.97e+05 | 3.29e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.51] | 3.231e+05 | 7309.340 | 44.208 | 0.000 | 3.09e+05 | 3.37e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.52] | 1.738e+05 | 7347.356 | 23.652 | 0.000 | 1.59e+05 | 1.88e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.53] | 4.138e+05 | 1.04e+04 | 39.782 | 0.000 | 3.93e+05 | 4.34e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.54] | 3.085e+05 | 8659.088 | 35.623 | 0.000 | 2.91e+05 | 3.25e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.55] | 1.987e+05 | 7701.688 | 25.794 | 0.000 | 1.84e+05 | 2.14e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.56] | 2.14e+05 | 8105.982 | 26.399 | 0.000 | 1.98e+05 | 2.3e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.57] | 1.538e+05 | 7378.452 | 20.846 | 0.000 | 1.39e+05 | 1.68e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.58] | 2.776e+05 | 8779.423 | 31.614 | 0.000 | 2.6e+05 | 2.95e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.59] | 2.474e+05 | 8226.732 | 30.078 | 0.000 | 2.31e+05 | 2.64e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.60] | 1.283e+05 | 8549.192 | 15.004 | 0.000 | 1.12e+05 | 1.45e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.61] | 5.678e+04 | 1.53e+04 | 3.708 | 0.000 | 2.68e+04 | 8.68e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.62] | 1.449e+05 | 7598.683 | 19.064 | 0.000 | 1.3e+05 | 1.6e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.63] | 1.291e+05 | 8845.429 | 14.596 | 0.000 | 1.12e+05 | 1.46e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.64] | 5.004e+04 | 8588.730 | 5.827 | 0.000 | 3.32e+04 | 6.69e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.65] | 2.213e+05 | 8901.552 | 24.861 | 0.000 | 2.04e+05 | 2.39e+05 |
C(codezipcode)[T.66] | 6.631e+04 | 8734.035 | 7.592 | 0.000 | 4.92e+04 | 8.34e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.67] | 3.447e+04 | 1.1e+04 | 3.127 | 0.002 | 1.29e+04 | 5.61e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.68] | 4.472e+04 | 8526.630 | 5.245 | 0.000 | 2.8e+04 | 6.14e+04 |
C(codezipcode)[T.69] | 3.723e+05 | 8523.482 | 43.674 | 0.000 | 3.56e+05 | 3.89e+05 |
grade | 3.555e+04 | 1156.019 | 30.754 | 0.000 | 3.33e+04 | 3.78e+04 |
sca_sqft_living | 1.052e+05 | 1718.291 | 61.238 | 0.000 | 1.02e+05 | 1.09e+05 |
sca_sqft_living15 | 3.777e+04 | 1741.292 | 21.691 | 0.000 | 3.44e+04 | 4.12e+04 |
Omnibus: | 2119.945 | Durbin-Watson: | 2.022 |
Prob(Omnibus): | 0.000 | Jarque-Bera (JB): | 7070.924 |
Skew: | 0.750 | Prob(JB): | 0.00 |
Kurtosis: | 6.102 | Cond. No. | 484. |
[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
display(results.round(3).style.hide_index().set_caption('K FOLD VALIDATION RESULTS:'))
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row0_col0" class="data row0 col0" >0</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row0_col1" class="data row0 col1" >0.794</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row0_col2" class="data row0 col2" >8.25284e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row0_col3" class="data row0 col3" >0.805</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row0_col4" class="data row0 col4" >7.75865e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row1_col0" class="data row1 col0" >1</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row1_col1" class="data row1 col1" >0.798</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row1_col2" class="data row1 col2" >8.02805e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row1_col3" class="data row1 col3" >0.792</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row1_col4" class="data row1 col4" >8.44119e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row2_col0" class="data row2 col0" >2</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row2_col1" class="data row2 col1" >0.796</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row2_col2" class="data row2 col2" >8.22753e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row2_col3" class="data row2 col3" >0.798</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row2_col4" class="data row2 col4" >7.84085e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row3_col0" class="data row3 col0" >3</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row3_col1" class="data row3 col1" >0.801</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row3_col2" class="data row3 col2" >7.99554e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row3_col3" class="data row3 col3" >0.784</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row3_col4" class="data row3 col4" >8.53921e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row4_col0" class="data row4 col0" >4</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row4_col1" class="data row4 col1" >0.798</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row4_col2" class="data row4 