- 1
Could you release a new version?
#286 opened by machisuke - 1
- 0
Checks for problem-free yaml files do not pass.
#284 opened by wakidas - 0
- 1
Duplicate evaluated checks
#279 opened by deepakmahakale - 1
how to run rubocop against changes in non-.rb files
#274 opened by lwille - 4
[RFC] Make it work with Alpine Linux / BusyBox `grep`
#265 opened by fgrehm - 0
scss-lint developers suggest using new linter
#278 opened by UnsolvedCypher - 0
Check new code only
#277 opened by robbat2 - 0
Schema file pattern is outdated
#275 opened by okuramasafumi - 4
Don`t work with SourceTree
#246 opened by dluhhbiu - 0
how to ignore eslint warnings
#264 opened by developer239 - 4
filter_files spends a lot of time in the binary? check
#255 opened by jfly - 8
Bundler 1.15.0 incompatibility
#258 opened by jonatanklosko - 2
uncatched error on 1.9.3 & jruby
#194 opened by mpapis - 1
Removing sourcetree pre-commit
#260 opened by osolano - 0
Upgrade to jshint (2.9.4)
#256 opened by jfly - 3
- 2
Cannot run hooks from SourceTree
#245 opened by wenga86 - 3
Error running pre-commit on Windows
#247 opened by yucombinator - 1
Jasmine Focus pre-commit
#249 opened by scssquatch - 3
default template symlink is missing after gem install
#243 opened by m1foley - 5
Unable to install versions of 0.27.0 and 0.28.0
#241 opened by rlgreen91 - 6
Checks fail to start due to judged a binary file
#238 opened by kyoshidajp - 1
Detect AWS credentials plugin?
#239 opened by aurcioli-handy - 1
Could not load execjs
#234 opened by erayalakese - 1
- 2
- 3
- 0
SCSS Lint post install warning
#215 opened by jish - 3
No check for byebug
#206 opened by prpetten - 5
"Could not find plugin supporting js_hint / JsHint"
#223 opened by rivertam - 6
Feature request: should add recursive traversing
#193 opened by sudodoki - 4
Choosing order of checks?
#209 opened by knovoselic - 2
"pre-commit run --all-files" Not working --> OSError
#198 opened by zonito - 2
puppet plugin
#202 opened by robinbowes - 15
migrate plugins to new repositories
#176 opened by mpapis - 2
renaming ruby library to underscores
#185 opened by mpapis - 13
scss-lint fails
#196 opened by shawnacscott - 1
Will it consider to install via homebrew?
#192 opened by therealechan - 6
Better RVM integration.
#190 opened by Saicheg - 7
Ignore if there is no rvm in path
#189 opened by arashm - 4
How to ignore folders?
#187 opened by KurtPreston - 4
obey .jshintignore?
#161 opened by madhums - 6
local check file 'config/pre-commit.rb' should obey the 'Use snake_case for source file names' rule
#182 opened by zhenyuchen - 4
Workflow with submodules
#186 opened by babelian - 7
Pass command line options to Rubocop
#175 opened by padde - 0
error on broken symlinks
#173 opened by mpapis - 5
- 1