
Reduce size of PDF (compress) using GhostScript at bash terminal

Primary LanguageShell



Reduce size of PDF (compress) using Ghostscript at terminal.


Move the shrinkpdf.sh to your system execution folder (e.g. /bin/ in Linux distro). Give it permissions to execute

chmod +x ~/bin/shrinkpdf.sh

First parameter (input.pdf): filename of the PDF that is to be converted

Second parameter (output.pdf): filename of the converted PDF

Third parameter: The DPI (resolution) for the output PDF. Default value: 72. For more compression, lower DPI is better but the quality will be worse.

Run it as follows:

~/bin/shrinkpdf.sh input.pdf output.pdf

~/bin/shrinkpdf.sh input.pdf output.pdf 100

~/bin/shrinkpdf.sh input.pdf output.pdf 120

If you don't want to install shrinkpdf in the system, just run

bash shrinkpdf.sh input.pdf output.pdf 72