col2" >8.04785e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row4_col3" class="data row4 col3" >0.792</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row4_col4" class="data row4 col4" >8.37521e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row5_col0" class="data row5 col0" >5</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row5_col1" class="data row5 col1" >0.798</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row5_col2" class="data row5 col2" >8.05122e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row5_col3" class="data row5 col3" >0.791</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row5_col4" class="data row5 col4" >8.38799e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row6_col0" class="data row6 col0" >6</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row6_col1" class="data row6 col1" >0.799</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row6_col2" class="data row6 col2" >8.02395e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row6_col3" class="data row6 col3" >0.789</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row6_col4" class="data row6 col4" >8.46109e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row7_col0" class="data row7 col0" >7</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row7_col1" class="data row7 col1" >0.796</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row7_col2" class="data row7 col2" >8.16571e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row7_col3" class="data row7 col3" >0.8</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row7_col4" class="data row7 col4" >8.02418e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row8_col0" class="data row8 col0" >8</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row8_col1" class="data row8 col1" >0.802</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row8_col2" class="data row8 col2" >7.92802e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row8_col3" class="data row8 col3" >0.781</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row8_col4" class="data row8 col4" >8.75334e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row9_col0" class="data row9 col0" >9</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row9_col1" class="data row9 col1" >0.795</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row9_col2" class="data row9 col2" >8.23515e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row9_col3" class="data row9 col3" >0.801</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row9_col4" class="data row9 col4" >7.79522e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row10_col0" class="data row10 col0" >10</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row10_col1" class="data row10 col1" >0.797</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row10_col2" class="data row10 col2" >8.09393e+09</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row10_col3" class="data row10 col3" >0.795</td>
<td id="T_75840d1e_f854_11e9_aa79_acde48001122row10_col4" class="data row10 col4" >8.23092e+09</td>
set# 5.000000e+00
R_square_train 8.000000e-01
MSE_train 8.095434e+09
R_square_test 7.900000e-01
MSE_test 8.237077e+09
dtype: float64
fig =, dist=stats.norm, line='45', fit=True,marker='.')
df_model = pd.concat([df_run[try_modeling],df_run['price']],axis=1)
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
set# | R_square_train | MSE_train | R_square_test | MSE_test |
set# | R_square_train | MSE_train | R_square_test | MSE_test | |
count | 11.000 | 11.000 | 1.100000e+01 | 11.000 | 1.100000e+01 |
mean | 5.000 | 0.798 | 8.095434e+09 | 0.793 | 8.237077e+09 |
std | 3.317 | 0.002 | 1.088873e+08 | 0.007 | 3.343640e+08 |
min | 0.000 | 0.794 | 7.928017e+09 | 0.781 | 7.758653e+09 |
25% | 2.500 | 0.796 | 8.026001e+09 | 0.790 | 7.932512e+09 |
50% | 5.000 | 0.798 | 8.051215e+09 | 0.792 | 8.375206e+09 |
75% | 7.500 | 0.799 | 8.196623e+09 | 0.799 | 8.451143e+09 |
max | 10.000 | 0.802 | 8.252839e+09 | 0.805 | 8.753335e+09 |
For k=10 fold validation, with price as target variable:
- mean r_squared for the test sets was 0.797, with mean MSE = 8.158691e+09
f1 = 'price~C(codezipcode)+C(grade)+sca_sqft_living+sca_sqft_living15'
Predictors in final model:
- 'Zipcode'
- 'grade'
- 'sqft_living'
- 'sqfr_living15'
My final model indicates that the size, location, and housing geade to be critical components in determining salesprice.
- Grade, sqft_living, and sqft_living15 all have straight-forward relationships with sales price, with positive coefficients.
- sqft_living is a larger component of the price (coefficient: 1.043e+05)
- grade (coeff: 3.679e+04)and sqft_living15 (coeff: 3.767e+04) have a similar magnitude of an effect on sales price
- Zipcode is a bit trickier, as each zipcode has its own coefficient.
- Overall, zipcode has a positive coefficient/effect on price (to varying degrees)
- There are, however, a couple zipcodes that negatively impact sales price.
