Migration check reports a failure on initial commit of schema.rb
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When creating a new Rails project, one of the first steps I do is run rake db:migrate
which creates a schema.rb
file. There are no migrations yet, and the schema.rb has a schema version of 0
, like this:
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 0) do
When trying to commit this to git, this causes the migration check to fail due to this condition:
elsif migration_files.none? && schema_files.any?
"You're trying to change the schema without adding a migration file"
Is there an easy way to fix this?
Or, is this my fault and I shouldn't be running db:migrate until I've defined my first migration? 😄
"Is there an easy way to fix this?"
That's a good question. The logic is currently pretty simplistic. Basically, "did you modify a migration file, and not the schema", or the other way around.
A workaround is to just commit using git commit -n
in this case since you know you want to modify the schema without adding a migration.
I guess we could add in another condition for this specific case which could check for version: 0
or something...