Friendsbook App Server

Endpoints available

  1. GET /users?limit=0&offset=10 - Get list of all users (paginated)
  2. GET /users/:id - Get user by id
  3. GET /users/:id/friends?limit=0&offset=10 - Get user friends (paginated)

Where limit is the number of records to be fetched and offset is the page number.

User model contains:

  1. id (Auto Increment - Seed)
  2. firstName
  3. lastName
  4. avatar

Tech stack

  1. Express
  2. Jest
  3. Eslint
  4. mysql2
  5. Supertest

Quick setup

  1. npm install

  2. Populate api/db/config with database details

  3. Create a .env file at the root level of the project with following values: 3.1 NODE_ENV= 3.2 PORT=

  4. npm run start

[Note]: If .env file is skipped node will default to 'development' and 8080 as values for the same.

Other useful scripts

  1. npm run lint (see lint erros)
  2. npm run lint-fix (fix potentially fixable)
  3. npm run test