
This repository conatins the implementation of designed Emotion Recognition model trained using Cohn-Kanade and fer-2013 datasets.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository conatins the implementation of designed Emotion Recognition model trained using Cohn-Kanade and fer-2013 datasets.The Best Accuracy obtained is 78.9% . Emotions used are - Happy,Sad,Angry and Suprise.

About the datasets

I have used two datasets - Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset(CK+) and fer-2013 dataset . The CK+ dataset contains only 123 subjects whereas the fer-2013 dataset contains more than thousand subjects. As a result The test accuracy of CK+ is 92.3% whereas the test result of of fer-2013 is below 70% . So i have performed a combination of both the dataset to get a more balanced dataset . I also had to discard 40% of images from all the subjects in Cohn-Kanade's dataset because they were meaningless and irrelevant. Details of acquiring CK+ dataset is here and fer-2013 is here .

Modules Used

  • Keras
  • Tensorflow-gpu == 1.5
  • tqdm
  • dlib
  • opencv
  • os
  • shutil
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • sklearn
  • imutils
  • scipy

Steps for using the software

Follow the following steps sequentially :-

  • Download shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat from here and put it in the Repository directory.

  • Download the datasets from the above links and put their contents in the folders - Cohn-Kanade_Dataset and fer2013 respectively.

  • Run Extract_fer2013_images.py

python3 Extract_fer2013_images.py

It will extract the images from csv file in fer-2013 dataset and create a seperate folder named fer2013_extracted_Dataset containing all the images in the respective label named subfolders.

  • Run Data_preparation.py
python3 Data_preparation.py

It will combine the two datasets along with cropping and resizing each of the image in both the datasets so that only face portion pixels are visible.It will create a folder containing modified images named Training_Dataset . We also eliminate the first 40 % of the images of each subjects in the Cohn-Kanade dataset because they are irrelevant.

  • Run Generate_features_csv.py
python3 Generate_features_csv.py

This will apply the 68 point landmark system on the Training_Dataset images and find euclidean distances between each points and store them as feature on a csv file names features.csv.Total features would be 68x68 = 4642 features + 1 target label.

  • Run Training_Classifier.py
python3 Training_Classifier.py

An ANN is designed using Keras for predicting the target variables using the features.The model will be saved on path Saved_Model/Classifier_model.sav

  • Run face_detection_and_emotion_recognition.py
python3 face_detection_and_emotion_recognition.py

This will perform realtime prediction from the video feed acquired from the webcam.

About the Software

I have dlib face detector and dlib 68 point shape predictor for Emotion Recognition . The predictor provides 68 coordinates in the face to predict its shape . I have used the euclidean distances among these points as features to predict target variable . While computing realtime predictions i have cropped and resize the face portion of every face for accurate predictions over long distances from the video source . I have also designed a progress bar which displays the probability of each of the four emotions - Happy,Sad,Angry,Suprise. Adding any more emotions causes a drop in the accuracy so i have used only these four emotions for training.Using progress bar will significantly slow down the process of prediction and using progress bar is only relevant when trying to predict the emotion of a single face per frame.

Sample Face Landmark on Dataset Images




Some Predictions of the software




  • Jiten Sinha


This project is based under MIT Licence.To know more click here.