Removing sourcetree pre-commit
Closed this issue · 1 comments
osolano commented
I recently was testing out your solution, but found that this wouldn't help me in my project. I went as far as installing the sourcetree precommit and now am stuck unable to make any commits at all. Do you have any instructions to help remove the script from sourcetree?
now everytime i make any commit I can't and i get this error...
git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false -c credential.helper=sourcetree commit -q -F /var/folders/yq/qpphbzks38n5qy2wgtqd7mgm0000gn/T/SourceTreeTemp.Q1VSQ5
Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle/ directory
Completed with errors, see above
osolano commented
Nevermind i figured it out :)
The pre-commit file was created and saved in .git/hooks for the project folder. removing it did the trick