
Time-series database

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

README Build Status Coverity Scan Build Status Join the chat at https://gitter.im/akumuli/Akumuli

Akumuli is a time-series database for modern hardware. It can be used to capture, store and process time-series data in real-time. The word "akumuli" can be translated from Esperanto as "accumulate".


  • True column-oriented format (not PAX).
  • Based on novel LSM and B+tree hybrid datastructure with multiversion concurrency control (no concurrency bugs, parallel writes, optimized for SSD and NVMe).
  • Crash safety and recovery.
  • Fast aggregation without pre-configured rollups or materialized views.
  • Queries can be executed without decompressing the data.
  • Fast compression algorithm (dictionary + entropy) with small memory overhead (about 2.5 bytes per element on appropriate data).
  • Compressed in-memory storage for recent data.
  • Can be used as a server application or an embedded library.
  • Simple query language based on JSON and HTTP.
  • Fast range scans and joins, read speed doesn't depend on database cardinality.
  • Fast data ingestion over the network:
    • 4.5M data points per second on 8-core Intel Xeon E5-2670 v2 (m3.2xlarge EC2 instance).
    • 16.1M data points per second on 32-core Intel Xeon E5-2680 v2 (c3.8xlarge EC2 instance).
  • Query results are streamed to client using the chunked transfer encoding of the HTTP protocol.
  • Decompression algorithm and input parsers were fuzz-tested.
  • Grafana datasource plugin.
  • Fast and compact inverted index for series lookup.
Storage engine features Current version Future versions
Inserts In order Out of order
Updates - +
Deletes - +
MVCC + +
Compression + +
Tags + +
High-throughput ingestion + +
High cardinality - +
Crash recovery + +
Incremental backup - +
Clustering - +
Replication - +
ARM support - +
Windows support - +
Query language features Current version Future versions
Range scans + +
Merge series + +
Aggregate series + +
Merge & aggregate + +
Group-aggregate + +
Group-aggregate & merge - +
Join + +
Join & merge - +
Join & group-aggregate - +
Join & group-aggregate & merge - +
Filter by value + +
Filter & group-aggregate + +
Filter & join + +

Gettings Started

Supported Platforms

Pre-built Debian/RPM packages for the following platforms are available via packagecloud:

  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Debian Jessie
  • Debian Stretch
  • CentOS 7

Docker image is availabe through Docker Hub.

Tools for monitoring

Akumuli supports OpenTSDB telnet-style API for writing. This means that many collectors works with it without any trouble, for instance netdata, collectd, and tcollector. Grafana datasource plugin is availabe as well.

Google group