
Sublime Text plugin to quickly maximize a pane in a multi pane layout without resetting the layout.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Easily maximize/unmaximize a pane without resetting your multi-pane setup.

Ever used a multi pane setup in Sublime Text and want to maximize a single pane for a bit, and be able to switch back to the multi pane layout again when done?

Then MaxPane is for you.

It also works great with BetterTabCycling, Origami and Distraction Free Window!

So lets say you have this multi pane setup:


Maximize Panes

Press ctrl + k, ctrl + f (Linux/Windows) / super + k, super + f (MacOS) to maximize the active (upper right) pane:


Press ctrl + k, ctrl + f (Linux/Windows) / super + k, super + f (MacOS) another time to return to the original state.

Maximize Editor

Press ctrl + k, ctrl + m (Linux/Windows) / super + k, super + m (MacOS) to hide everything but the active pane.


Press ctrl + k, ctrl + m (Linux/Windows) / super + k, super + m (MacOS) another time to return to the original state.


Install via Package Control