Portal for the eWUDAPT workshop

Primary LanguageMakefile

eWUDAPT portal

This is basic website made for the lorentz center workshop eWUDAPT: Bringing eScience to Urban Climate Mapping and Modelling

eWUDAPT poster


  1. set up a virutal environment for the python packages
mkdir eWUDAPT && cd eWUDAPT
virtualenv .
. env/bin/activate
  1. install pelican and markdown and dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. install the theme
git clone https://github.com/yuex/pelican-chameleon theme
  1. Build the static website
make html
  1. The output directory now contains the full website. You can host it using your preferred server, or for development use the built-in webserver:
cd output
python -m pelican.server

# Plots

Plots should be placed in the content/images directory.
Naming scheme: ```usecase??_stage?_variable.jpg```

# Quick links

* [Markdown primer](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics)

* [Adding images to pelican blog posts in markdown](http://docs.getpelican.com/en/3.6.3/content.html#linking-to-static-files)