- With more time I would have proceeded to perform the following steps:
- Additional changes to the predictors in the model
- Trying to remove outliers from zipcodes
- Explored additional transformations to the data.
- I was trying to be conservative to keep the interpretability of my model intact.
- Log-transforming the data improved the distributions but made it more difficult to interpret.
- I would further tweak the quality of the visuals, particularly changing the x-tick labels and rotation.
- Additional changes to the predictors in the model
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=21597, step=1)
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
price | bedrooms | bathrooms | sqft_living | sqft_lot | floors | condition | grade | sqft_living15 | sqft_lot15 | is_reno | sca_sqft_living | sca_sqft_lot | sca_sqft_living15 | sca_sqft_lot15 | sca_bedrooms | sca_bathrooms | |
count | 1.905300e+04 | 19053.000000 | 19053.000000 | 19053.000000 | 1.905300e+04 | 19053.000000 | 19053.000000 | 19053.000000 | 19053.000000 | 19053.000000 | 19053.000000 | 19053.000000 | 19053.000000 | 19053.000000 | 19053.000000 | 19053.000000 | 19053.000000 |
mean | 4.681033e+05 | 3.293025 | 2.017136 | 1928.589513 | 1.403172e+04 | 1.468142 | 3.411746 | 7.496720 | 1892.003464 | 12000.351703 | 0.029287 | 0.100602 | 1.262394 | 0.129118 | 0.945326 | 0.293025 | 0.017136 |
std | 1.999766e+05 | 0.780532 | 0.659094 | 699.470303 | 3.882067e+04 | 0.536934 | 0.647548 | 0.978593 | 567.785762 | 24743.514984 | 0.168613 | 0.713745 | 7.491446 | 0.718716 | 5.210258 | 0.780532 | 0.659094 |
min | 7.800000e+04 | 2.000000 | 0.750000 | 440.000000 | 5.200000e+02 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 4.000000 | 399.000000 | 651.000000 | 0.000000 | -1.418367 | -1.345041 | -1.760759 | -1.444515 | -1.000000 | -1.250000 |
25% | 3.135000e+05 | 3.000000 | 1.500000 | 1400.000000 | 5.000000e+03 | 1.000000 | 3.000000 | 7.000000 | 1460.000000 | 5026.000000 | 0.000000 | -0.438776 | -0.480509 | -0.417722 | -0.523268 | 0.000000 | -0.500000 |
50% | 4.310000e+05 | 3.000000 | 2.000000 | 1830.000000 | 7.490000e+03 | 1.000000 | 3.000000 | 7.000000 | 1790.000000 | 7511.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
75% | 5.890000e+05 | 4.000000 | 2.500000 | 2380.000000 | 1.018200e+04 | 2.000000 | 4.000000 | 8.000000 | 2250.000000 | 9775.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.561224 | 0.519491 | 0.582278 | 0.476732 | 1.000000 | 0.500000 |
max | 1.120000e+06 | 5.000000 | 3.500000 | 4230.000000 | 1.651359e+06 | 3.500000 | 5.000000 | 11.000000 | 3660.000000 | 560617.000000 | 1.000000 | 2.448980 | 317.226746 | 2.367089 | 116.467888 | 2.000000 | 1.500000 |
import pandas as pd
df_final_data=pd.concat([df_run, df_dropped[['lat','long','id']]],axis=1)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 21597 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 30 columns):
price 19053 non-null float64
bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot 19053 non-null float64
floors 19053 non-null float64
condition 19053 non-null float64
grade 19053 non-null float64
zipcode 19053 non-null category
sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sqft_lot15 19053 non-null float64
code_view 19053 non-null category
code_waterfront 19053 non-null category
is_reno 19053 non-null float64
bins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null category
bins_sqftabove 19053 non-null category
sca_sqft_living 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_living15 19053 non-null float64
sca_sqft_lot15 19053 non-null float64
sca_bedrooms 19053 non-null float64
