
NLeSC Cookiecutter template for Python

Primary LanguagePython

NLeSC Cookiecutter template for Python

This repository can be used to create empty Python projects for newly started Python projects within the Netherlands eScience Center, being compliant for as much as possible with the Software Development Guide.

This repository is intended for use with cookiecutter. Cookiecutter is a command-line utility that creates projects from project templates. For more information about cookiecutter checkout https://cookiecutter.readthedocs.io.

We've tried to keep the template as minimal as possible for now, to prevent having to delete a lot of clutter after creating an empty project, but if you feel something essential is missing let us know.

How to use

The easiest way to develop for python is to setup a virtual environment for your project; we also recommend using python3:

$ virtualenv -p python3 env
$ . env/bin/activate

If you don't have cookiecutter installed yet, use
pip install cookiecutter
to install cookiecutter.

Once cookiecutter is installed you can use
cookiecutter https://github.com/benvanwerkhoven/cookie-python.git
to create a new Python project.

After this command you will be prompted with a number of questions. This information will be used to fill out the template as the new project directory structure is created for you. Below is a short explanation of what exactly will be asked from you.

  • full_name []: Please fill in your full name. e.g. 'John Smith'
  • email [yourname@esciencecenter.nl]: Your work email adress
  • github_username []: Please enter the GitHub username that will be the owner of the repository for this project.
  • project_name [Python Boilerplate]: Please write the name of your project out in full.
  • project_slug []: This will be the name of the directory to be created and the git repository.
  • project_short_description []: The information that you enter here will end up in the README.md, the License and the setup.py files, so it may be a good idea to have a short description of the project ready.
  • version [0.1.0]: The first version for your project, NLeSC preference is using semantic versioning
  • Select open_source_license: The intended license, NLeSC preference is Apache 2.0

How to contribute

Suggestions/improvements/edits are most welcome. You can create a pull request if you like or just send Carlos or Ben an email.

Contributing authors so far:

  • Carlos Martinez Ortiz
  • Ben van Werkhoven
  • Jisk Attema