
Downloads all reciva.com internet radio stations to JSON files (for education purposes)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Downloads all reciva.com internet radio stations to JSON files (for education purposes)

NOTE - Not working anymore

As reciva.com has disappeared, this won't work anymore. See https://github.com/jisotalo/reciva-radio-stations-sqlite for a SQLite database of the stations.

Do you have a reciva radio? See:



Recica.com is closing and thanks to that there is million internet radio devices going to e-waste.

If you use this node index.js

or to start from location number x (example = 50) node index.js 50

Output go to ./stations/ directory like

cd ./stations/

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----          2.5.2021     19.34            339 0_Afghanistan.json
-a----          2.5.2021     19.36            795 10_Armenia.json
-a----          2.5.2021     19.36            329 11_Aruba.json
-a----          2.5.2021     19.36             66 12_Ashmore_andCartierIslands.json
-a----          2.5.2021     19.39          20372 13_Australia.json
-a----          2.5.2021     19.42          13386 14_Austria.json
-a----          2.5.2021     19.42             49 15_Azerbaijan.json
-a----          2.5.2021     19.42            745 16_Bahamas.json