sca_bathrooms 19053 non-null float64
codebins_yrbuilt 19053 non-null category
codebins_sqftbasement 19053 non-null category
codebins_sqftabove 19053 non-null category
codezipcode 19053 non-null category
lat 21597 non-null float64
long 21597 non-null float64
id 21597 non-null int64
dtypes: category(10), float64(19), int64(1)
memory usage: 3.7 MB
# save final output
# df_final_data.to_csv(data_filepath+'kc_housing_model_df_final_data.csv')
# Reset the visual style of the notebook
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# inline_rc = dict(mpl.rcParams)
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
# Define the figure and axes and the # of subplots, sharing the y axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,12), ncols=2, nrows=2, sharey=True)
## Defining Formatting to be Used
# Formatting dollar sign labels
fmtPrice = '${x:,.0f}'
tickPrice = mtick.StrMethodFormatter(fmtPrice)
# Axis Label fonts
fontTitle = {'fontsize': 20,
'fontweight': 'bold',
fontAxis = {'fontsize': 16,
'fontweight': 'bold',
fontTicks = {'fontsize': 12,
# The amount of space above titles
y_title_margin = 1.01
# Major title
# plt.suptitle("Critical Factors for Predicting Sales Price", y = 1.0, fontdict=fontTitle, fontsize=22)
## Subplot 1
ax[i,j].set_title("Zipcode",y = y_title_margin,fontdict=fontTitle)#, y = y_title_margin)
# Remove xticks
ax[i,j].set_xticks([]), ax[i,j].set_xlabel('')
# Change y-tick labels
yticklab = ax[i,j].get_yticklabels()
# Set y-grid
ax[i, j].set_axisbelow(True)
ax[i, j].grid(axis='y',ls='--')
## Subplot 2
i,j = 0,1
ax[i,j].set_title("Housing Grade",y = y_title_margin,fontdict=fontTitle)
#Set x axis
# Change y-tick labels
ax[i,j].set_ylabel('')# 'Price',fontdict=fontAxis)
# Set y-grid
ax[i, j].set_axisbelow(True)
ax[i, j].grid(axis='y',ls='--')
yticklab = ax[i,j].get_yticklabels()
## Subplot 3
i,j = 1,0
# Title
ax[i,j].set_title("Living Space (sqft)",y = y_title_margin,fontdict=fontTitle)
# Define the scatter plot and line graph aesthetics
scatter_kws={'s': 5, 'alpha': 0.5,'marker':'.','color':'red'}
# Plot seaborn plot
sns.regplot(df_final_data['sqft_living'], df_final_data['price'],ax=ax[i,j], scatter_kws=scatter_kws, line_kws=line_kws) #,marker='o',size=2)
# sns.stripplot(df_final_data['sqft_living'], df_final_data['price'],ax=ax[i,j],marker='.') #,marker='o',size=2)
## Change the x-axis
ax[i,j].set_xlabel('Area (sqft)',fontdict=fontAxis)
# Get ticks, rotate labels, and return
# xticks = ax[i,j].get_xticks()
ax[i,j].set_xticklabels(xticklab,fontdict=fontTicks, rotation=45)
# Change the major units of x-axis
## Change y-axis
# Change y-tick labels
yticklab = ax[i,j].get_yticklabels()
# Set y-grid
ax[i, j].set_axisbelow(True)
ax[i, j].grid(axis='y',ls='--')
# ## Subplot 4
i,j = 1,1
ax[i,j].set_title("Neighbor's Living Space (sqft)",y = y_title_margin,fontdict=fontTitle)
# Define the scatter plot and line graph aesthetics
scatter_kws={'s': 5, 'alpha': 0.5,'marker':'.','color':'blueviolet'}
# Plot seaborn plot
sns.regplot(df_final_data['sqft_living15'], df_final_data['price'],ax=ax[i,j], scatter_kws=scatter_kws, line_kws=line_kws)
# Change the x-axis labels
ax[i,j].set_xlabel('Area (sqft)',fontdict=fontAxis)
# Get ticks, rotate labels, and return
ax[i,j].set_xticklabels(xticklab,fontdict=fontTicks, rotation=45)
# Change the major units of x-axis
# Change y-tick labels
yticklab = ax[i,j].get_yticklabels()
# Set y-grid
ax[i, j].set_axisbelow(True)
ax[i, j].grid(axis='y',ls='--')
plt.savefig(fig_filepath+"summary_figure.png") # save as png
from IPython.display import Image
Image("Final Figures/map_median_price.png")
Image("Final Figures/map_latlong_price.png")